100字范文 > 测量信息论 measurement information theory英语短句 例句大全

测量信息论 measurement information theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-24 05:11:35


测量信息论 measurement information theory英语短句 例句大全

测量信息论,measurement information theory

1)measurement information theory测量信息论

1.This paper uses a new method based onmeasurement information theory to process the gross error.采用基于测量信息论的方法来判别测量数据中的粗大误差,将顺序统计量、秩和信息熵等概念引入误差处理理论用以判别小样本情况下的测量数据中是否存在粗大误差。


1.Processing of Gross Error in Small Samples Based on Measurement Information Theory基于测量信息论的小样本粗大误差处理研究

2.On Measurement of the Information Disclosure Quality in Chinese Listed Companies Based on the Theory of Entropy;基于熵理论的上市公司信息披露质量测度

3.Research on Stock Price Index Information Measure Based on Wavelets and Fractals Theory;基于小波分形理论的股价指数信息量测度研究

4.Information entropy theoretic approach to traffic sampling measurement in high-speed IPv6 networks基于信息熵理论的高速IPv6网络流量抽样测量方法

5.Research on quality evaluation of information-sharing based on information theory;基于信息论的信息共享质量评估研究

6.Discussion on the Theories of Information Economy Measurement and Informatization Measurement;关于信息经济测度与信息化测度的理论探讨

7.A Novel Speckle Filter for SAR Images Based on Informationtheoretic Heterogeneity Measurements一种基于信息论异质性测量的斑点噪声抑制新算法(英文)

8.State Estimation of Measured Quantity Transformation Considering Measurement Information of Phasor Measurement Unit计及PMU量测信息的量测量变换状态估计

9.a system of measurement of information based on the probabilities of the information-bearing events.信息测量制,以承载信息事件的概率为基

10.The Research on Information Calculating Theory in 3D GIS三维地理信息系统中信息量测度方法研究

11.it draws heavily on ideas developed in information theory.大量运用了信息论所发展出来的信念。

12.Theoretical Basis of Enterprises Providing Financial Information Forecast;论企业提供预测财务信息的理论基础

13.On the Information Econmy Development Methed andInformationisation Level Evaluation;论信息经济发展与信息化水平测算方法

14.In information theory, the average information content-a measure of nonrandom ness in a signal.在信息论中,信息容量的平均数——信号非随机性的量度。

15.The Building Project Quality Measurement in Formations System Research;建筑工程质量检测管理信息系统研究

16.Study on Estimation of Forest Biomass Based on Remote Sensing Data;基于遥感信息估测森林生物量的研究

17.Research and Practice on the Key Issues for Geodetic Information Interface;大地测量信息接口技术的研究与实践

18.Application of Birnbaum Information in Educational and Mental Measurement;Birnbaum信息在教育和心理测量中的应用


measurement information测量信息

1.According to the analysis of MRIL_Primer logging data and the thorough research of NMR logging data processing method,this paper figures out the survey method,initialmeasurement information and data record method,and proposes a series of key techniques and 7 steps from initial measurement signal processing in time domain to echo signal curve in depth domain.根据MRIL_Primer测井数据的解剖分析与核磁测井数据处理方法的深入研究,弄清了该测井仪的测量方式,原始测量信息与数据记录方式,提出了从时间域原始测量信号数据处理到深度域回波信号曲线的一系列关键技术与7个步骤。

bined with the information theory, the measurement effect can be evaluated by interactive information entropy, so the concept ofmeasurement information is proposed.结合信息论理论,提出了采用互信息熵来度量和评价测量效果,形成了测量信息的基本概念。

3)Information measurement信息测量

4)information of measurement and surveying量测信息

5)amount of information,informatin content,traffic信息量<测>

6)information conteat theovy信息量理论


