100字范文 > 导电涂层 Conductive coating英语短句 例句大全

导电涂层 Conductive coating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 11:55:35


导电涂层 Conductive coating英语短句 例句大全

导电涂层,Conductive coating

1)Conductive coating导电涂层

1.New varieties of low toxic or nontoxic anti-fouling coating and new type of non-public hazards antifouling technigue that applies conductive coating to prevent the adhesion of maritime organisms developed by different countries are described.首先介绍3种传统的防污涂料,分析它们的优缺点,然后列述各国研究开发的低毒或无毒的防污涂料新品种以及新型无公害防污技术──利用导电涂层防止海洋生物附着的技术。



2.Study of Electrically Conductive Coating Made of Water-Based Polyurethane/Cement/Carbon Black水性聚氨酯/水泥/碳黑导电涂层的研究

3.Preparation of Conductive and Anticorrosive Polyantane/Epoxy Resin Coating via In-Situ Polymerization原位聚合法制备PANI/EP导电防腐蚀涂层

4.The effects of proton irradiation on electrical properties of thermal control coatings质子辐照对防静电热控涂层导电性能影响

5.Influence of vacuum environment on electrical properties of antistatic thermal control coatings真空环境对防静电热控涂层导电性能的影响

6.Effect of H_2 flow rate on electrical conductivity of APS TiO_2 coatings氢气流量对大气等离子喷涂TiO_2涂层导电性的影响

7.Preparation and Characteristic of Composite Conductive Powders and Coating with Barite Matrix;重晶石基复合导电粉末及涂层的制备与表征

8.Study Micro-arc Oxidation Combined with Conductive Composite Coating on Magnesium Alloy镁合金微弧氧化/导电复合涂层工艺研究

9.Preparation of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Enamel by Electrochemical Technique电诱导牙釉质表面羟基磷灰石涂层形成的研究

10.Study on Arc Spraying Technology and the Performance of Spray Coat;电弧喷涂工艺及喷涂涂层性能的研究

posite coating protection technology of arc spraying and powder coating spraying电弧喷涂与粉末涂料喷涂复合涂层防护技术

12.Mechanism of degradation of the electrical properties of pellicular antistatic thermal control coatings under near ultraviolet irradiation近紫外辐照对塑料薄膜型防静电热控涂层导电性能的退化效应

13.Microstructure and Properties of FeCrAl Coating and NiCr Coating by Hvas;高速电弧喷涂FeCrAl涂层和NiCr涂层组织及性能研究

14.Copper, favored for highly conductive coatings, requires protective topcoat.铜镀,适用于高导电的涂装,需要上一层保护的表漆。

15.Trapped Surface Wave and Lateral Wave along a planar Conductor Coated With a Dielectric Layer;沿涂敷介质层的导电基底传播的表面波与侧面波

16.The Research of Semiconductor Behaviors of Metal/Organic Coating in Electrolytes during Its Degradation金属/有机涂层电解质溶液中腐蚀的半导体行为研究

17.Photopolymerization kinetics and properties of the UV-curable coating with conductive mica/acrylate导电云母粉/丙烯酸酯复合光聚合动力学及涂层性能研究

18.Influence of magnetic-field-induced-alignment on the conductivity and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Ni/polyacrylate coatings磁致取向对镍粉填充丙烯酸酯复合涂层导电与屏蔽性能的影响


Ni conductive paintNi导电涂层

3)external conductive coating导电外涂层

4)electrostatic-conducted coating导静电涂层

1.A technique combined with field inspection and laboratory test is adopted to examine and analyze the property of singleelectrostatic-conducted coating and compound coating.采用现场检测与试验室测试相结合的方式,对储油罐底板单一导静电涂层和新型复合导静电涂层进行了检测和对比分析。

5)conducting coating导电涂层,导电漆

6)transparent conducting coatings透明导电涂层

1.To manufacture the integrated conductive network with freely dispersed carbon nanotubes and gettransparent conducting coatings with excellent transparence and conductivity, it was necessary to self-assemble the free conductive carbon nanotubes into an integrated conductive network effectively in the resin media.为实现碳纳米管在树脂内形成一体化导电网络,从而制备出透明导电性能最优的有机透明导电涂层,必须把导电性的碳纳米管纤维在树脂内有效地组装成一体化导电结构网络。


