100字范文 > 英才儿童 gifted and talented children英语短句 例句大全

英才儿童 gifted and talented children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 21:53:56


英才儿童 gifted and talented children英语短句 例句大全

英才儿童,gifted and talented children

1)gifted and talented children英才儿童

2)gifted children天才儿童

1.The Report,A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America s Brightest Students,introduced and summarized the educational modal aiming at acceleration ofgifted children in the U.《国家被骗:学校如何阻碍了美国最聪明的学生》报告,系统地介绍和总结了美国针对天才儿童的“加速发展”教育模式,尖锐地提出并深入地分析了美国天才儿童的教育—学习权利社会保障所面临的问题,引起美国社会各界对天才儿童教育的普遍关注和重视。

2.How to distinguishgifted children has been a disputed question in the field of children s psychology.如何准确鉴别天才儿童在心理学领域一直是一个有争议的问题。


1.a child/infant prodigy,ie one who is unusually talented for his age,eg in music or mathematics天才儿童[神童](如在音乐或数学方面早慧者).

2.a genius quiz show kid is used and ignored by his dad;一个智力竞赛的天才儿童受到父亲的利用和忽视;

3.Education of Gifted Children in America: Historical Reflection on Social Protection of Learning Rights;美国天才儿童教育——学习权利社会保障的历史反思与启示

4.Until, accidentally and unfortunately, I had read a book by a foreign author about children, I did not know that children had a hundred and one reasons to play and toys were their angels.我不幸偶而看了一本外国的讲论儿童的书,才知道游戏是儿童最正当的行为,玩具是儿童的天使。

5.If children grew up according to early inclination,we should have nothing but geniuses.儿童如按其早期倾向成长,则个个都会成为天才.

6.untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient; an untutored genius; uneducated children.没有上过学的人语言技能非常贫乏;没上过学的天才;失学的儿童。

7.Respecting child"s heart means respecting child"s nature.尊重儿童的核心就是尊重儿童的天性。

8.Our shop has started a Children"s World to handle a good variety of children"s goods.本店特辟儿童天地,专营各类儿童用品。

9.Little Man Tate我的天才宝贝/神童泰德

10.Yes. Tomorrow is June the first, Children"s Day.对了。明天是儿童节。

11.Why! Today is Children"s Day.为什么!今天是儿童节。

12.Childhood International Catholic Office国际天主教儿童服务社

13.Children are natural exhibitionists.儿童天生喜欢自我表现.

14.Children have a day off on June 1.六月一日儿童放假一天。

15.To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and special education in no case can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence.在一定程度上讲,我们的智力是天生的,而任何的特殊教育都不能把一个弱智的儿童培养成天才。

16.What is genius?It is the power to a boy again at will.什么是天才?天才就是任意返老还童的能力。

17.Children must eat well to be healthy.儿童必须吃得好才会健康。

18.What can we do that Children art education to become a good present?儿童美术教育怎样才能成为好的礼物?


gifted children天才儿童

1.The Report,A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America s Brightest Students,introduced and summarized the educational modal aiming at acceleration ofgifted children in the U.《国家被骗:学校如何阻碍了美国最聪明的学生》报告,系统地介绍和总结了美国针对天才儿童的“加速发展”教育模式,尖锐地提出并深入地分析了美国天才儿童的教育—学习权利社会保障所面临的问题,引起美国社会各界对天才儿童教育的普遍关注和重视。

2.How to distinguishgifted children has been a disputed question in the field of children s psychology.如何准确鉴别天才儿童在心理学领域一直是一个有争议的问题。

3)talented child才智儿童

4)children English儿童英语

5)English and Chinese-speaking children汉英儿童

6)a child prodigy = an infant prodigy天才儿童,神童


英才1.杰出的才智。 2.指才智杰出的人。
