100字范文 > 燃烧反应器 catalytic combustor英语短句 例句大全

燃烧反应器 catalytic combustor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-23 03:24:20


燃烧反应器 catalytic combustor英语短句 例句大全

燃烧反应器,catalytic combustor

1)catalytic combustor燃烧反应器

1.Some types ofcatalytic combustor are introduced.综述了甲烷高温催化燃烧的研究现状,对甲烷燃烧催化剂材料的研究进展作了介绍,阐述了甲烷高温催化燃烧反应器的概况。

2)catalytic combustion reactor催化燃烧反应器

1.A one-dimensional mathematical model was presented for thecatalytic combustion reactor.建立了废气中含有甲苯、一氧化碳、丙烯混合物催化燃烧反应器的数学模型 。

2.One-dimensional mathematical model forcatalytic combustion reactor has been presented to obtain the conversion and temperature profiles of the catalytic bed.建立了甲苯、二甲苯、环己烷催化燃烧反应器的一维拟均相数学模型 ,在MnCuOx/Al2 O3 催化剂上催化燃烧反应动力学采用Langmuir双曲型动力学方程。


1.The Kinetic Study of PMMA Isothermal Combustion;聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯等温燃烧反应的动力学研究

2.The flame temperature of C_2H_2combustion in NO was 3587 K by theoretical colculation, which was very near its actual temperature (3368 K).1196n λ计算了乙炔在NO中燃烧反应的火焰温度,计算值为3587K,与实际温度3368K非常接近。


1.CREK = combustion reaction equilibrium and kinetics燃烧反应平衡动力学

2.Coal Gangue Fuel Burning Reaction and Production煤矸石工业燃料的燃烧产物及其燃烧反应

3.Mechanism of H_2 combustion reaction in N_2O;H_2在N_2O内燃烧反应机理探讨

4.Al-Cu-based sound-absorbing materials by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis燃烧反应合成Al-Cu基吸声材料

5.Structure and combustion reactivity of coal char pyrolyzed in different atmospheres不同热解气氛煤焦结构及燃烧反应性

6.Methodological study on combustion reaction kinetics of single coal char particle单颗粒煤焦燃烧反应动力学研究方法

7.Micro-Physical and Chemical Properties and Combustion Reactivity of Blended Coal Chars混煤焦的微观理化特性与燃烧反应性

8.Numerical Study on the Chemical Reaction Kinetics of n-heptane for HCCI Combustion Process;正庚烷均质压燃燃烧反应动力学数值模拟研究

9.The most common type of reaction studied calorimetrically is combustion.量热研究中最常见的反应类型是燃烧反应。

10.In general, exothermic combustion reactions require two reactants.一般说来,放热燃烧反应需要两种反应物。

11.A Study on Combustion Reaction Kinetic and Combustion Properties of Bamboo Strips Forming Materials with Different Resins不同树脂竹丝成形材燃烧反应动力学及燃烧性能研究

12.they may react with chemical species within the flame to stop the combustion reaction.阻燃剂可以与火焰中的化学物质起反应,使燃烧反应终止。

13.A chemical change takes place in paper when it burns.纸燃烧时产生化学反应。

14.Research on Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in Combustor with Detailed Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms;基于详细化学反应机理的燃烧室燃烧流场计算

15.The Research of Combustion Characteristic of Natural Gas under Normal Temperature Air Flameless Combustion天然气在无焰燃烧下的燃烧化学反应特性分析

16.Thermonuclear reactions are, quite literally, nuclear burning.热核反应,通俗地说,就是原子核燃烧。

17.Reaction Behaviors and Mechanism of Combustion Synthesis in the Al-Ti-BN System;Al-Ti-BN体系燃烧合成反应行为及机理

bustion Synthesis Reaction Mechanism of Ni-Ti-C/B_4C SystemsNi-Ti-C/B_4C体系燃烧合成反应机制


catalytic combustion reactor催化燃烧反应器

1.A one-dimensional mathematical model was presented for thecatalytic combustion reactor.建立了废气中含有甲苯、一氧化碳、丙烯混合物催化燃烧反应器的数学模型 。

2.One-dimensional mathematical model forcatalytic combustion reactor has been presented to obtain the conversion and temperature profiles of the catalytic bed.建立了甲苯、二甲苯、环己烷催化燃烧反应器的一维拟均相数学模型 ,在MnCuOx/Al2 O3 催化剂上催化燃烧反应动力学采用Langmuir双曲型动力学方程。


1.The Kinetic Study of PMMA Isothermal Combustion;聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯等温燃烧反应的动力学研究

2.The flame temperature of C_2H_2combustion in NO was 3587 K by theoretical colculation, which was very near its actual temperature (3368 K).1196n λ计算了乙炔在NO中燃烧反应的火焰温度,计算值为3587K,与实际温度3368K非常接近。

4)combustion synthesis燃烧反应

5)combustion reaction燃烧反应

1.Mechanism of H_2combustion reaction in N_2O;H_2在N_2O内燃烧反应机理探讨

2.Flame temperature of gascombustion reaction;煤气燃烧反应的火焰温度

3.The results showed that the main products ofcombustion reaction were TiB2 and MoB.采用燃烧反应工艺焊接了TiB2陶瓷与金属Mo,对中间反应层生成物进行了XRD物相分析,对焊接界面结合情况进行了电子探针分析。

6)flameless combustion stirred reactor无焰燃烧搅拌反应器


