100字范文 > 千针万线草 Stellaria yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

千针万线草 Stellaria yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 23:08:07


千针万线草 Stellaria yunnanensis英语短句 例句大全

千针万线草,Stellaria yunnanensis

1)Stellaria yunnanensis千针万线草

1.Determination of Vitexin in Stellaria Yunnanensis by HPLCHPLC法测定千针万线草中牡荆素的含量

2.Studies on the Chemical Components of Volatile Oil from Stellaria Yunnanensis千针万线草挥发油化学成分的研究

3.From the fresh roots ofStellaria yunnanensis Franch.从云南民间药物千针万线草(Stellariayunnanensis)的根中分离到一新环肽stellarinA。


1.Determination of Vitexin in Stellaria Yunnanensis by HPLCHPLC法测定千针万线草中牡荆素的含量

2.Study on Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids in Stellaria yunnanensis Franch千针万线草中总黄酮提取工艺的研究

3.They talked together about all the thousands and thousands of stitches they"d made over the years,他们在一起谈论这些年来所缝制过的千针万线,

4.Be sure to this weather pointer correctly .千万把天气指针拨准了。

5.The aim of our correct political policy and of our solid unity is to win the masses in their millions for the anti-Japanese national united front.我们的正确的政治方针和坚固的团结,是为着争取千百万群众进入抗日民族统一战线这个目的。

6.Zhang Xu"s kuang cao calligraphy shows much diversity.张旭的狂草左驰右鹜,千变万化。

7.As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously.对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事。

8.calculated on a straight line basis, amounted to fifteen million pounds.根据直线法计算共计一千五百万英镑。

9.Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom’s Falcon Cable System .数以千万计的电信旗的猎鹰有线系统.

10.Reynolds Tobacco Company Fined 20 Million US Dollars for Illegal Ads雷诺兹菸草公司非法广告课处二千万美元罚款

11.There were beds of spring flowers, red and yellow and blue, in the beautiful, smooth grass under the trees.花坛里,春花烂漫,万紫千红,树底下,青草如茵。

12.Five millions--ten millions--twenty--thirty--was there never to be an end?五百万——一千万——两千万——三千万——难道永无止境了吗?

13.Once, thousands of sod houses could be seen across the old American West.在昔日的美国西部曾经可以看见成千上万的这种草皮屋。

14.The danger was that the draft agreement, so laboriously put together, could be wrenched by the two monomaniacal Vietnamese parties.千辛万苦拟就的协定草案有毁于固执成性的越南双方之手的危险。

15.The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them;And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar skyIs like a spring gale, come up in the night,Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.北风卷地白草折, 胡天八月即飞雪;忽如一夜春风来, 千树万树梨花开。

16.The Artistic Foreshadowing in Zuozhuan;草蛇灰线,伏脉千里——浅析《左传》的伏笔艺术

17.It is said that "tens of thousands of people join the dance"."舞者成千上万"。

18.he always follows the latest fads; it was all the rage that season.股市狂潮牵引了千千万万人的心。


Stellarin A千针万线草环肽A

3)Stellarin H千针万线草环肽H

4)Ten million千万

5)40 GW4000万千瓦



千针万线草【通用名称】千针万线草【其他名称】千针万线草 (《滇南本草》) 【异名】麦参、筋骨草(《云南中草药》),大鹅肠菜(《云南中草药选》)。 【来源】为石竹科植物云南繁缕的根。 【植物形态】云南繁缕 多年生散生草本,高50~90厘米。根丛生,中部多膨大成长棱形,外部黄棕色.茎圆柱形,秃净。叶对生,线状披针形至卵状披针形,长1.5~3.7厘米,宽2~7毫米,先端尖或长尖,基部钝形,全缘,主脉明显,上面绿色,下面粉绿色;无柄。2歧聚伞花序出于茎或校的顶端;总花梗长3~5厘米;苞片2枚,披针形或卵状披针形,膜质;花萼5,分裂达基部,披针形;花瓣5,白色,深2裂达基部,裂片椭圆形,较萼片短;雄蕊8~10;雌蕊1,花柱3,分离。蒴果卵圆形,长约5毫米,5齿开裂,外有宿存萼片。种子小,棕色,有棱角,上具突起。 生于山林地带。 【采集】夏、秋采收。 【性味】甘,平。 ①《滇南本草》:"性微温,味甘。" ②《滇南本草图说》:"甘,平。无毒。" 【功用主治】健牌,养肝,益肾。治体虚贫血,精神短少,头晕心慌,耳鸣眼花,潮热,遗精,腰痛脚弱,月经不调,带下淋沥,小儿疳积。 ①《滇南本草》:"补肝、脾、肾。治阴血虚弱,精神短少,头昏心慌,耳鸣眼花及五心烦热,小肚胀坠,腰痛脚酸,妇人白带、漏下淋沥。" ②《滇南本草图说,:"止咳血。" ③《云南中草药》:"治月经不调,贫血,小儿疳积,肾虚遗精,阴虚潮热。" ④《云南中草药选》:"治骨折,外伤,肾炎。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两;或炖肉服。外用:捣敷。 【选方】①治妇人白带年久,头晕耳鸣,腰疼,夜间发热,精神短少,饮食无味:千针万线草三钱,水牛肉三两。煎食三、四次。(《滇南本草》) ②治体虚贫血,头晕耳鸣,虚肿,出虚汗:千针万线草、大黑药等分碾粉,加鸡蛋、红糖煮吃。(《昆明民间常用草药》) ③治乳腺炎:千针万线草一至二两。炖肉服或水煎服。(《云南中草药》)
