100字范文 > 调度数据网 dispatching data network英语短句 例句大全

调度数据网 dispatching data network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-25 17:02:24


调度数据网 dispatching data network英语短句 例句大全

调度数据网,dispatching data network

1)dispatching data network调度数据网

1.Research on applying MPLS VPN technique to Guangzhou powerdispatching data network;MPLS VPN技术在广州电力调度数据网的应用研究

2.Configuration ofdispatching data network in 110kV/35kV substations;110kV/35kV变电站调度数据网配置方案

3.Construction and application of areadispatching data network;地区调度数据网的建设及应用


1.Design and Implementation of Anhui Power Dispatch Data Network安徽电力调度数据网网络设计与实施

2.Construction scheme of power dispatching data network in Zhejiang浙江电力调度数据网建设方案的探讨

3.Construction of Qinghai electric power dispatching data network and its service switching青海电力调度数据网建设与业务倒换

4.Inner Mongolia Power Dispatching Data Network Construction Analysis and Research;内蒙古电网调度数据网建设分析与研究

5.The application of power dispatching data network in Ningxia Power Grid电力调度数据网络在宁夏电网中的应用

6.Study and Application on Transmitting of Serial Port Data Through Dispatching Data Network串行口数据通过调度数据网通道传输的研究应用

7.Area Dispatching Automation System and Scheduling of Data Network Security Analysis and Discussion地区调度自动化系统及调度数据网安全分析探讨

8.Research on Packet Scheduling in Wireless Networks;数据包在无线网络中调度策略的研究

9.Architecture of Power Distribution Dispatching Automation System Based on the Concept of Data Mart基于数据集市配电网调度自动化系统体系结构

10.Database Design and System Integration for Hydroelectric Power Optimization Dispatch System in Huazhong Electric Power Network;华中电网水电优化调度系统数据库设计与集成

11.Research on Data Mining Task Scheduling Based on Service Grid;基于服务网格的数据挖掘任务调度引擎研究

12.Research on Key Technologies of Job Allocation and Scheduling in Data Mining Grid;数据挖掘网格中作业分配与调度关键技术研究

13.Studies of Optical Burst Switching Network Scheduling Algorithm and NS Simulation光突发交换网络数据调度算法研究及NS仿真

14.CIM/XML Based Data Interface Design for Power Grid Visualization Dispatching System基于CIM/XML的电网调度可视化系统数据接口设计

15.Grid Dispatch Automatic Station System Data Collection Improvement电网调度自动化主站系统数据采集改进方案

16.Pilot study on the dispatching integrated data platform of Ningxia Power Grid宁夏电网调度综合数据平台系统初步研究

work Probes Provide In-Depth Data网络探头提供深度数据

18.scheduler work area data set调度程序工作区数据集


district dispatching data network地区调度数据网

3)power dispatch data network电力调度数据网

1.Adopted three Hierarchy and IP technology,North Chinapower dispatch data network was built on the highly reliable optical fiber transport channel.华北电力调度数据网采用三级分层IP技术,在高可靠性的光纤传输通道上建立了高带宽、高性能的数据通信网络,可满足华北电力调度生产相关业务的数据传输需要。

2.This paper describes the topological structure of shanxipower dispatch data network and the way of realization.山西电力调度数据网是山西电网调度实时监控系统及与调度生产直接相关的各应用系统信息传输的基础平台,是山西电网调度生产的专用数据网络。

3.A high-bandwidth and high-performance data communication network has been designed for the Sichuanpower dispatch data network by using the IP over SDH technology based on the high reliability optical transmission channel.四川电力调度数据网采用IP over SDH技术,在高可靠性的光纤传输通道上建立高带宽、高性能的电力调度数据专用网络,以满足四川电力调度生产相关业务的数据传输需要。

4)power dispatching data network电力调度数据网

1.Research on Guangzhoupower dispatching data network based on MPLS VPN technique;基于MPLS VPN技术的广州电力调度数据网研究

2.Based on an analysis of the current security scheme for public key infrastructure and certification authorities (PKI/CA) in thepower dispatching data network and focusing on the contradiction between real time and security, a novel security scheme for identity authentication and key agreement is proposed.在分析电力调度数据网络现有的基于公钥数字证书的公钥基础设施/认证中心(PKI/CA)的安全系统基础上,针对调度数据网络中实时性与安全性需求之间的矛盾,提出了新的身份认证和密钥协商安全方案,通过改进基于有限域上离散对数的数字签名和密钥协商算法,将身份认证和密钥协商融合在一次会话中,并且使安全方案不依赖于第三方的在线证书系统,同时在现有的虚拟专用网(VPN)安全框架内对冗余功能进行了裁剪,取代了传统的PKI/CA体制,在保证电力调度数据网络安全性需求的同时满足了实时性需求。

5)dispatching data network调度数据网络

1.In accordance with the business feature of Jiangsudispatching data network,the significance of application of data mining technology on analysis ofdispatching data network business flow is introduced.针对江苏调度数据网络的业务特点 ,提出了利用数据挖掘技术对调度数据网络进行业务流分析的重要意义 ,并讨论了在网络业务流分析中 ,采用数据挖掘技术的必要性和可行性 ,以及在网络业务流分析中进行数据挖掘的具体实现。

6)data scheduling数据调度

1.Adaptivedata scheduling algorithm for P2P media streaming;一种自适应的P2P流媒体数据调度算法

2.improving the parallelism of multifunction units,data scheduling and localization are fully discussed;and a series of methods and technques for efficient programming are presente围绕减少指令流水线阻塞,提高多功能部件并行度,数据调度与局部化技术三个方面进行了深入的讨论,给出了一系列设计高效程序的方法和技巧。

3.The principles and characteristics of three representativedata scheduling polices based on single cast tree,multicast tree and random topology were mainly desc.数据调度是P2P流媒体研究中的核心问题,流媒体中严格的服务质量要求、Peer节点状态的不稳定性以及其带宽资源的有限性是其面临的主要挑战。


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。
