100字范文 > 复方芎芷散 Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi英语短句 例句大全

复方芎芷散 Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 20:29:28


复方芎芷散 Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi英语短句 例句大全

复方芎芷散,Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi

1)Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi复方芎芷散

1.Clinical Study ofCompound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi"s Treatment Results on Vascular Headache of Blood Stagnation Type复方芎芷散治疗血管性头痛临床疗效观察


1.Clinical Study of Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi"s Treatment Results on Vascular Headache of Blood Stagnation Type复方芎芷散治疗血管性头痛临床疗效观察

2.Clinical Observation of the Effect of FFXZ Powder on Treating Vascular Headache with Blood Stagnation Type复方芎芷散治疗瘀血阻络型血管性头痛临床疗效观察

3.Effects of principal constituents and their combination of Chuanxiongfangfengbaizhi Formula on rat isolated thoracic aorta*川芎防风白芷方主成分及其组合对大鼠离体胸主动脉的作用

4.Effect of Chuanxiong Fangfeng Baizhi prescription on isolated rabbit basilar artery川芎防风白芷方主成分及其组合对家兔离体脑基底动脉的作用

5.Objective To investigate the chronic toxicity of Compound Radix Angelicae Dahuricae capsule.目的考察复方白芷胶囊的长期毒性。

6.The Studies on Xinzhi Ion-Activated Nasal in Situ Gel辛芷(复方)离子敏感型鼻用原位凝胶的研制

7.Study on the Extraction and Purification Procedure of Radix Angelicae Dahuricae in Compound Toufengning Drop Pills复方头风宁滴丸中白芷提取纯化工艺的研究

8.The Influence of Languages Contact on Chinese Dialect and Kam in Zhijiang芷江汉语方言与芷江侗语的接触和相互影响

9.Effect of Xiong Zhi Dilong Tang on Plasma and Brain Stem β-EP and CGRP in Migraine-Model Animals芎芷地龙汤对偏头痛模型动物血液和脑干中β-EP、CGRP的影响

10.Effect of Xiongzhidilong-Decoction on NO and NOS in plasma and brain stem of migraine model芎芷地龙汤对偏头痛模型动物血液和脑干中NO、NOS的影响

11.Traditional Chinese Medicine Recipe Therapeutic Drug Monitoring(Ⅰ)-Monitoring Pharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Ligusticum Wallichii Recipe;方剂治疗药物监测(Ⅰ)—川芎复方的制剂学及其临床药动学监测

12.Extraction of Medical Ingredients from Angelica Sinensis and Ligusticum Chuanxiong with Supercritical CO_2;超临界二氧化碳萃取当归与川芎单复方中的药效成分研究

13.Protect Effect and Mechanism of VLC on Myocardial Ischemia;复方缬芎滴丸对心肌缺血保护作用及其机制探讨

14.Clinical observations of treatment of fetal growth restriction with Fufang Danshen injection and TMP;复方丹参注射液+川芎嗪治疗胎儿生长受限临床疗效观察

15.Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Process of Oil-Bearing Water Bodies Ultrafiltrate from Compound Chuanxiong Capsules复方川芎胶囊含油水体超滤液反渗透过程工艺参数优化研究

16.Observation of curative effects of compound glycyrrhizin combined with ligustrazine on patients with alcoholic liver disease复方甘草酸苷联合川芎嗪治疗酒精性肝病的疗效观察

17.Clinical effect of vertebrobasilar ischemia treated by Compounds Xiong-Xie capsule复方芎蝎胶囊治疗椎基底动脉供血不足的疗效观察

18.Determination of Ferulic Acid and Gastrodin in Drug Delivery System of Dachuanxiong by HPLC/DADHPLC-DAD法同时测定大川芎复方释药系统中阿魏酸与天麻素的含量


Xiong Zhi Tong Yu Xiao San Tie芎芷痛瘀消散贴

1.Clinical study ofXiong Zhi Tong Yu Xiao San Tie on Knee Pain (Blood Stasis Syndrome)induced by Osteoarthritis;芎芷痛瘀消散贴治疗膝骨性关节炎膝关节痛临床研究

3)Chuanxiong Fangfeng Baizhi prescription川芎防风白芷方

1.Effect ofChuanxiong Fangfeng Baizhi prescription on isolated rabbit basilar artery川芎防风白芷方主成分及其组合对家兔离体脑基底动脉的作用

4)Xiongjiang Decoction芎姜复方

1.Effect of Different Extraction Parts fromXiongjiang Decoction on Promoting Uterine Muscle Contraction;芎姜复方不同提取部位的宫缩效应研究


1.OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect ofFufangchuanxiong capsules on the levels of endo thelin(ET) and lipid peroxide(LPO) of proliferative nephritis patients.目的 :观察复方川芎胶囊对增殖性肾炎患者血浆内皮素 1(ET 1)和脂质过氧化物 (LPO)的影响。

6)ligusticum wallichii recipe川芎复方


