100字范文 > 成人教育价值观 Adult education values英语短句 例句大全

成人教育价值观 Adult education values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-15 17:35:46


成人教育价值观 Adult education values英语短句 例句大全

成人教育价值观,Adult education values

1)Adult education values成人教育价值观


1.On the Differences of the Adult Education Values between Chinese and Americans and Their Comparativeness中美成人教育价值观的差异比较研究

2.Importance of Reinforcing the Education of Value Viewpoint While Carrying Out Success Education;在实施成功教育中加强价值观教育的重要价值

3.On the Evolution and Education Strategies of Contemporary Minor Values;当代未成年人价值观的演变与教育策略

4.Basic Concepts and Strategies of Modern Minors Values Education;当代未成年人价值观教育的基本理念与策略

5.Hypothetical Premise of Minor Value Education Validity;论未成年人价值观教育有效性论题的假设前提

6.The Concept of "Chengren" in Chinese Traditional Education and Its Modern Value;我国传统教育中的成人观及其当代价值

7.The Importance of Instructing College Stadents Value of Life;论加强高校学生人生观、价值观教育

8.An Analysis on education of the world outlook, life outlook and value outlook in college moral education;略论高校德育中的世界观、人生观、价值观教育

9.Aesthetic Education: A Proper Way of Modern Education of Life-purchase Opinion;美育:现代人生价值观教育的可取途径

10.Awareness of making fine works and conception of the market--Values of Journal of Sports Adult Education and ways of its realization;精品意识与市场观念——《体育成人教育学刊》的价值及实现途径

11.Value Orientation of Adult Education under the Idea of Life-long Education;终身教育理念下成人教育的价值定位

12.Constructing Harmonious Society and Education of World View Outlook on Life View of Value;构建和谐社会与世界观人生观价值观教育

13.The Present Situation and the Education Considering of the Higher Technical College Students Life Value Viewpoints;高职学生人生价值观现状及教育思考

14.The Construction of the Quality Education of the Humanities and the College Students Values;人文素质教育与大学生价值观的构建

15.Reflections on the Educational Value of "Teacher is the Engineer of Peop1e s Soul;“人类灵魂工程师”的教育价值观反思

16.On Strengthening Education of College Students Outlook on Life and Value;论加强当代大学生的人生价值观教育

17.Reflections on Training of College Students Outlook on Life and Values;对大学生人生价值观培养教育的思考

18.Humanology Values:A Breakthrough in Reform of Elementary Education人学价值观:基础教育改革的突破口


The Value of Adult Education成人教育价值

3)Outlook on life and values education人生观价值观教育

4)values of education教育价值观

1.In his novel,A Dream of Red Mansion,his insightful and forward-looking views onvalues of education and learner autonomy are artistically reflected in the narration of a lifelong bitter experience in and everlasting resistance against schooling.曹雪芹对封建教育深恶痛绝并具有强烈的叛逆性,他在小说《红楼梦》中通过贾宝玉在接受教育培养上几乎伴随其一生的遭遇与抗争,艺术化地折射着作者超越时代的颇具近代意识的教育价值观、自主性学习观等教育观念和教育理想。

2.This needs reasonablevalues of education to guide the students.这就需要以合理的教育价值观对学生的阅读方式进行引导,转变学生的角色,从传统阅读方式中的被动地位向读图时代的主动地位转变。

3.The discrepancy in theirvalues of education,in turn,affects school education in agricultural and pastoral areas of Tibet in many aspects.教育价值观的差异又反过来从多方面作用于藏族农区与牧区的学校教育。

5)value education价值观教育

1.A Study on Value Education in the Period of the Culture Revolution;论“文革”时期的“青少年价值观教育”

2.Based on the reality,the coutermeasures ofvalue education are given.本文分析了社会转型时期人们价值观变迁的原因、特征、影响,并针对当前价值观变迁的现实提出相应的价值观教育对策。

3.Contemporary college studentsvalue education is one of the most significant education practice field.当代大学生价值观教育是一个极具现实意义的教育活动实践领域。

6)values education价值观教育

1.Individual Cognitive Selection and Teenager Values Education in Multi-culture Background;试论个体认知的选择性与多元文化背景下的青少年价值观教育

2.The Research of the Content and the Evaluation System of Values Education in the University Classroom Instruction;大学课堂教学中价值观教育内容及评价指标体系研究

3.Research on Values Education in Junior Chemistry;初中化学价值观教育的研究


成人1.德才兼备的人。犹完人。 2.成年。 3.造就人。 4.成器,成材。 5.谓妓女初破身。
