100字范文 > 沉淀原因 reasons of sedimentation英语短句 例句大全

沉淀原因 reasons of sedimentation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-07 19:22:21


沉淀原因 reasons of sedimentation英语短句 例句大全

沉淀原因,reasons of sedimentation

1)reasons of sedimentation沉淀原因


3)reduction and precipitation还原沉淀


1.Study and Application of Chromium Wastewater Treatment by Reduction and Sedimentation Process;还原沉淀法处理含铬废水的研究及应用

2.settling time建立[稳定, 沉淀, 还原]时间

3.Analysis on Sedimentation and Filtration Efficiency of Hexavalent Chromium Wastewater by Ferrous Sulfide化学还原法处理Cr(Ⅵ)废水沉淀及过滤效能

4.Separation with Reduction and Precipitation for Determination of 20 Impurities in Pure Silver by ICP-AES还原、沉淀分离ICP-AES法测定纯银中20个杂质元素

5.Arsenic trioxide made by precipitation-reduction method from As-containing wastewater采用含砷废水沉淀还原法制备三氧化二砷

6.An antigen that induces the production of a precipitin.沉淀素原促进沉淀素产生的抗原

7.Oxidation-reduction reactions are important in the solubilization and precipitation of iron and manganese.氧化还原反应在铁和锰的增溶和沉淀中具有重要作用。

8.The Study on Electrochemical Properties of AB_3 Type Hydrogen Storage Alloy by the Coprecipitation-Reduction-Diffusion Method;共沉淀还原扩散法制备AB_3型储氢合金及其电化学性能研究

9.Study on Removal of Chromium in Electroplate Wastewater by the Method of Oxidation-Reduction-Neutralization-Flocculation-Precipitation化学氧化还原-中和-絮凝沉淀法处理电镀废水中铬的研究

10.Preparation of catalyst powder FeNi_(27)Co_3 by using co-precipitation-decomposition method利用共沉淀-共还原方法制备FeNi_(27)Co_3触媒粉的研究

11.Nano Sized CdS and PbS Particles:Preparation by Coupling of Biological Reduction and Chemical Precipitation Mediated with EDTA生物还原-化学沉淀耦合反应制备纳米硫化镉和硫化铅

12.Wool also has a high settleable solid content.羊毛还含有沉淀性能极好的固体物质。

13.When the denatured reduced egg white lysozymes were renatured by dilution method, an observable amount of aggregate precipitate could be immediately formed.当用复性液稀释复性还原服变性蛋白溶菌酶时,会迅速产生可观量的沉淀。

14.An antibody that reacts with a specific soluble antigen to produce a precipitate.沉淀素与特定可溶性抗原反应以产生沉淀物的抗体

15.an antibody that causes precipitation when it unites with its antigen.与特定抗原反应以产生沉淀物的抗体。

16.Calculation of the Solubility of Precipitation by the Principle of Controlling Equibrium;控制平衡原理方法计算沉淀的溶解度

17.Discussing on Obnormal Damaging of the Settler Top of Copper Synthesized Flash Smelting Furnace铜合成炉沉淀池顶异常损坏原因探讨

18.Investigation of the kinetics of the hydrothermal reduction of sodium chromate with starch淀粉水热还原铬酸钠过程动力学研究



3)reduction and precipitation还原沉淀

4)precipitation antigen沉淀抗原

1.Propagation of goat pox virus and preparation ofprecipitation antigen;山羊痘病毒增殖与沉淀抗原制备

2.Propagation of gosling plague virus and preparation ofprecipitation antigen;利用小鹅瘟病毒增殖制备GPV沉淀抗原

3.The GPVprecipitation antigen has been prepared with chorioallantoic fluid collected from infected embryos.取小鹅瘟病毒经尿囊腔接种12日龄非免疫鸭胚进行传代增殖,收集尿囊液后采用聚乙二醇沉淀法制备小鹅瘟病毒沉淀抗原,经琼脂扩散试验检测,结果表明:该抗原能够与小鹅瘟阳性血清出现沉淀线,而且与小鹅瘟标准抗原的沉淀线相吻合,与其他常见的禽病血清不发生交叉沉淀反应。

5)precipitation in situ原位沉淀

6)in situ precipitation原处沉淀


