100字范文 > 防火特性 fireproof charecteristics英语短句 例句大全

防火特性 fireproof charecteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-15 16:37:23


防火特性 fireproof charecteristics英语短句 例句大全

防火特性,fireproof charecteristics

1)fireproof charecteristics防火特性

1.Study onfireproof charecteristics of aluminum-plastic composite panel for curtain wall;幕墙用铝塑复合板材料的防火特性研究

2)fire resistance characteristics防火特点

1.Discussion on thefire resistance characteristics of high-rise residential building;浅析高层住宅建筑的防火特点

3)fire-protecting special paper防火特种纸

4)fire resistance防火性能

1.A non linear FE method is used to calculate thefire resistances of RC members.在计算混凝土截面受火时温度场分布的基础上 ,用非线性有限元法对钢筋混凝土构件的防火承截力进行了计算 ,由此得到了其在受火时的时间变形全过程曲线并分析了不同参数对钢筋混凝土构件的防火承截力的影响 ,结果证明该方法能有效地用于分析钢筋混凝土构件和结构的防火性能 。


1.Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Classification for fire retardancyGB15442.1-1995饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法防火性能分级

2.The Application of Fireproofing Coatings for Steel Structure and Performance Analyzing of Fireproofing Protection on a Warehouse Steel Structure;钢结构防火涂料的应用与防火性能化实例分析

3.Influence of Structures of Polyacrylate Latex on the Fire-Retardant Properties of Fire-Retardant Coatings聚丙烯酸酯结构对防火涂料防火性能的影响

4.Research on Fire Detector Choice for Warehouses by Fire Resistant Performance Design Method成品库防火性能化设计火灾探测器选择研究

5.Machined fire-lip act as metal backup seat has excellent fire-safe capability.加工的防火唇作为金属辅助阀,具有卓越的防火性能。

6.Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Cabinet methodGB/T15442.4-1995饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法小室燃烧法

7.Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Tunnel methodGB/T15442.3-1995饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法隧道燃烧法

8.Classification and test methods for fire retardancy of finishing fire retardant paints-- Big panel methodGB/T15442.2-1995饰面型防火涂料防火性能分级及试验方法大板燃烧法

9.Research of Performance-based Fire Protection Design for the Steel Structure in the Fire;火灾下钢结构性能化防火设计的研究

10.The risk evaluation and fire protection design of in ancient buildings古建筑的火灾危险性评估与性能化防火设计

11.The Preparation of Antifreeze and the Study on Fire Proofing Coating Performance;水性防火涂料防冻剂制备及其涂料性能研究

12.Testing Research for Fire Resistance of Fire Protection Materials for Steel Structure;钢结构防火保护材料耐火性能试验研究

13.Research of Fire-Resistance and Fire-Protection for the Plane Steel-Flame Structure;平面钢框架结构的抗火性能及防火保护研究

14.Relation between section modulus of steel and fire resistance performance of fire-proof coating钢构件截面系数与防火涂料耐火性能的关系

15.Study on the fire-resistance performance of steel columns with damaged fire retardant coating防火涂料局部破损后钢柱抗火性能研究

16.Setting of fire scenarios in performance-based fire safety design for ancient buildings古建筑性能化防火设计中火灾场景的设置

17.The Performance-based Fire Analysis of the Harm in an Interbed Architecture of a Mass-attendance Building人员聚集场所夹层火灾危害的性能化防火分析

18.Research on Performance-based Fire Protection Applicated in Underground Tunnel Constructions;地铁隧道工程的性能化防火问题研究


fire resistance characteristics防火特点

1.Discussion on thefire resistance characteristics of high-rise residential building;浅析高层住宅建筑的防火特点

3)fire-protecting special paper防火特种纸

4)fire resistance防火性能

1.A non linear FE method is used to calculate thefire resistances of RC members.在计算混凝土截面受火时温度场分布的基础上 ,用非线性有限元法对钢筋混凝土构件的防火承截力进行了计算 ,由此得到了其在受火时的时间变形全过程曲线并分析了不同参数对钢筋混凝土构件的防火承截力的影响 ,结果证明该方法能有效地用于分析钢筋混凝土构件和结构的防火性能 。

5)fireproof performance防火性能

1.This fire-retardant coating not only had advantages of goodfireproof performance,low environmental pollution and wide range of application,but also showed fine decorating effect which could be compared with those of ordinary coatings.该防火涂料的特点是:防火性能好、不污染环境、适用范围广、装饰效果好,具有普通涂料的装饰水平。



