100字范文 > 社区教育课程开发 community education curriculum development英语短句 例句大全

社区教育课程开发 community education curriculum development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-29 07:41:30


社区教育课程开发 community education curriculum development英语短句 例句大全

社区教育课程开发,community education curriculum development

1)community education curriculum development社区教育课程开发


munity Education Curriculum Development Based on Social Anthropology基于社会人类学的社区教育课程开发

2.Curriculum Exploitation and Resource Utilization of Community Education in Country;农村社区教育的课程开发和资源利用

3.Development of Community s Curriculum Resources in America and Its Enlightenment;美国社区课程资源开发及其对我国教育的启示

4.Sociological Reflection on Adult Education Curriculum Exploitation;关于成人教育课程开发的社会学思考

5.Leading the Development of Community Education with RTVU s Open Education;以电大远程开放教育引领社区教育发展

6.A Research on "Human and Society" Curriculum Development of Retarted Students in Primary Education;初职教育智障学生“人与社会”课程开发的研究

7.Probe into Development of local Curriculum about Citizen s Education in Northwest Minority Nationality Region;西北少数民族地区公民教育地方课程开发探析

8.Research on the Basic Education Curriculum in the Rural Community of the Bai Nationality;白族农村社区中的基础教育课程研究

9.Reflection on the Practice of Course-based Virtual learning Community;基于课程的教育虚拟社区实践与反思

munity Education:The New Realm of Distance Education of RTV Universities社区教育:电大远程教育发展的新领域

11.Study on Support of Development of Curriculum Resources in Community to School Curriculum;社区课程资源开发对学校课程的支持研究

12.The Exploitation of Hidden Curriculum in Moral Education under the Background of Quality Education;素质教育条件下的隐性德育课程开发

13.Development of Latent Curriculum in Physical Education and Enhancement of Quality Education;开发体育隐性课程,全面推进素质教育

14.Development and Application of Physical Hidden Curriculumunder the Background of Quality-oriented Education素质教育下体育隐性课程的开发研究

15.Design and Development of the Web Course of Distance Education;《远程教育学》网络课程的设计与开发

16.Relation of the Internet to the Development of Long-Distance Educational Courses;谈Internet与远程教育的课程开发的关系

17.On Curriculum Exploitation of Working Process Orientation for Vocational Education谈职业教育工作过程导向课程的开发

18.The Curriculum Development in In-service Education of Secondary School English Teachers;论中学英语教师继续教育的课程开发


community education curriculum社区教育课程

1.How to guide, make and plan thecommunity education curriculum, and put forward specialized curriculum to meet the needs of the interactive and continual development of the community and the resident are the chief tasks.如何指导、规划和设计社区教育课程,提出具有中国特色、满足“社区”与“社区人”互动持续发展需求的课程开发模式,是深入、持续发展社区教育所必须解析的重要课题。

3)community curriculum development社区课程开发

1.In the Life-long learning time,the learning community theory based on the social anthropology plays an enlightening role in thecommunity curriculum development in China.终身学习时代,基于社会人类学的学习共同体理论,对我国社区课程开发具有启示作用。

4)development of curriculum resouces in communities社区课程资源开发

1.Two main problems exist in Schoolsdevelopment of curriculum resouces in communities at present: Firstly, schools and communities are deficient in effective exchange and integration ;Secondly, curriculum resouces in communities fail in effective integration with school curriculums.目前学校在社区课程资源开发中的主要问题:一是学校与社区缺乏有效的沟通结合:二是社区课程资源与学校课程缺乏有效的融合。

5)Developing of value education curriculum价值教育课程开发

6)curriculum development of adult higher education成人高等教育课程开发

1.From the perspective of lifelong education,the dissertation predicts the trends ofcurriculum development of adult higher education,and argues that humanization is its "Ought to" approach,which is embodied in the trends towards "being human",subjectivity and plurality.本文以终身教育思想审视成人高等教育课程开发,提出“人性化”是其应然走向,具体表现为走向成“人”、走向主体、走向多元。


