100字范文 > 学生生涯 student career英语短句 例句大全

学生生涯 student career英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-01 12:20:20


学生生涯 student career英语短句 例句大全

学生生涯,student career

1)student career学生生涯


1.Developing Research of a Data Base System of Career Management for University Students;大学生生涯管理数据库系统开发研究

2.Study on Theories and Methods of Career Counseling of Undergraduate Student;大学生生涯辅导的理论与方法的研究

3.Pattern of Group Counseling of College Students Career Planning;大学生生涯规划团体心理辅导的模式

4.Changing the Concept to Do the Work of Career Guidance of Students Well;转变观念 做好大学生生涯辅导工作

5.He is unfitted for scholastic life.他不适于学者生涯。

6.Art is long, but life is short.人生有限,学问无涯。

7.On the Planning of Undergraduate Career from the Perspective of Ecology生态学视角下的大学生职业生涯规划

8.Discussion on Career Design and Future Development of College Student;试论大学生职业生涯规划与人生发展

9.Study of Career-Designing of the Students in Professional Schools of Petroleum;石油职业学校学生职业生涯设计研究

10.On the Innovation in Practice Teaching and the Career Planning for College Students;实践教学创新与大学生职业生涯规划

11.Research on the Teaching of College Students" Career Planning Course《大学生职业生涯规划》课程教学研究

12.The Research of University Student s Occupation Decision and Occupation Career Planning;大学生职业决策与职业生涯规划研究

prehensive Evaluation Model for College Students Career Lanning;大学生职业生涯规划的综合评价模型

14.Exploration of Self-education of University Students under the Perspective of Career Education;生涯教育视野下大学生自我教育探究

15.Enterprise Talented Person Need and University Student Occupation Career Planning;企业人才需求与大学生职业生涯规划

16.My Academic Life in Retrospect--Interviews with XU Zhong-yu;回望我的学术生涯——徐中玉先生访谈录

17.The Education on the Undergraduate′s Career Planning in Private University;浅论民办高校学生职业生涯规划教育

18.Current Situation and Countermeasures of Undergraduate s Career Planning Education;大学生职业生涯规划教育现状与对策


scientific career科学生涯

1.An overview is given of thescientific career of Qian Linzhao to demonstrate his main contributions to physics and his important role in the development of science and education in modern China.文章叙述了钱临照教授的科学生涯,展示了他对物理学所作的主要贡献和对现代中国科学和教育事业的发展所起的重要作用。

3)Cholar career学者生涯

4)academic career学术生涯

1.QIAO Jian s 50-year-longacademic career in anthropology can be divided into three stages: the first stage studies the Gaoshan Nationality of Taiwan, the second stage is devoted to the research of American Indians, local customs of Hong Kong, and the ethnic minorities in Chinese mainland, while the third stage lasting till the present is dedicated to the Han society.乔健先生50年的人类学学术生涯可分为三个阶段。

2.From the beginning of hisacademic career, Yang Yi has been continually exploring and inventing in his studing areas,and has greatly widened and deepened his academic research, showing his abundant academic creativity and endless academic development.自进入学术生涯以来,杨义不断探索和创新,大大拓展了学术研究的广度和深度,体现出充沛的学术创造力和无尽的学术开拓精神。

3.Dainian Zhang sacademic career could be divided into three stages,and its characteristics could be summarized by these four words:"programmatic","subtle","creative","comprehensive".张岱年学术生涯八十年,可分三个阶段,其特点可用"纲"———"微"———"新"———"全"四字概括。

5)school career学业生涯

1.Presently in the national psychology science people put little attention on college studentsschool career and even leave blank on its designing structure.目前,国内心理科学界对于大学生学业生涯这一领域的研究相当薄弱,对于大学生学业生涯设计因素结构的研究则属空白。

6)The ladder of knowledge reaches beyond the ladder of life.生有涯而学无涯。


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
