100字范文 > 动态测控装置 dynamic measurement and control unit英语短句 例句大全

动态测控装置 dynamic measurement and control unit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 20:29:27


动态测控装置 dynamic measurement and control unit英语短句 例句大全

动态测控装置,dynamic measurement and control unit

1)dynamic measurement and control unit动态测控装置


3)measurement and control equipment测控装置

1.Design on communication interface of embedded intelligentmeasurement and control equipment based on IPv6;基于IPv6嵌入式智能测控装置通信接口设计

2.A universalmeasurement and control equipment for Automatic System of the Substation;一种变电站自动化系统通用测控装置

3.The paper introduces the application of LonWorks technology in intelligent links of the integratedmeasurement and control equipment based on two aspects of the hardware and software.LonWorks现场总线以其独特的优势被广泛应用于配电系统自动化系统中,本文从硬件和软件两方面,介绍了LonWorks技术在综合测控装置智能节点中的应用。


1.Application and test of 220kV measure-and-control device in substation220kV测控装置在变电站中的应用及检测

2.The Design of a New Type of IED of Transformer一种新型变压器保护测控装置的设计

3.The Development of a Multi-CPU Measurement and Control Device Based on CAN Bus;基于CAN总线的多CPU测控装置的研制

4.The Research About the Application of Model of IEC 61850 in the Protect and Control DeviceIEC61850模型在保护测控装置中的应用研究

5.Application RCS-9612AⅡ Type Measuring and Controlling Device in Safeguarding Electric LineRCS-9612AⅡ型线路保护测控装置的应用

6.Research on Eliminating Telesignal Dither in Measurement and Control Device变电站测控装置消除遥信抖动的探讨

7.DThe design of motor protection and control device based on F2812 DSP基于F2812DSP的电动机保护测控装置设计

8.Harmonic Measuring and Controlling Apparatus Applicable for High-power Inverter应用于大功率变频器的谐波测控装置

9.Control of monitoring and measuring devices监视和测量装置的控制

puterized logging unit计算机控制测井装置

11.The composition, functions and peculiarity were introduced in detail.详述测试装置和控制系统的组成、能、点。

12.Having complete operating control and safety monitoring devices.具有完备的运行控制和安全监测装置。

13.Development of Coal Seam Injection Water Flow Monitoring and Control Device煤层注水流量监测监控装置的研制

14.crystal-controlled secondary standard frequency measuring equipment晶体控制次级频率标准测试装置

15.Application of robust multi-variable predictive control technology in CDU常减压装置鲁棒多变量预测控制应用

16.Design of 35kV Power Line Protection and Monitoring Device Based on DSP;基于DSP的35kV线路测控保护装置的研制

17.Development & Study of the Measurement and Control System for Vibration Calibration Devices;振动校准装置测控系统的开发与研究

18.Study on the Measurement & Control System and Loading Device for EPS of Automobile;汽车EPS测控系统及加载装置的研究



3)measurement and control equipment测控装置

1.Design on communication interface of embedded intelligentmeasurement and control equipment based on IPv6;基于IPv6嵌入式智能测控装置通信接口设计

2.A universalmeasurement and control equipment for Automatic System of the Substation;一种变电站自动化系统通用测控装置

3.The paper introduces the application of LonWorks technology in intelligent links of the integratedmeasurement and control equipment based on two aspects of the hardware and software.LonWorks现场总线以其独特的优势被广泛应用于配电系统自动化系统中,本文从硬件和软件两方面,介绍了LonWorks技术在综合测控装置智能节点中的应用。

4)measurement and control device测控装置

1.The Development of a Multi-CPU Measurement and Control Device Based on CAN Bus;基于CAN总线的多CPU测控装置的研制

2.Influence of matching ofmeasurement and control device D25 with CZX-12A on recloser of 220 kV line测控装置D25与CZX-12A配合对220kV线路重合闸的影响

3.This paper detailedly analyzes a circuit breaker misclosing accident on the medium-voltage side of a main transformer,which resulted from misoperation of themeasurement and control device under electromagnetic interference(EMI).对一起由于测控装置同期开入回路受到电磁干扰后误动,造成主变压器中压侧断路器误合闸的严重事故进行了详细分析,并说明了电磁干扰使得光耦元件“瞬态饱和”的现象和原理,指出了测控装置设计不当的地方,并由制造厂家进行了改进。

5)measuring and control device测控装置

1.The advantages and disadvantages for this kind of conventional scheme were analyzed, and new scheme of adding code system conversion box on panel terminal was put forward, which realized the digital display of tap changing switch position for main transformer directly through themeasuring and control device of integrated aut.文章分析了此种常规方案的优劣,提出了在屏端子上加装码制转换盒的新方案,从而在组屏设计中直接由综合自动化系统中的测控装置来实现主变压器分接开关位置的数字显示。

2.A new type of substationmeasuring and control device based on SMS (short message) communication has been developed in order to supplement the blank.针对这种情况, 开发了一种基于 SMS (短消息服务) 通讯的新型变电站测控装置, 该装置使用 GSM的短消息服务, 在主站端和测控装置端开发了符合 SMS协议的通讯接口, 将变电站 (所) 测控系统中的" 四遥" 功能通过GSM的通讯网络实现, 使得通讯建设成本大大降低, 通信质量提高, 能全天候适应变电站的测控工作。

6)electronic dynamics programme (EDP)行车动态控制装置


动态流导法真空标准装置动态流导法真空标准装置vacuum standard system by continuous flow through an orifice由ngtai liudcofa zhenkor均bicozhun zhuan平hi动态流导法真空标准装t(vac~stand山dsysteyn场continuous flowthI’OL吵an orifice)又称小孔法或泻流法,是由动态平衡产生已知压力来对泵乃夕 单级动态流导法标准装1原理示意图真空计G进行校准或分度的方法。图为单级动态流导法标准装置的原理示意图。由可调针阀引人到校准室的流量为口的气体通过流导为c的小孔到抽气室,最后被抽速为S的真空泵抽走。当进人校准室的气体量与通过小孔被抽除的气体量相等时,校准室内有一平衡压力p,相应地,抽气室内有一平衡压力p。。若s》c,则p》p。。可根据气体等温连续性原理,得到p的计算公式为:P=Q/C小孔流导C值,在分子流条件下可根据其几何尺寸算出。由针阀调节的不同流量Q(用流量计侧得),在校准室内可得到不同的p值。通常要求泵的抽速S远比小孔的流导C值要大,以减少抽速测定值误差的影响及抽速波动的影响。采用多级小孔分流的设计可扩大校准下限。动态流导法只适用于分子流条件,即气体分子之间碰撞几乎不存在的情况,这也是该法校准上限受限制的原因。动态流导法的优点在于减少了被校真空计规管的吸放气效应的影响,是目前高真空和超高真空范围的主要的校准手段。中国建立的动态流导法真空标准装置的测量范围为10一’Pa一10一ZPa,扩展不确定度在10一“Pa一10一ZPa时为5%,在10一,Pa时为10%。(转葱丈)
