100字范文 > 次谐波聚束器 subharmonic buncher英语短句 例句大全

次谐波聚束器 subharmonic buncher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-25 01:55:26


次谐波聚束器 subharmonic buncher英语短句 例句大全

次谐波聚束器,subharmonic buncher

1)subharmonic buncher次谐波聚束器

1.The BEPCⅡ future pre-injector consists of a thermionic gun followed by twosubharmonic bunchers (SHB), a travelling wave prebuncher and a travelling wave buncher.BEPCⅡ未来的预注入器由热阴极电子枪、两个次谐波聚束器 (SHB)、行波预聚束器以及行波聚束器组成 。

2)sub-harmonic buncher次谐波聚束腔

1.The two dimensional finite difference method software-Superfish and the three dimensional finite integration method software-MAFIA were used to simulate the structure of thesub-harmonic buncher.2 MHz次谐波聚束腔结构的物理设计步骤和方法。

3)double harmonic buncher双谐波聚束器

4)harmonic bunching谐波聚束


1.Phase characteristics of solid-state amplifiers in sub-harmonic bunchers次谐波聚束系统固态放大器相位特性

2.Enhancement of Third-order Harmonic Generated by Noncollinear Focused Dual Intense Laser Pulses in N_2;氮气中非共线聚焦双光束三次谐波增强的实验研究

3.Research on near field focus beam-forming and beam null-forming近场声聚焦波束形成与波束零陷研究

4.Analysis on Role of Bound States in High-Order Harmonic Generation束缚态在高次谐波辐射中的作用分析

5.Imaging study of spotlight SAR using FMCW调频连续波(FMCW)聚束式SAR成像研究

6.Progress in Technology of Focus Microwave Energy in Hyperthermia微波热疗辐射器聚束方法的研究进展

7.The development of harmonic rejection mirror on XAFS beamline at SSRF上海光源XAFS光束线高次谐波抑制镜系统研制

8.The Resonance of a Gaussian Beam in a Static Magnetic Field to High-Frequency Relic Gravitational Waves;在一静态磁场背景中高斯型微波束对高频遗迹引力波的谐振响应

9.The 45-115nm higher-harmonics suppressor for Beamline U26 at NSRL合肥同步辐射装置U26光束线45-115nm波段高次谐波抑制系统设计

10.For a wiggly-line trace, the beam is focused on the scope face at a point.对于波形道,光束在荧光屏面的一点上聚焦。

11.Method for a linear array beam focusing in the near field based on amplitude weighting基于幅度加权的均匀线阵近场波束聚焦方法

12.The near field focused beamforming method for ship rediated noise舰船噪声源近场聚焦波束形成定位方法

13.Design of compact self-bunching RF gun紧凑型自聚束微波电子枪设计研究(英文)

14.Transmission of foil-focused relativistic annular electron beam in coaxial cylindrical waveguide箔聚焦强流相对论环形束在同轴波导中的传输

15.Studies on Poling and Second Harmonic Generation of Polymeric Colour ants Films聚合色素膜的极化及二次谐波产生的研究

16.Design and Fabrication of Novel Polymer-based Microring Resonators;新型聚合物波导微环谐振器设计与制作

17.Similarly, a condensate moves along a magnetic matter waveguide as a beam of matter.同样地,凝聚态以物质波束的型态能顺著磁性物质波导移动。

18.Bose-Einstein Condensation of Bose Gas in a Two-dimensional, Harmonic Trap;简谐外势约束下二维玻色气体的玻色-爱因思斯坦凝聚(BEC)


sub-harmonic buncher次谐波聚束腔

1.The two dimensional finite difference method software-Superfish and the three dimensional finite integration method software-MAFIA were used to simulate the structure of thesub-harmonic buncher.2 MHz次谐波聚束腔结构的物理设计步骤和方法。

3)double harmonic buncher双谐波聚束器

4)harmonic bunching谐波聚束

5)harmonic bunching谐波聚束,谐波束

6)Two harmonic double drift buncher二谐波双漂移聚束器


电力牵引高次谐波电力牵引高次谐波harmonics of electric tractiond Ionl一qlony旧gooe}x{ebo电j]牵引高次谐波(harmonies of eleetrietraction)整流式交流电力机车在整流过程中将引起交流侧电流、电压波形畸变,按傅立叶级数分析该畸变波形可分解成频率为基波频率整数倍的一系列高次谐波分量的叠加。高次谐波电流、电压可引起下列不良影响:(1)对通信线产生杂音干扰影响;(2)引起电力系统中其他电力电容器设备的过负荷;(3)当电气化铁路负荷某次谐波电流频率与电力系统自身谐振频率相近时,可产生电流谐振,使该次谐波电流在电力系统中放大,危及电力系统安全运行;(4)使旋转电机、变压器、电力电缆的出力减少并产生过热,影响电气设备寿命;(5)造成继电保护误动或仪表读数误差;(6)使半导体开关元件换相失灵。为限制谙波的危害,各国都规定了允许谐波含量的标准(见供电质童)。为降低电力牵引负荷产生的谐波,在电力牵引变电所和电力机车中可装设由电容、电感组成的谐波吸收装置。交流一直流一交流电力机车利用电力电子技术,可实现低谐波分量的负荷特性,使谐波含量降低。
