100字范文 > 孩子性别 childrens gender英语短句 例句大全

孩子性别 childrens gender英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 22:14:19


孩子性别 childrens gender英语短句 例句大全

孩子性别,children"s gender

1)children"s gender孩子性别


1.The Relationship between Parents′ Egalitarian Gender Role Attitudes and the Adolescent′s Egalitarian Gender Role Attitudes and the Gender Role;父母性别平等态度与孩子性别平等态度、性别角色的关系

2.Gender identity disorder can affect children, adolescents, and adults.性别错位症可能影响孩子、年和成年人。

3.a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else.一个被雇来为别人照料孩子的女性。

4.then there are just as many others who are confused, silly, and sexless, and they too don"t deserve to be called women.有许多女孩子只是浑沌痴顽的无性别孩子,还说不上女人。

5.some children are brighter in one subject than another; smart children talk earlier than the average.一些孩子在某一科目上较之别的科目有悟性;聪明的孩子比一般的孩子说话早。

6.Children with gender identity disorder refuse to dress and act in sex-stereotypical ways.有性别错位症的孩子们拒绝按自己的性别千篇一律地穿着和举动。

7.For instance, he knew the factors determining the sex of a child.例如,他知道什么因素决定一个孩子的性别。

8.A particularly robust child.健壮的孩子精力特别旺盛的孩子

9.That selfish boy won"t let other children play with his toys.那个孩子自私,玩具不让别的孩子玩。

10.Do stop caterwauling, children!孩子们, 别像猫似的乱叫!

11.That"s enough of your sauce, my boy!别再胡说了,我的孩子!

12.I"d like to play with the other boys.“我想跟别的男孩子玩。

13.Children like the dandelion very much.孩子们特别喜欢蒲公英。

14.Stop acting like a spoilt child别像个娇惯了的孩子。

15.Take care not to wake the baby.当心,别惊醒了孩子。

16.But don"t loiter, boy.好啦,别磨蹭啦,孩子。

17.Don" t be such a baby. Try again.别孩子气,再试一试。

18.Stop being so juvenile!别再那么孩子气了!


Don"t shy away, my child.孩子,别躲开。

3)She kissed the child goodbye.她跟孩子吻别。

4)"Don"t shy away, children."孩子们,别躲开。

5)Don"t be childish any more.别再孩子气啦。

6)Don"t is so childish!别太孩子气了!


孩子们1.指两个以上的孩子。 2.孩儿们。
