100字范文 > 急性病 Acute Disease英语短句 例句大全

急性病 Acute Disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 11:59:04


急性病 Acute Disease英语短句 例句大全

急性病,Acute Disease

1)Acute Disease急性病


1.acute appendicitis; the acute phase of the illness; acute patients.急性阑尾炎;这种病的急性发作阶段;急性病人。

2.an acute bacterial disease of horses characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes.马的一种急性病毒性疾

3.the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly.急性病人的数量急剧增长。

4.acute lymphatic leukemia急性淋巴细胞性白血病

5.acute [ chronic ] rheumatism急性[慢性]关节风湿病

6.acutechronic ] rheumatism急性慢性]关节风湿病

7.acute histiocytic leukemia急性组织细胞性白血病

8.acute granulocytic leukemia急性粒细胞性白血病

9.acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa急性胃粘膜出血性病变

10.acute monocytic leukemia急性单核细胞性白血病

11.acute nondifferentiated leukemia急性未分化性白血病

12.Barre Guillain syndrome急性热病性多神经炎

13.Acute myopathy induced by acute alcoholism--A case report急性乙醇中毒诱发急性肌病1例报告

14.patient with non-acute symptom没有急性症状的病人

15.acute non-lymphocytic leukemia急性非淋巴细胞白血病

16.acute promyelocytic leukemia急性早幼粒细胞白血病

17.acute transformation of chronic myelocytic leukemia慢性粒细胞白血病急变

18.acute histocytic leukemia急性组织细胞白血病


Acute diseases急性病

3)impatient gonorrhea急性淋病

1.Strange mildewed vegetable consociation add a treatment for the sand starimpatient gonorrhea Curative effect observation and nursing;阿奇霉素联合加替沙星治疗急性淋病疗效观察及护理

2.Aims: to explore ways of treating Female andimpatient gonorrhea.目的探讨十年来治疗女性急性淋病的体会。

4)Acute liver disease急性肝病

5)acute calenture急性热病

1.Objective To sum up the establishment of an emergency network for the prevention and treatment ofacute calentures by traditional Chinese medicine and observe the effect of the decoctions Qiangyingtang and Lianzhutang in the treatment ofacute calentures (e.目的:总结急性热病(风热感冒、湿热泄泻)中医防治应急网络的建设工作,分别观察青英汤、连术汤对急性热病的治疗效果。

6)acute Crohn"s disease急性Crohn病


