100字范文 > 信号控制机 Signal controller英语短句 例句大全

信号控制机 Signal controller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-18 05:12:51


信号控制机 Signal controller英语短句 例句大全

信号控制机,Signal controller

1)Signal controller信号控制机

1.Aiming at the quality problems of road traffic signal controller in China and based on deep investigation on signal controller industry,this paper firstly analyzes the developing situation,authentication system and compulsory test system of signal controller at home and abroad.针对目前我国道路交通信号控制机产品存在的质量问题,对信号机生产企业进行深入调研,详细分析信号机发展现状、国内外产品认证制度及信号机强制检测制度等,并结合我国交通信号机产品自身的特点和实际,参考国外产品认证模式、认证流程,提出我国信号机产品以型式试验、初始工厂检查和获证后监督为模式的认证框架体系。

2.The application of embedded technology to the isolated signal control system can not only make possible the self-adaptive optimization of time plan in the signal controller,but also supervise the isolated signal status through the remote control center,which paves a solid ground for embedding isolated intersection adaptive control system into the whole urban traffic control system.将嵌入式技术应用于单点信号控制系统中,不仅可以实现信号控制机对配时方案的自适应优化,还可以通过远程控制中心对路口控制状态进行监控,为后续将其嵌入到先进的城市交通控制系统中奠定坚实的基础。


1.Research and Devement of Traffic Signal Controller Based on DSP;基于DSP的交通信号控制机的研制

2.Application of Single-chip Computer to Intelligent Traffic Lights Controller单片机在智能型交通信号控制机中的应用

3.radio control receiver无线电控制信号接收机

4.Regulatory mechanisms of ERK signal transduction pathwayERK信号通路的信号转导调控机制

5.The other host of signal are control signals.另一组信号是控制信号。

6.It carries the micro-processor control signal or "interface signals".它用以传递微处理机的控制信号(或称“接口信号”)。

7.Analog signal processing for Microprocessor based ?微机控制仪表的模拟信号处理

8.Regulation Mechanism of Aquaporin 5 Through Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Signaling Pathways in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury;MAPK信号对高氧肺损伤Aquaporin 5的调控机制

9.On Way of Controlling Traffic Lights by 8051 Single-Chip Microcomputer;8051单片机控制交通信号灯的方法研究

10.Machine Vision Based Intelligent Traffic Light Control基于机器视觉的智能交通信号灯控制

11.Improvement and Optimization on Thermal Control Signal and Control Circuit in 330 MW Unit330MW机组热工控制信号、回路优化与改进

12.The Research Progress About the Signal Mechanism of SOCE and the Composed Molecules of SOCC钙库调控钙内流信号机制的研究进展

13.Vibration Reduction in Flexible Mechanism Using Input Shaping输入整形信号控制柔性机构残余振动

14.The roll measurement with piezo-effect sensor to aquire flatness signal are presented.分析了平直度控制的信号获取及控制算法机理。

15.Research on the Control Scenario and Control Method of the Central Coordinate Controller集中协调式信号机控制方案及控制方法研究

16.Control and Adjustment of Ionized Signal Based on the Industrial Computer;基于工控机的电离信号控制与调节(英文)


18.Realization of The General Controller of Digital TV Signal Ground Transmitter;数字电视信号地面发射机整机控制器的实现


traffic signal controller交通信号控制机

1.Thetraffic signal controller is important for reducing the work intensity of traffic policemen and for increasing the traffic security of roadway.交通信号控制机(简称信号机),对减轻交警工作强度和维护交通安全畅通起着举足轻重的作用。

3)road signal controller道路信号控制机

4)signal controlling信号控制

1.This article proposes asignal controlling system for road junctions and makes a tentative research on the positioning technology for public transport.提出一种交叉口公交优先信号控制系统,探讨该系统中用于公交车辆定位和检测的信号标杆定位技术,重点研究公交优先的智能控制策略,同时讨论该控制系统所存在的问题及对策。

5)signal control信号控制

1.A combined model of stochastic traffic assignment withsignal control and its solution methods;随机用户平衡交通分配与信号控制组合模型及算法

2.Changeable phases and changeable periodssignal control at traffic intersection;单交通路口变相位变周期信号控制

3.Agent-based urban trafficsignal control;基于agent的城市交通信号控制

6)control signal控制信号

1.The article introduces the consist of remote-supervision, image and network structure mode ofcontrol signal for transmission channel of sub-station, and analysises the function and mode to achieve remotesupervision system for sub-station in detail.论文介绍了变电站遥视系统的构成 ,图像及控制信号传输通道的网络组成方式 ,并详细分析了变电站遥视系统的功能以及实现方案。

2.In terms of the control technique, this paper first anayzes the control strategy for the rule control system in the typical field of ITS and then summarizes the system structure andcontrol signal of ITS based on the rule control system.从控制技术的角度 ,通过对规则控制在典型 ITS领域的控制策略分析 ,总结了基于规则控制系统的 ITS的系统结构和控制信号 ,并提出了集成 ITS规则库的设计思路 。

3.Thecontrol signals in various flight phases of radar radiating and non radiating are given.建立了空地反辐射导弹运动方程组 ,给出了被攻击目标雷达不关机和关机两种情况下导弹的控制信号 。


CJ-2计算机控制陶瓷材料高温蠕变试验机CJ-2计算机控制陶瓷材料高温蠕变试验机鲡C」一2计算机控制陶瓷材料高温蠕变试验机 中国科学院上海硅酸生研完所供稿
