100字范文 > 低温陶瓷结合剂 low temperature vitrified bond英语短句 例句大全

低温陶瓷结合剂 low temperature vitrified bond英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-30 18:28:04


低温陶瓷结合剂 low temperature vitrified bond英语短句 例句大全

低温陶瓷结合剂,low temperature vitrified bond

1)low temperature vitrified bond低温陶瓷结合剂

1.Effects of nano-AlN on structure and performance oflow temperature vitrified bond diamond tools纳米AlN对低温陶瓷结合剂金刚石磨具结构与性能的影响


1.Effect of nano-AlN on performances of low temperature vitrified bond纳米AlN对低温陶瓷结合剂性能的影响

2.Effects of nano-AlN on structure and performance of low temperature vitrified bond diamond tools纳米AlN对低温陶瓷结合剂金刚石磨具结构与性能的影响

3.Mechanism of lowering the sintering temperature of Al_2O_3 ceramic by the addition of CuO-TiO_2(Ⅰ)CuO-TiO_2复合助剂低温烧结氧化铝陶瓷的机理(Ⅰ)

4.Experiment study on AlN ceramics low-temperature sintering aids氮化铝陶瓷低温烧结助剂体系的研究

5.Study on Low Melting Point and High Strength Vitrified Bond Superhard Grinding Tools;低熔高强陶瓷结合剂超硬磨具的研究

6.Influence of BBSM sintering aid on the properties for PTC thermistor ceramics sintered at low temperatureBBSM烧结助剂对低温烧结PTCR陶瓷性能的影响

7.Research progress of low-temperature sintering aids of AlN ceramic低温烧结氮化铝陶瓷烧结助剂的研究进展

8.Low-Temperature Sintering of ZnNb_2O_6 Ceramics;ZnNb_2O_6陶瓷的低温烧结研究


10.Low Temperature Sintering of Alumina Ceramics and Crack Healing Reaserch氧化铝陶瓷低温烧结与裂纹自愈合研究

11.Investigation on nanosized fuse-promoting adhesives of super low temperature ceramics glaze陶瓷超低温釉纳米助熔粘接剂的研究

12.Influence of Additives on Vitrified Bond Melting Temperature of CBN High-speed Grinding Tool添加剂对CBN高速磨削工具用陶瓷结合剂熔融温度的影响

13.Diffuser disc is produced from aluminum oxide and ceramic bonded together with high sintering temperature.性能特点:1.曝气盘采用氧化铝磨料和陶瓷结合剂高温烧结而成。

14.The Low-temperature Sintering Densification of 10NiO-NiFe_2O_4 Based Cermet;10NiO-NiFe_2O_4基金属陶瓷的低温烧结致密化

15.Study on Properties of PZT-PbO·WO_3 Piezoelectric Ceramics Sintered at Low Temperature;低温烧结PZT-PbO·WO_3压电陶瓷性能研究

16.Li_2O-Nb_2O_5-TiO_2 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics and Low Temperature Co-fired Research;Li_2O-Nb_2O_5-TiO_2微波介质陶瓷及低温烧结研究

17.Low-termperature Firing BaO-Nd_2O_3-TiO_2 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics;BaO-Nd_2O_3-TiO_2系统微波介质陶瓷低温烧结

18.The Low Temperature Sintering of Mg_4Nb_2O_9 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics;低温烧结Mg_4Nb_2O_9微波介质陶瓷


vitrified bond陶瓷结合剂

1.Research on low-temperature high-strengthvitrified bond;低温高强度陶瓷结合剂的研究

2.Effect of pyrophyllite and dolomite on the microstructure and properties ofvitrified bond grinding tools;叶蜡石、白云石对陶瓷结合剂磨具微观结构和性能的影响

3.Influence of alkali metal oxides on properties of cBNvitrified bond;碱金属氧化物对cBN陶瓷结合剂性能的影响

3)ceramic bond陶瓷结合剂

1.In this paper,the effect of temperature and α-Al2O3 additive on theceramic bonding of grinding tools was discussed.在陶瓷磨具的制作过程中,α-Al2O3经常作为一种填料加入到陶瓷结合剂中,用以改善陶瓷磨具的强度、烧结温度等性能。

2.An algorithm was introduced to design accurately optimized formula of materials to fulfill the need of chemical components ofceramic bonds.本文利用计算机技术,对陶瓷结合剂化学成分进行精密计算,在此基础上,根据结合剂所需要的化学成分,采用数学模型精确优化设计出陶瓷结合剂配方(即各种原材料的配比),文章介绍了上述算法具体实现方法,给出了算法模型和精确的程序语言描述,算法重点解决了误差放大、计算稳定性等工程计算问题,对实际系统运行样本数据进行了验证。

4)low-temperature sintering ceramics低温烧结陶瓷

5)low temperature ceramic低温陶瓷

1.A kind of super-low temperature ceramic was obtained by investigating the sintering kinetics of prescription consisted of waste glass powders and sintering aluminum oxide etc.通过对由玻璃粉料与熟矾土等结晶态原料组成的配方的烧结动力学研究,获得了一种性能与传统长石瓷相当而烧成温度仅860℃左右的超低温陶瓷,并对“准非反应”烧结机理进行了初步探讨。

2.This paPer systematicall}" summarized the current status of the studyoflow temperature ceramics, main production technologies and application.本文对低温陶瓷研究的现状、主要生产技术及其应用作了较系统的综述,以废玻璃、熟矾土、粘土为主要原料,研制了一种烧结温度范围在850-870℃之间的低温陶瓷,用X射线衍射仪测定了材料的物相组成,其主晶相为刚玉;用扫描电子显微镜观察了材料的显微结构。

6)low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC)低温烧结陶瓷,低温共烧陶瓷


