100字范文 > 防灾救灾 disaster prevention and reduction英语短句 例句大全

防灾救灾 disaster prevention and reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 03:33:38


防灾救灾 disaster prevention and reduction英语短句 例句大全

防灾救灾,disaster prevention and reduction

1)disaster prevention and reduction防灾救灾

1.Establishing the new system of organization mechanism and legal system ofdisaster prevention and reduction of our country is necessary.我国灾害和安全事故严重,灾害和安全事故多样、复杂、连锁性强、破坏性大,而现有的防灾救灾体制、机制和法制不能适应防灾救灾的需要,现阶段重点加强的应急管理制度不能代替防灾救灾体制、机制和法制的完善,完善防灾救灾体制、机制和法制适应我国现阶段经济社会发展需要。

2.The existing organizational structure,mechanism and legal system fordisaster prevention and reduction in our country can not satisfy the prevention and reduction of disaster.现有的防灾救灾体制、机制和法制不能适应防灾救灾的需要。

3.It is therefore an important work for the government to use Earth observing technology to support thedisaster prevention and reduction.充分利用各种对地观测技术,从信息化的角度支持防灾救灾行动,已被列入政府的重要工作内容。


1.The Analysis of Aircraft Application in Disaster Prevention and Relief for Earthquake飞行器在地震防灾救灾中的应用探析

2.A Study on China"s Disaster Prevention and Relief System from Wenchuan Earthquake从“汶川地震”看中国防灾救灾体制的状况

3.Discussion on enterprises behaviors and countermeasuresin the course of establishment of disaster preventionand relief material market in our country;我国防灾救灾物资市场建立过程中的企业行为与对策探讨

4.Mechanism of Agricultural Insurance and Measures of Preventing Disaster and Relief and Policy Suggestions in China我国农业保险机制与农业防灾救灾措施及政策建议

5.mutual aid fire消防队互援扑救的火灾

6.United Nations Inter-agency Disaster Relief and Preparedness Group联合国机构间救灾和防灾小组

7.Bangladesh Health Sector Disaster Preparedness and Response Programme孟加拉国卫生部门防灾和救灾方案

8.Sasakawa-UNDRO Disaster Prevention Award Endowment Fund筱川-救灾协调员办事处预防灾害奖捐赠基

9.International Conference on the Use of Telecommunications and Remote-Sensing Technology for Disaster Relief, Preparedness and Prevention电信和遥感技术用于救灾防灾国际会议

10.South Pacific Disaster Preparedness and Relief Seminar南太平洋防灾前准备和救灾工作讨论会

11.A Study on Anti-Disaster Key Technology of Highway Transportation System Under Earthquake Disaster地震灾害下公路运输系统防救灾关键技术研究

12.Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Relief Services Some of the proposals:With regard to communications services in the disaster prevention and mitigation电信资源服务于救灾——关于通信服务于防灾减灾的一些提议

13.Those directly responsible for misappropriating state funds and materials allocated for disaster relief, emergencies, flood control, allowances for disabled servicemen and the families of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen,挪用用于救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、

14.project on the use of military and civil defence assets (MCDA) in disaster relief动用军事和民防资源救灾项目

15.The Thinks on Firemen Participation of Earthquake Rescue;消防部队参加地震灾害救援工作思考

16.Application of 3S technology to flood disaster prevention and reduction for property insurance;3S技术在财产保险防洪救灾中的应用

17.Conception of Establishing a Regional Fire RescueCenter in Hainan Province;海南岛建立区域消防救灾中心的构想



disaster prevention and disaster reduction救灾防灾

3)Department for the Prevention and Combat of National Disasters防灾救灾部

4)flood control防洪救灾

1.The research and application of the remote sensing system offlood control;防洪救灾遥感信息系统的研制与应用

5)Disaster relief and disease prevention救灾防病

6)disaster prevention and rescue防救灾

1.According to the distributing characteristics of the structure and resource of expressway net and expressway field,a resource integration plan and a theory hypothesis of space field fordisaster prevention and rescue are put forth based on system safety and resource theory.从路网、路域的结构和资源分布特点出发,以系统安全与资源理论为指导思想,提出防救灾空间场域的理论假设和资源整合方案。


