100字范文 > 人生信念 life belief英语短句 例句大全

人生信念 life belief英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 20:33:16


人生信念 life belief英语短句 例句大全

人生信念,life belief

1)life belief人生信念


1.An Investigation and Analysis of the Influence of Chinese and Western Cultural Orientations on the Life Belief of Contemporary College Students;中西文化倾向对当代大学生人生信念影响的调查分析

2.a delusive belief, impression, etc虚妄的信念、 使人产生错觉的印象.

3.Sole creed of Weikang Creature is to treat helping others as greatest pleasure.伟康生物的唯一信念是枣助人为乐!

4.Research on Irrational Beliefs of University Students and Its Relationship with Personality大学生非理性信念与人格的关系研究

5.A preliminary exploration into the formation of individual outlook on life, ideals and beliefs in individual ideology;人生观、理想信念在主体意识中的形成探微

6.put one"s Beliefs to the proof.将个人的信念诉诸考验

7.Immortality Idea” and“ Immortality Faith” are quite different dimensions in the human existence.神仙观念”与“神仙信仰”乃人类生存中完全不同的生存维度。

8.A Positive Study of the Relationship between External-Internal Harmony Belief in Life and Mental Health of Chinese College Students;天人和谐生命信念与大学生心理健康关系的实证研究

9.Faith, which does not doubt is a dead faith. --Miguel de Unamuno没有怀疑的信念是无生命的信念。——乌纳穆诺

10.Development of the Middle-school Students" Irrational Belief Scale and the Intervention of Irrational Beliefs;中学生非理性信念量表编制及非理性信念干预

11.After the emergence of the suicide intension,47. 6 percent of them just hide it deep in the heart and the rest give out signais in some ways.产生自杀念头后47.6%的人暗藏在心中.其余的则以一定方式发出信号。

12.The concept of tonic food is far from losing credibility, either with Westerners or practitioners of modern medicine.对西方人或现代医学的医生而言,食补的概念还远未丧失其可信度。

13.He never wavered in his conviction that his mission in life was to be a poet.他一生的使命是成为诗人,对于这一信念他从不动

14.Steve Chang, with his motto of “Opportunity comes with hard work” has built for himself a bountiful and beautiful life!张捷凭著「只要肯努力,一定有机会」的信念,让自己的人生更加美丽!

15.Man does not live by bread alone, but by faith, by admiration, by sympathy.人类的生存不仅仅要靠面包,而且还要靠信念,靠赞美,靠同情。

16.The Relation Research between University Students Self Concept and Coping Style、Interpersonal Trust;大学生自我概念与应对方式、人际信任的关系研究

17.APPROACH TO CHANGE OF MORAL FAITH;影响人数、影响途径对大学生道德信念改变的研究

18.Understanding of Others′ Mind in Students with Visual Impairment;视力残疾学生对他人愿望、情绪以及错误信念的理解


people faith人民信念

3)Individual convictions个人信念

4)Belief in Life生命信念

1.A Positive Study of the Relationship between External-Internal HarmonyBelief in Life and Mental Health of Chinese College Students;天人和谐生命信念与大学生心理健康关系的实证研究

5)students beliefs学生信念



道德信念的发展道德信念的发展development of moral belief道德信念的发展(development of moralbelief)道德信念是坚定的道德认识和强烈的道德情感的结晶,是同道德情感、道德意志、道德行为密切联系的一种坚定的道德观。儿童道德信念的发展一般经历三个阶段:(l)无道德信念的时期,大约在10岁以前。此时儿童道德思维能力差,往往只能接受一些具体而形象的东西,感性知识占主导地位,故儿童一般只有简单直观的善恶观念、朴素纯真的道德情感及带有很大盲目性却很纯洁的道德行为,并无内在的道德信念。(2)道德信念的萌芽时期,在10岁至15岁之间。儿童产生了道德信念的内在要求,但道德信念还不成熟、不稳定。(3)道德信念开始确立的时期,在15岁以后。此时儿童道德信念的确立在个体间差异较大,有人己经形成了正确的道德信念,有人却糊里糊涂,对道德信念抱无所谓的态度,还有人形成了错误的道德信念。此阶段应加强教育,引导和帮助学生树立正确的道德信念,克服和抵制错误道德信念的产生。(白学军撰林余德审)
