100字范文 > 中性纯水 neutral pure water英语短句 例句大全

中性纯水 neutral pure water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-21 06:28:12


中性纯水 neutral pure water英语短句 例句大全

中性纯水,neutral pure water

1)neutral pure water中性纯水


1.Temperature Compensation Formula Correction and Error Analysis of Neutral Pure Water Conductivity中性纯水电导率温度补偿公式修正及误差分析

2.Pure water is neutral and has a PH of 7.纯水是中性的,ph值是7。

3.Isolation and Purification of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides from Actinidia Chinensis Fruit;中华猕猴桃果中水溶性多糖的分离和纯化研究

4.Study on Separation and Purification of Solvianolic Acids of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge;丹参中水溶性酚酸组分的分离提纯研究

5.Dual-motion Fretting Corrosion Behaviors of Pure Titanium in Deionized Water and Saline Solution纯钛在去离子水和生理盐水中的复合微动腐蚀特性

6.Study on Separation and Purification, Physico-chemical Properties and Immunological Activity of Two Fractions of Water-soluble Polysaccharides of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch Seed沙蒿籽中两种水溶性胶多糖的分离纯化与免疫活性研究

7.Application of Molecular Markers in Rice Resistant Breeding and Identification of Hybrid Rice Seeds Purify and Authenticity;分子标记在水稻抗性育种及杂交稻种子纯度和真伪鉴定中的应用

8.Research on the Dual-motion Fretting Corrosion Characteristics of Pure Titanium and Ti6Al4V Alloys in Saline and Hank s Solutions;纯钛及Ti6Al4V合金在生理盐水和Hank s溶液中的复合微动腐蚀特性研究

9.Isolation and purification of α-glucosidase inhibiting components from oyster protein hydrolysate牡蛎蛋白水解产物中α-葡萄糖苷酶活性抑制组分的分离与纯化

10.Relationship between carotid artery intima-media thickness and serum adiponectin in adolescents with simple obesity单纯性肥胖青少年颈动脉中内膜厚度与脂联素水平的研究

11.Isolation and Purification of Fraction with Chitosanase Activity from A Commercial Papain Preparation木瓜蛋白酶中具有水解壳聚糖活性的酶组分分离纯化

12.Analysis of Purity Correlation between Parents and the Seeds of Hybrid Rice杂交水稻亲本纯度与种子纯度的相关性分析

13.simplex method of linear programming线性规划中的单纯形法

14.Extracting pure water from the salt solution can be done in a number of ways.从盐水中提取纯水的方法有若干种。

15.The Pure Water Relief Valve Function Valve Basing on CFD;基于CFD的直动式纯水溢流阀性能研究

16.Analysis of the Performance of Underwater Bearing-only Target Tracking Using Two Arrays水下目标双基阵纯方位跟踪性能分析

17.testing methods for concentration of fine particles in highly purified water高纯水中微粒子含量测定法

18.The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.在山间河流中的水通常是纯净的。


all-photon event纯中性事例

1.An improved kinematic fit method is developed for analyzingall-photon events, where the interaction point is unknown.对于相互作用顶点z坐标未知的纯中性事例,发展了一种运动学拟合的方法。

3)simple dehydration单纯性脱水

4)neutral pure tin electroplating中性纯锡电镀

1.ZF410 plating solution plus additives for low inner stress nickel electroplating process and ZF305 plating solution plus additives forneutral pure tin electroplating process were developed, and successfully used in the tri-layer terminal electrode technology for chip components.研制出了ZF410低应力镀镍、ZF305中性纯锡电镀液和添加剂,并在片式元件三层端电极上获得成功应用。

5)pure water纯水

1.Influence of operation conditions on efficiency ofpure water production by UF & RO;操作条件对UF&RO工艺制取纯水效率的影响

2.The calculation of solubility about microsolubility weak acid salt inpure water;微溶弱酸盐在纯水中溶解度的计算

3.The summa on design of thepure water preparation system in Eastsun Battery plant;东日电源厂纯水制备系统设计总结

6)Purified water纯水

1.In accordance with the chemical balance in the purified water, a series of accurate amounts in relation with pH, DD, C_ NH_3 ,C_ CO_2 is shown up.根据纯水中的化学平衡导出pH ,DD ,CNH3 ,CCO2 间的一系列精确量关系 ,进而用加药量微小扰动的办法通过计算解出CNH3 ,CCO2 ,可为发电厂水汽系统化学在线测定仪表提供若干自校、互校依据等 。

2.The requirements of purified water for auto battery electrolyte is very high.汽车蓄电池电解液用纯水要求十分严格,介绍了纯水的3 种制备方法:蒸馏法、离子交换法和电渗析法,详细论述了纯水机的水处理流程、控制电路及电路接线图,给出了纯水机几种常见故障的排除方法。

3.Key utility system in pharmaceutical industry plant are HVAC system and water system, and water system include city water system, purified water system and WFI(water for injection) system.制药工厂生产相关的主要公用系统有空调系统及水系统等,水系统包括一次水(饮用水)、纯水及注射用水。


中性1.谓不表示性别。 2.化学上指既不呈酸性又不呈碱性的性质,如纯水的性质。
