100字范文 > 名师培养 training of excellent teachers英语短句 例句大全

名师培养 training of excellent teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-27 03:25:46


名师培养 training of excellent teachers英语短句 例句大全

名师培养,training of excellent teachers

1)training of excellent teachers名师培养


1.Highlighting Characteristics of Vocational Education to Train Excellent Teachers彰显职业教育特点 创新名师培养模式

2.The Research on Strategies of Forstering National Teaching Celebrities in Higher Education in Guangxi--Take theThree Famous Teachers in Guangxi as Examples;广西高校国家教学名师培养策略研究——以三位国家教学名师为例

3.Training of Distinguished Teachers in Newly-built Local Universities新建地方高校教学名师培养现状及对策思考

4.He"ll make a teacher (out) of his son.他要把他儿子培养成为一名教师。

5.Training, Education and Development--Connotation of the names for the three Kinds of teacher-training;培训 教育 发展——三种教师培养名称的内涵

6.To Provide Experience for Training Subsequent Famous Teachers by Exploring the Success Factors Influencing the Famous Teachers探求影响名师教学成功因素为培养后续名师提供借鉴

7.Teacher Training Abroad and Its Implications;国外教师培养对国内师资培养的启示

8.On the Method of Selecting and Training the Famous Teaching Masters in the College of the Minority Areas;少数民族地区高校教学名师选拔与培养方法初探

9.Culturing the Distinguished Professors by Strengthening Studies to the Special Resources of Scholarship in Universities in Guangxi;加强对广西特有学术资源的研究,培养广西高校名师

10.The Newly-Built Selection Standard For Local Famous University Teachers And the Study of Training Tactics in Stage新建地方高校教学名师选拔标准及阶段性培养策略研究

11.Cultivation and Training of Popular Science Teachers by Normal Institutions;师范院校科普师资的培养与培训研究

12.On the Aim and Mode of Cultivation of The Dancing Course of Higher Normal Education;论高师舞蹈学科培养目标与培养模式

13.The Trend of Teaching Staff Construction in Higher Vocational Education in China from the View of Teaching Staff Cultivation Model in Germany;德国师资培养模式对我国高职师资培养的启示

14.Being a Qualified Teacher with Teaching Ethics;加强师德修养,做一名合格的大学教师

15.A Research on the Pre-work Cultivation and Training of the Teachers of English-Chinese Language Teaching--How to Train Excellent English-Chinese Language Teachers;双语教学教师岗前培养和培训的研究——如何培养优秀的双语教师

16.On Inquiry into Teachers Cultivation and Reform of the Training Model;关于教师培养与培训模式改革的探讨

17.Inspiration of Training in British Higher Vocational Teaching Institutions on Chinese Double-Competency Teaching Stuff Training;英国高等职业院校教师培养对我国高职“双师型”教师培养的启示

18.Reconsidering and Exploration on the Mode of Teacher Education--Taking the Senior High School Teachers Teaching Pattern as Example;教师教育培养模式的反思与探索——以高师语文师资的培养模式为论


Trainer cultivation培训师培养

3)Physician training医师培养

1.This article intends to find the inadequacy of China\"s higher medical education and seek a physician education and training model that suits our country by comparing source of medical students,medical teaching pattern and physician training between China and the United States.本文旨在通过对中美医学生来源、医学教学模式、医师培养等方面的比较,找出我国高等医学教育的不足,寻求适合我国的医师教育培养模式。

4)teachers training师资培养

1.It has explored the distinguishedteachers training patterns,different training plans and put forward the teachers-training ways in future,which is helpful in improvingteachers training.针对医药类高职高专院校师资来源和课程体系特点,结合师资管理与队伍建设实际,对近年来师资培养途径的改革与实践进行了总结。

2.At present Collegeteachers training work is facing a new situation and new problems.当前高校师资培养工作正面临着新的形势和问题 ,本文分析了这些挑战和机遇 ,在此基础上提出了加强和改进师资培养工作的对策和建议。

3.Higher vocational education should orient market demand, reform education mode, focus onteachers training and students employment during teaching process so as to make it combine with professional training and qualification and form its characteristic.高职教育应以市场需求为导向,改革教育模式,在教育过程中突出就业这个主线,加强师资培养,使高职教育与职业培训和职业资格相结合,办出高职教育特色。

5)cultivation of teaching staff师资培养

6)teacher training师资培养

1.Preschoolteacher training should improve in quality to address the new tendencies of early education.社会转型时期的学前教育呈现出许多新特点,我们必须努力提高学前教育师资培养的质量,以应对学前教育服务多样化、托幼一体化及办园体制多元化等新趋势。

2.The results of the investigation questionnaires demonstrate that related colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province, which currently undertake the task of elementary educationteacher training, attach importance to STS education to some extent.对浙江省相关院校问卷调查显示,当前承担基础教育师资培养任务的院校在一定程度上重视了STS教育,但对它的认识还不平衡,师资、教材等问题也比较突出,需要进一步提高对STS教育的认识,并加强教师的知识更新、编写适合的教材等。

3.Thus, the quality of education andteacher training has been brought to a higher attention.面向21世纪人才培养已经要求知识、能力和素质的全面提高,对教育质量和师资培养也有了更高的要求,而教学评估是保证教学质量、提高师资水平的有效措施之一,是对教学过程和教学效果进行检验的一种必不可少手段,是构成教学过程的一个重要的有机组成部分。


名师1.著名的军队。 2.有名的老师或师傅。
