100字范文 > 能耗对比 energy consumption comparison英语短句 例句大全

能耗对比 energy consumption comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 19:45:48


能耗对比 energy consumption comparison英语短句 例句大全

能耗对比,energy consumption comparison

1)energy consumption comparison能耗对比

1.The result ofenergy consumption comparison shows that when this system is used in the clean area of hospitals,more than 35% of the energy consumption can be reduced compared with the conventional clean air conditioning system,and when this system is used in the comfort area,more than 25% of the air conditioning energy consumption can be reduced.能耗对比表明,该系统应用于医院洁净区域,比常规洁净空调系统节能35%以上,应用于舒适性区域,比常规空调系统节能25%以上。


1.Study of Comparative Analysis of Office Buildings Summer and Winter Energy Consumption in Changsha Region长沙地区办公建筑冬夏能耗对比分析研究

2.Contrast of air conditioning energy consumption among multi-storey residence of typical envelope in Ma′anshan马鞍山市多层住宅典型围护结构的空调能耗对比

parative Analysis of Influence to China s Urbanization Process between High-Energy Consuming Industries and Low-Energy Consuming Industries;高耗能产业和低耗能产业对我国城市化影响的对比分析

4.Energy Cost Accounting and Contrast-Analyzing Method of the Refinery;炼油企业能耗成本核算及对比分析研究

5.Contrast Research on Fuel Consumption Statistics Model for Road Transportation;道路运输能源消耗统计模型的对比研究


7.Analysis for effect of recycle ratio on energy consumption of methanol-electric polygeneration system循环比对甲醇-电的多联产系统能耗影响的分析

8.Enhancing the benchmark of energy consumption and reducing energy consumption of enterprise;强化能源消耗对标 降低企业能源消耗

9.Rearch on the Total Energy Consumption Ratio of Dampers between Stories in Passive Energy Dissipation Structures耗能减震结构中耗能器总耗能层间分配比例研究

10.Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption.住宅建筑能耗在能源总消耗中占有很大比重。

11.Evaluation with ratio of actual energy consumption fee to energy consumption based on energy consumption statistics and energy audit for large scale public buildings大型公共建筑能耗统计实际费耗比能耗评价方法

12.Contrast of Energy Dissipation Mechanism among Active, Semi-active and Passive Control Structures under Major Earthquake;结构地震响应的主动、半主动、被动控制耗能机理对比

13.Seismic Response Analysis of Super High-rise Structure with Strengthened Story and Viscous Seismic Energy Dissipation Story带加强层和粘滞耗能减震层的超高层结构地震反应对比分析

14.NO.3:Sloth, like rust, consumes faster.懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。

parison of modes of foreign agriculture lowering consumming the fossile energy;国外农业降低化石能源消耗模式比较

parative Study on Heat Transfer Model of Building Energy Simulation Software建筑能耗模拟软件热模型的比较研究

17.Damping ratio, as a parameter that reflects capacity of dissipating energy of building and has significant influence on the dynamic responses, is regarded as a constant when designing buildings at present.阻尼比是反映结构耗能能力的参数,它对结构的振动反应有重要的影响。

18.Experimental study on effect of link beam web depth-thickness ratio on energy-dissipation of Y-shaped eccentrically braced steel frames耗能段腹板高厚比对Y型偏心支撑钢框架滞回性能影响的试验研究


specific energy consumption比能耗

1.The paper features experimental data by single-factor experiment which takes the cutting drum parameters of obviously affectingspecific energy consumption as variables.截割比能耗是衡量采煤机滚筒设计优劣的重要指标之一。

2.The example of multi-objective optimization design shows that load fluctuation andspecific energy consumption of cutting head are evidently reduced, which increase working reliability and energy utilization quotiety of roadhea.优化实例表明,截割头的载荷波动和比能耗得到了明显降低,提高了掘进机的工作可靠性和能量利用率。

3.According to the mechanics model of single pick, the mathematic model of optimized design based on load torque fluctuation andspecific energy consumption of cutting head is built to search optimum kinematic parameters of roadheader by means of computer simulation.根据单个截齿受力模型,采用计算机模拟的方法建立了基于截割头负载转矩波动和截割比能耗最小的优化设计数学模型,寻求最优的掘进机运动参数。

3)specific dissipating energy比耗能

4)COP(Coefficient of Performance)能耗比

5)energy consuming ratio耗能比

6)comparison of energy consumption耗能比较


初轧能耗初轧能耗energy consumption of blooming millehuzha nenghao初轧能耗(energy eonsumption。f bloomingmill)初轧厂在钢锭轧成钢坯的工艺过程中,生产吨钢所消耗的能量,其中包括然料消耗(折合成标准煤)、电耗、水耗等,是钢坯生产的重要的技术经济指标。初轧能耗约占钢铁企业总能耗的3%,其中加热能耗又占初轧能耗的75%。初轧厂的节能、降耗是提高企业经济效益的重要技术措施之一,是合理利用资源的重要手段。初轧节能首先着眼于节约加热能耗,采取的主要措施有:(l)提高钢锭装炉温度,减少冷锭率(见冷装)。要求加强炼钢、脱模、初轧及均热之间的联系和管理,作出钢和空炉预报,采用快脱模、快送锭和钢锭保温车等措施,提高送锭温度。(2)推广钢锭的液芯加热(见保温均热法)和液芯札制工艺,利用钢锭的凝固潜热自身均热等节能工艺;(3)合理控制炉温和加热制度。将钢锭最高加热炉温由1370一1390C降为1330一1340℃。对不同入炉温度的钢锭采用不同的加热制度等;(4)加强均热炉保温措施,减少热损失。如采用优质保温材料耐火纤维、密闭型烟道,三个炉坑并联的上部单烧嘴均热炉等;(5)提高空气预热温度,保证燃料充分燃烧。采用高效换热式预热器,控制废气含氧量等;(6)采用电子计算机对均热炉实行闭环控制。此外,加强对初轧电耗的控制,制定合理的压下规程和温度一速度制度,充分利用轧件余热(如钢坯连轧、钢坯水冷锅炉等),也都能使初轧系统的能耗进一步降低。(胡林)
