100字范文 > 视网膜出血 retinal hemorrhage英语短句 例句大全

视网膜出血 retinal hemorrhage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-19 10:30:20


视网膜出血 retinal hemorrhage英语短句 例句大全

视网膜出血,retinal hemorrhage

1)retinal hemorrhage视网膜出血

1.Relative factor clinical analysis of newbornretinal hemorrhage;新生儿视网膜出血的相关因素分析

2.Theretinal hemorrhage absorption,visual acuity,and hemorheological index were evaluated and compared before and after treatment in two groups.观察并比较2组用药前后视网膜出血吸收、视力、血液流变学等情况。


1.Observation of neonatal retinal haemorrhage with distress in utero宫内窘迫新生儿视网膜出血临床分析

2.Retinal hemorrhage, and blurring of the optic dise cause visual disturbances.视网膜出血及神经盘模糊等可导致视力障碍。

3.Retianl hemorrhage after rapid Decompression of acute closed angle急性闭角型青光眼降压后的视网膜出血

4.Causes of vision decline at forepart had something to do with some factors,such as corneal edema,retinal hemorrhage,vitreous body turbidity,stuffing inVitreous cavity.早期视力下降的原因与术后角膜水肿,视网膜出血,玻璃体混浊、玻璃体腔内填充物等因素有关。

5.The fundus shows preretinal hemorrhages that hide partially the edematous retina around the deeply *cupped* disc.眼底视网膜前出血,部分遮挡了视盘周围水肿的视网膜。

6.On postnatal 14th day,the outer vascular network was well developted.出生后 14d,视网膜外层毛细血管发育基本完成。

7.Establishment and Investigation of a Rabbit Model of Hemorrhagic Retinal Detachment;出血性视网膜脱离动物模型的建立与研究

8.Recovery of central vision is unsatisfactory due to macular degeneration and cicatrization.从视网膜下出血演变到玻璃体出血的时间不等,约一至三个星期。

9.retinocerebellar angiomatosis小脑视网膜血管瘤病

10.congenital abnormality of retinal vessel先天性视网膜血管异常

11.The clinical effection of sheathotomy on branch retinal vein occlusion.视网膜血管鞘膜切开治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞

12.Therapeutic effect of Chinese medicine of Liangxue Huayu Decoction on central exudative chorioretinopathy凉血化瘀中药治疗中心性渗出性脉络膜视网膜病变疗效观察

13.Association of serum lipid profile with retinal hard exudates among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus血清血脂分析结果与2型糖尿病患者视网膜硬性渗出的关系(英文)

14.The Significance of ERG Test on Vitreous Haemorrhage Organization and Vitreous Operation视网膜电图对玻璃体出血机化和玻璃体手术的意义

15.Cellular Apoptosis and the Expression of Apoptosis-related Genes in Hemorrhage Retinal Detachment in Rabbits;兔出血性视网膜脱离的细胞凋亡及其相关基因表达

16.Nursing Care for A Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patient Complicated with Central Retinal Artery Occlusion and Cerebral Hemorrhage1例系统性红斑狼疮患者视网膜中央动脉阻塞及脑出血的护理

17.The choroid coat carries many blood vessels to supply the retina.脉络膜通过许多血管为视网膜供应血液。

18.The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.眼睛巩膜和视网膜之间深褐色的血管网.


subretinal hemorrhage视网膜下出血

1.Pars plana vitrectomy and 180° retinotomy for treatment of massivesubretinal hemorrhage;玻璃体切割联合180°视网膜切开术治疗严重视网膜下出血

3)(Retinal hemorrhage)视网膜出血(Retinal hemorrhage)

4)superficial retinal hemorrhage浅层视网膜出血

5)deep retinal hemorrhage深层视网膜出血

6)preretinal hemorrhage视网膜前出血


