100字范文 > 儿童乘员 Child Occupant英语短句 例句大全

儿童乘员 Child Occupant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-10 19:00:06


儿童乘员 Child Occupant英语短句 例句大全

儿童乘员,Child Occupant

1)Child Occupant儿童乘员

1.A Study on the Restraint Systems of 6YOChild Occupants in Vehicle Frontal Impacts Using Mathematical Models;汽车前碰撞中6岁儿童乘员约束系统的仿真研究

2.Then the above results from PC-Crash are input into MADYMO model as initial boundary conditions to simulate the dynamics responses at the head,neck and thorax of the child occupant.然后,将PC-Crash求得的结果作为MADYMO模型的初始边界条件,模拟儿童乘员头、颈及胸部的动力学响应。


1.The Simulation Study of Child Restraint Systems in Automobile Frontal Impact;车辆正面碰撞中儿童乘员约束系统的仿真研究

2.A Study on the Restraint Systems of 6YO Child Occupants in Vehicle Frontal Impacts Using Mathematical Models;汽车前碰撞中6岁儿童乘员约束系统的仿真研究

3.The Research on 3YO Child Occupants Dynamic Response and Injury Prevention in Side Impact;汽车侧碰撞中三岁儿童乘员的动力学响应和损伤防护研究

4.The top five list for Japanese teens included housewife, flight attendant and childcare worker.日本女孩的前5个职业则包括家庭主妇、中乘务员和儿童保育员。

5.Children can travel half fare.儿童可以半票乘车。

6.children learning to multiply and divide学习乘法和除法的儿童

7.Indian schoolchildren riding a rickshaw back home.图为印度儿童乘人力车回家的情景。

8.Children under five usually travel free on trains.五岁以下的儿童乘火车通常免费.

mittee for Children"s Culture and Arts儿童文化艺术委员会

10.National Child Welfare Board全国儿童福利委员会

11.Nutrition and Child Welfare Committee [Zaire]营养和儿童福利委员会

mittee on Daily Use Articles for Children儿童生活用品委员会

mittee on Refugee Children难民儿童问题委员会

14.Coordinator for Refugee Children难民儿童问题协调员

mittee for the Protection of Women and Children保护妇女和儿童委员会

16.UNICEF National Committee儿童基金会国家委员会

17.National Coordinating Committee on Children国家儿童协调委员会

18.The kids are still talking about the rides on JC"s go-cart and the canoe races.孩子们仍在谈论乘坐儿童车和独木舟竞赛。


safety of child passenger儿童乘员安全

3)3-year-old child occupants3岁儿童乘员

1.By PSM sub-structure method,the influences of the relevant design parameters of the child safety seat on3-year-old child occupants’ dynamic response and injuries in side impact were analyzed.运用多刚体动力学和有限元耦合的方法建立了儿童约束系统模型,并对该模型有效性进行了验证,在此基础上运用PSM(Prescribed Structure Motion)子结构法研究侧碰撞中儿童约束系统的相关设计参数对3岁儿童乘员动力学响应及其损伤的影响,仿真结果表明,儿童安全座椅侧翼的深度、儿童座椅安全带开孔的位置、儿童座椅安全带刚度对儿童乘员的头、颈部及胸部的加速度响应影响较大,适当地调整这些参数可以降低3岁儿童乘员在侧面碰撞中的受伤风险。

4)3 years old child occupants三岁儿童乘员

5)Child Restraint Systems儿童乘员约束系统

1.The Simulation Study ofChild Restraint Systems in Automobile Frontal Impact;车辆正面碰撞中儿童乘员约束系统的仿真研究

6)youth athletes儿童运动员


