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心理辅导 psychological guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 15:56:58


心理辅导 psychological guidance英语短句 例句大全

心理辅导,psychological guidance

1)psychological guidance心理辅导

1.Objective: To study the psychological condition and character of female high school students in South-Zhejiang region and to study the influence on psychological health through the combiningpsychological guidance with combination of group guidance and individual guidance.目的:探讨浙南地区女中学生的心理健康的状况及其特征;研究团体和个别心理辅导相结合的辅导模式,对中学生心理健康的影响。

2.The post-modernism perspective has great effect on curriculum ofpsychological guidance.后现代课程观对高校心理辅导课程建设有着重要启示,具体在课程内容、课程目标、教学过程和课程评价方面都可以借鉴后现代课程观的思想。


1.How college counselors to be competent for mental counseling;高校辅导员如何胜任大学生心理辅导

2.Career psychological guidance, which is different from traditional vocation psychological guidance.生涯心理辅导不同于传统的职业心理辅导。

3.Career Psychological Guidance as the Basis of Psychological Guidance for College Students;大学心理辅导应以生涯心理辅导为本位

4.The Structure and Status of High College Assistants Psychological Assistant Ability;高校辅导员心理辅导能力的结构与现状分析

5.Study on Psychological Advising Work of College Advisors;高校思想政治辅导员心理辅导工作初探

6.Student Counselors as Psychological Counselor in Colleges;高校政治辅导员兼做心理辅导工作利弊初探

7.Optimizing the Instructors’ Methods for Offering Undergraduates Psychological Guidance;论辅导员在大学生心理辅导工作方法上的优化

8.Approaches to Improving the Capacity for Psychology Instruction of Student Supervisors;论提高辅导员心理辅导能力的途径和方法

9.Education on Philosophy-An Exploration on the Orientation of Vocational College Students Psychological Health Education;人生观辅导——关于高职学生心理辅导取向的探讨

10.Study on Psychological Counseling"s Application in College Assistants" Work心理辅导在高校辅导员工作中的应用研究

11.Effective Ways for College Instructors to Carry out Psychological Guidance in New Period新时期高校辅导员开展心理辅导的有效途径

12.Group counseling for the college students mental health education;团体心理辅导与大学生心理健康教育

13.Enhancing Psychological Coaching, Optimizing Pupils Diathesis;加强心理辅导 优化小学生心理素质

14.They can instruct pupils in their activities to behave correctly.班主任在学校心理辅导教育活动中,要加强小学生的学习心理辅导、人格心理辅导。

15.Emotional Communication-Regarding counseling and psychiatric help;心的交融——谈心理辅导、咨询工作

16.Focus on Psychological Tutorship and Serveof Health Education in University;试论高校心理健康教育的心理辅导与心理服务

17.Analysis on Effect of Peer Counseling in Universities;“朋辈心理辅导模式”在高校心理辅导中的效能性分析

18.Research on Relationship between College Counsellors" Psychological Assistance Work and Psychological Counseling Work高校辅导员心理辅导与高校心理咨询关系的探讨


psychological counseling心理辅导

1.The characteristic defects of Chinese and the responsive measures inpsychological counseling;中国人的国民性格缺陷及心理辅导对策

2.They have the advantages of knowing their students well and their own field of moral education is relevant topsychological counseling,but factors like working principles,methods or priority between the two jobs sometimes collide.目前,由于缺乏专业人员,许多高校学生心理辅导工作由政治辅导员兼做。

3.According to different psychological levels of children of different ages, one should adopt different strategies ofpsychological counseling for them after the earthquake.震后心理辅导应充分考虑儿童的心理发展特点,提供长期的、有针对性的心理支持,帮助儿童减轻地震造成的心理伤害。

3)Psychological consultation心理辅导

1.The thought about combination of ideological education and psychological consultation in colleges and universities;高校学生思想政治教育与心理辅导相结合之初探

2.The author ponders and analyzes many theories and methods of psychological consultation.本文通过对诸多心理咨询理论和方法的思考、分析以及教育实践的体会,在汲取和整合的基础上,结合我国青少年心理特点,提出了"心理模型的替代或覆盖"这一适合我国青少年心理特点的心理辅导思想和方法,以便最大效度地促进我国青少年心理的健康成长。

3.Since the eighties of the 20th century,the result of the rapid development in our country in psychological consultation and treatment and psychologic teaching and coaching,is not satisfactory,this is not merely because western theory limitation of itself,and still involves the question of concrete application of the theory and technology.随着人们的进一步观察思考、调查研究和心理辅导的实践发现,中国人有着独特的解决自己心理健康问题的方式。

4)psychological coaching心理辅导

1.Application of interview techniques in thepsychological coaching of undergraduate;大学生心理辅导中面谈技术的运用

2.New conditions and challenges in the new era call for the coordination of college students ideological education andpsychological coaching.面对新形势下的新情况、新挑战,高校学生思想教育与心理辅导必须加强协调、形成合力。

5)mental counseling心理辅导

1.How college counselors to be competent formental counseling;高校辅导员如何胜任大学生心理辅导

2.There are three major steps in doing bibliotherapy in schoolmental counseling: to change the concept of reading,to construct.学校心理辅导中开展阅读治疗的关键性问题有:阅读观念的改变;阅读治疗与辅导资源库的建设;后续活动的设计。


1.Study on Counseling to Prevent and Treat College Students Internet Addiction Disorder;心理辅导防治大学生网络成瘾的研究

2.Its main features include:the developmental and preventive nature ofcounseling objects,the infiltration ofcounseling ideas,the integrity of educational resources,the specialization of counselors,the depth in problem treatment,mutual help between peers,and cultural appropriateness.加拿大中小学心理辅导的历史悠久,内容广泛,特点鲜明:辅导目标的发展性和预防性,辅导理念的渗透型,教育资源的整合性,辅导人员的专业性,问题矫治的深入性,朋辈之间的互助性,多元文化的契合性等对我国学校心理辅导的发展和推进提供了有益的启示。

3.As a new model ofcounseling,peercounseling have many good effects,such as enrich counselors,all-roundcounseling,and so on.作为一种新的心理辅导模式,朋辈心理辅导能够在充实辅导人员、辅导全面及时等诸多方面体现其较强的有效性,但这种模式在高校也存在一些争议与需要思考的问题。


辅导报告 辅导报告——辅导报告是证券经营机构对发行公司辅导工作结束后就辅导情况、效果及意见向有关主管单位出具的书面报告。
