100字范文 > 校企 schools and enterprises英语短句 例句大全

校企 schools and enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-26 10:40:18


校企 schools and enterprises英语短句 例句大全

校企,schools and enterprises

1)schools and enterprises校企

1.It is pointed out that to improve the training of skills and to promote the reform,construction,development of teaching for better and appropriate training,schools and enterprises should cooperate closely and break the limitations so that the basic education of technical schools can serve economic construction effectively.为了提高技能人才的培养,促进教育教学的改革、建设、发展,使对人才培养的目的性、教育教学的针对性更强,必须要打破局限性,校企要密切合作,这样才能切实发挥技工基础职业教育服务经济建设的功能作用。


1.School-enterprise Cooperation Helps the Multi-wins of the Students,Schools,and Enterprises;校企合作实现了学生、学校、企业“三赢”

2.On Promotion of Deep-level College-enterprise Cooperation and Upgrading of College-enterprise Cooperation Drive;推进校企深层次合作 提升校企合作动力

3.Introducing Renowned Enterprises into Campus College Closely Cooperating with Enterprises Building Training Bases Jointly;引名企进校园校企深度融合 共建实训基地

4.Reason Analysis of Enterprise s Power Insufficiency of Cooperation Professional Colleges and Businesses;高职院校校企合作中企业动力不足的原因探析

5.Exploring into a Model of School-enterprise Cooperation with the University as Sponsor of Enterprise Reformation;高校作为企业改制发起人的校企合作模式探索

6.A Discussion on the New Model of School-Enterprise Cooperation--Enterprise Education Group;新型校企合作形式——“企业教育集团”刍议

7.Exploring the Coorperation Model of Enterprise Standard of Higher Education between Universities and Enterprises;探索以企业本位的高教校企合作模式

8.Vocational School Level Mode of Co-operation, Problems and Strategies;职业学校校企合作的模式、问题与对策

9.A Study on Moral Education Strategy of Cooperation between School and Enterprise in Advanced Vocational School;高等职业院校校企联合德育策略研究

10.Higher Vocational Colleges Cooperation Between School and Enterprise Education Reform;高职院校校企合作教育教学改革初探

11.Promoting School-Enterprise & School-Government Cooperation and Seeking Mutual Development;加强校企、校政合作,谋求共同发展

12.Exploration of Effective Ways to Promote College-Enterprise Cooperation;高职院校推进校企合作有效途径初探

13.On the Intension and Pattern of the Cooperation of School and Enterprise in Higher Vocational Schools;试论高职院校校企结合的内涵与模式

14.Speculations on Establishment of Modern Enterprise System in School-run Enterprises in Colleges and Universities;高校校办企业建立现代企业制度的思考

15.That Establishing the Modern Enterprise System is the Direction of Converting the System of Organization of the Enterprise that Managed by Higher Academie s;建立现代企业制度是高校校办企业改制的方向

16.Revelation of modern corporation system to system innovation of corporation affiliated college;现代企业制度对校办企业改制的启示

17.A Discussion on Accounting Perfectibility for University Enterprise高校校办企业会计核算的完全性探讨

18.Study on System Reform Questions of the University-owned Enterprises;关于我国高校校办企业改制问题研究


cooperation between school and enterprise校企合作

1.Training High-Tech Talent bycooperation between school and enterprise——Summary of the cases of the first batch National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges;校企合作共育高技能人才——全国首批示范性建设院校校企合作、工学结合案例综述

2.Under the information technology environment,the construction of teaching model for curriculum identification in higher vocational schools based oncooperation between school and enterprise can decrease students blindness for acquiring certificate,and enhance their working adaptability.在信息技术环境下,在校企合作的基础上建构高职院校课程认证教学模式,降低了高职生考证的盲目性,增强了高职生对企业的适应性。

3)cooperation between schools and enterprises校企合作

1.Exploring the school-running model about "combination working with learning,cooperation between schools and enterprises";关于高职“工学结合,校企合作”办学模式的探索

2.Role transition model of students incooperation between schools and enterprises abroad;国外校企合作中的学生角色转变模式

3.Intensifyingcooperation between schools and enterprises,and work-integrated learning to improve vocational education大力加强校企合作、工学结合,促进职业教育新发展

4)cooperation between college and enterprise校企合作

1.The problems of the graduate design withcooperation between college and enterprise in the University of Applied Sciences in China are analyzed.通过对我国应用性大学与德国应用科学大学在本科毕业设计选题、管理方式、毕业设计与就业的关系等方面的对比,分析了我国技术应用性学院在校企合作进行本科毕业设计过程中存在的问题,对国内技术应用性本科毕业设计模式的研究和毕业论文质量的提高提出了有一定参考价值的建议。

5)university enterprises高校企业

1.Since it applied in some universities,university enterprises have make great contribution to the problem of finance deficiency in universities and social service.自高校校办企业建立以来,高校企业为弥补高校经费不足,更好发挥为社会服务的功能方面做出了巨大贡献;并在结合我国高新技术发展的要求,积极探索适合我国国情的科技成果转化和产业化之路上发挥了重要作用,在科技创新、人才培养、促进国家高新技术产业发展、推动国家经济增长等方面扮演着越来越重要的角色。

6)college-run enterprises高校企业

bined with the major problems existing incollege-run enterprises,this paper analyzes the development direction ofcollege-run enterprises and puts forward the developing thought of establishing modern enterprise system with college characteristic,diversifying stock r.我国高校企业对我国经济建设和高等教育事业的发展起着重大的推动作用,但同时也存在着产权不清、权责不明、企业资金缺乏等问题。

2.China抯 entry into WTO is both a challenge and an opportunity tocollege-run enterprises.加入WTO对高校企业是机遇也是挑战。


