100字范文 > 紫外光谱法 UV spectrophotometry英语短句 例句大全

紫外光谱法 UV spectrophotometry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-11 12:37:08


紫外光谱法 UV spectrophotometry英语短句 例句大全

紫外光谱法,UV spectrophotometry

1)UV spectrophotometry紫外光谱法

1.Study on theUV spectrophotometry of the hormonic compound 2,4-dichlorophenol in the environment and its application;环境中荷尔蒙类化合物2,4-二氯苯酚的紫外光谱法研究及应用

2.Simultaneous Determination of Benzoic Acid and Salicylic Acid inCompound Benzoic Acid Ointment by K-Factor UV Spectrophotometry;系数倍率紫外光谱法同时测定复方苯甲酸软膏中的苯甲酸和水杨酸的研究

3.Research on Simultaneous Determination of Phenol and Salicylic Acid inPharmacyical Waste Water by UV Spectrophotometry;紫外光谱法同时测定制药废水中苯酚和水杨酸的研究


1.Analysis of fireground residues of gasoline using UV spectrometer紫外光谱法分析火场残留物汽油成分

2.Concentration Measurement of Novel Water-soluble Polymers Used in EOR with Ultraviolet Spectroscopy紫外光谱法测定提高采收率用新型聚合物浓度


4.Testify the Content of Sleeping Potions in the Urine through Ultraviolet Spectrum Method;紫外光谱法测定尿液中安眠类药物的含量

5.Study on ultraviolet spectrometric quantitative analysis for heptadeceny-imidazoline十七烯基咪唑啉的紫外光谱法定量测定研究

6.Determination of Chloramphenicol Residues in Aquatic Products by UV Spectra紫外光谱法测定水产品中氯霉素的残留量

7.Ultraviolet light or the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.紫外光,紫外线的紫外光或光谱的紫外线部分

8.Determination of Trace Cobalt in Samples by UV-Vis after Cloud Point Extraction浊点萃取-紫外可见光谱法测定痕量钴

9.uv photoemission spectroscopy紫外线光电发射光谱学

10.This paper reports the method of extraction of ricinine. UV and IR spectra of ricinine are studied by UV, IR spectrameter.本文报导了蓖麻碱的提取方法,研究了它的紫外光谱和红外光谱。

11.vis-UV chromatogram analyzer可见紫外光色谱分析仪

12.Qualitative Analysis of Dry-Fruit of Siraitia Grosvenorii by FT-IR and UV-Vis Spectrometry傅里叶变换红外光谱法和紫外-可见谱线组法分析广西特产罗汉果

13.Determination of Enthalpy Change of Coordinating Color Reaction by UV Vis Absorption Spectrum Method紫外-可见吸收光谱法测定配合显色反应的焓变

14.Determination of Propranolol in Human Liver by Solid-phase Extraction and UV Derivative Spectrophotometry;固相萃取——紫外导数光谱法测定肝中心得安含量

15.The Determination of Brucine in Blood by Solid - phase Extraction with Celite and UV Derivative Spectrophotometry;硅藻土提取紫外导数光谱法测定血中马钱子碱

16.Rapid Determination of Ethyl Acetate Content via UV-Vis Spectroscopy紫外-可见光谱法快速测定乙酸乙酯含量

17.Denoising and Assessing Method of Additive Noise in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of SO_2 in Flue Gas烟气中SO_2紫外光谱的加性噪声去除及评价方法

18.Study on the Determination of Permanganate Index by UV-Vis Spectrometry紫外-可见光谱法测定高锰酸盐指数的研究



paration of Contents of Tea Polyphenols in Oolong Tea and Spray of Oolong Tea byUV;紫外光谱法比较乌龙茶和乌龙茶嫩茎中的茶多酚含量

2.UV determination of contents of oleanlic acid;紫外光谱法测定齐墩果酸含量

3.Methods:UV, HPLC and so on were used.方法 :采用紫外光谱法、高效液相色谱等方法。

3)Ultraviolet spectroscopy紫外光谱法

1.The concentration measurement of novel water-soluble polymers used in EOR by means of ultraviolet spectroscopy is discussed.通过实验验证了紫外光谱法可用于测定提高采收率用新型聚合物浓度。

2.Method Ultraviolet Spectroscopy was used to survey the inclusion complex of insulin and β-cyclodextrin in water solution with different pH, and to measure the constant of inclusion complex.方法 用紫外光谱法在不同pH条件水溶液中,研究胰岛素和β-环糊精的包合,并测定包合常数。

3.Methods Fluorescence spectroscopy and ultraviolet spectroscopy were used.方法采用荧光光谱法(FS)和紫外光谱法(UV)。

4)ultraviolet spectrometry紫外光谱法

1.Methods:The constituents were isolated and purified by using column chromatography with polyamide and appraised by thin-layer chromatography and Ultraviolet spectrometry.方法:先利用聚酰胺柱层析法分离,再用薄层色谱法和紫外光谱法进行鉴定,并以芦丁为标准品,采用紫外分光光度法进行含量测定。

5)UV spectrum紫外光谱法

1.Scanning electron microscope (SEM) andUV spectrum methods were used to identify Kochia scoparia and its substitutes , including the fruits of Chenopodium album, Chenopodium serotinum and Kochia scoparia ( L.分别采用扫描电镜和紫外光谱法对地肤子、藜、小藜和扫帚菜四种药材进行了比较鉴别。

2.According to the character that there maybe multi-cyclic aromatics products after gasoline combustion, this paper studies the purification andUV spectrum analysis of the possible existing gasoline of fire ground residues.根据汽油燃烧有可能生成复杂的多环芳烃的特点,对火场残留物中可能存在的微量汽油成分进行了提纯,并利用紫外分光光度计对样品进行分析,通过分析总结实验得出的数据及图谱,可以证明紫外光谱法分析火场残留物中可能存在的汽油成分是一种快速有效的鉴定分析方法。

6)ultraviolet fluorescence spectrometry紫外荧光光谱法

1.Fe,Zn,Ca,Co,Ni,Cu and Mn remained in the residue without any interference on determination of trace uranium byultraviolet fluorescence spectrometry.地质样品经HF-HNO_3-HCl-HClO_4溶解后,用50 g/L碳酸钠溶液浸取分离,采用紫外荧光光谱法直接测定上清液的铀含量。


真空紫外光谱区分子式:CAS号:性质:又称远紫外区(far ultraviolet region)。在电磁波谱上波长10~195nm波段称真空紫外光谱区。组成空气的成分氮、氧、水蒸气和惰性气体对远紫外辐射具有强烈的吸收。氧有两个吸收区,为195~176nm和110~30nm;氮的吸收区为145~99nm;水蒸气也有两个吸收区:一个是178~10nm左右,另一个是134~10nm左右。惰性气体对远紫外辐射吸收较小,可忽略不计。
