100字范文 > 清肺合剂 Qingfei Mixture英语短句 例句大全

清肺合剂 Qingfei Mixture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-06 18:38:56


清肺合剂 Qingfei Mixture英语短句 例句大全

清肺合剂,Qingfei Mixture

1)Qingfei Mixture清肺合剂

1.Influence ofQingfei Mixture on contents of ET,IL-8,IL-2 and MDA in phlegm or blood of patient with chronic bronchitis;清肺合剂对慢性支气管炎患者痰及血液中ET、IL-8、IL-2、MDA的影响

2.Determination of Amygdalin inQingfei Mixture by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定清肺合剂中苦杏仁苷含量


1.Determination of decanoyl acetaldehyde in Qingfei oral liquid by HPLCHPLC测定清肺合剂中鱼腥草素的含量

2.The Study of Poptosis and Expression of Resistance Gene with Serum of Containing Fuzheng Drug on Lung Cancer Cell A-549扶正合剂含药血清对肺癌A549细胞凋亡及耐药基因表达的影响

3.Low-dose computed tomography and serum p16 gene methylation measurement for screening of early lung cancer低剂量螺旋CT联合血清p16基因甲基化检测筛查早期肺癌的研究

4.synthetic detergents [fibers]合成清洁剂 [纤维]

5.Remove original adhesive from roof with an adhesive removal solution.用粘合剂清洗液从车顶上清除原始的粘合剂。

6.Clinical and Experiment Studies on Runfei Mixture in Treating Pulmonary-Fibrosis;润肺合剂治疗肺间质纤维化的临床与实验研究

7.Feifukang Mistura Treat Pulmonic Fibrosis of Rats in Pathology肺复康合剂对肺纤维化大鼠病理变化的影响

8.Nourishing Yin and Clearing Lung-heat Method Combined with Body Gamma-knife in Treatment of Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer:An Analysis of Early Outcome养阴清肺解毒法配合伽玛刀治疗肺癌疗效观察

9.The Effects of Beta-adrenergic Agonists on Alveolar Fluid Clearance in Injured Rat Lungs;β肾上腺素能受体激动剂对肺损伤大鼠肺泡液体清除率的作用

10.The Clinical Study on Pi-Pa-Qing-Fei-Granules in the Treatment to Acne with Wind-Heat in Lung Type枇杷清肺颗粒剂治疗肺经风热型粉刺的临床研究

11.Optimizing extraction technics for Qingfeiling granules by orthogonal test正交试验法优选清肺灵颗粒剂的提取工艺

12.Clinical and Experimental Research of Feixinkang Decoction in Treating Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension;肺心康合剂对肺心病肺动脉高压影响的临床及实验研究

13.Clinical Studies on Children s Bronchiolitis;泻肺化痰灌肠合剂治疗痰热闭肺型小儿喘憋性肺炎的临床研究

14.Study on the Effects of Treating LungCancer and the Influence on the Expression of p53 and p16 of Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Mice of Fei Yi Liu He Ji;肺抑瘤合剂治疗肺癌及对小鼠Lewis肺癌p53、p16表达影响的研究

15.Clinica and Experimental Study on the Effect of Treating Middle-Late Lung Cancer with Fei Yiliu Mixture;肺抑瘤合剂治疗肺癌及肺癌化疗减毒增效作用的临床与实验研究

16.Clinical Studies on Children Bronchiolitis泻肺平喘合剂治疗喘憋性肺炎痰热闭肺证临床研究

17.The Research for the Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial Effects of the Chinese Medicine "Pneumonia Mixture" Against Klebsiella Pneumoniae《肺炎合剂》对肺炎克雷伯菌肺炎抗炎、抑菌作用的实验研究

18.The Effect of ZhongFeiHeJi Regulate the Expression of MMP-9/TIMP-A in Lung Tissue of Rats With Radioactive Injury of Lungs中肺合剂对放射性肺损伤大鼠肺组织中MMP-9/TIMP-1表达的影响


Qingfei mixture Ⅱ清肺合剂Ⅱ号

1.Objective:To observe the anti-inflammatory effect and mucous membrane immunity effect ofQingfei mixture Ⅱ.目的:观察清肺合剂Ⅱ号的抗炎及粘膜免疫作用。

3)Qingzao Runfei Mixture清燥润肺合剂

1.Study on the Quality Standard forQingzao Runfei Mixture;清燥润肺合剂质量标准研究

4)Qingyan lifei mixture清咽利肺合剂

1.OBJECTIVE:To observe the curative effect ofQingyan lifei mixture on cough with lung heat.目的:观察清咽利肺合剂治疗肺热咳嗽的临床疗效。

5)Feisuqing Apoazem肺肃清煎剂

6)Pneumonia mixture肺炎合剂

1.Preparation and quality control of pneumonia mixture;肺炎合剂的制备及质量控制

2.OBJECTIVE:To establish a RP-HPLC method for the determination of Chlorogenic acid inPneumonia mixture.目的:建立以反相高效液相色谱法测定肺炎合剂中绿原酸含量的方法。


棕色合剂 ,布朗合剂药物名称:复方甘草合剂英文名:Compound Liquorice别名: 棕色合剂 ,布朗合剂外文名:Compound Liquorice, Brown"sMixture , Mixt Glycyrrhiza Co.药理作用及用途: 本品含吗啡6mg/100ml,可镇咳、镇静、祛痰。 适用于止咳、祛痰。 用法及用量: 每日3次,每次10ml。 儿童酌减。 不良反应: 偶有恶心。 规格:100ml, 200ml ,500ml.类别:来源于中草药的祛痰、镇咳药
