100字范文 > 陶瓷磨具 vitrified abrasive tools英语短句 例句大全

陶瓷磨具 vitrified abrasive tools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-26 02:54:32


陶瓷磨具 vitrified abrasive tools英语短句 例句大全

陶瓷磨具,vitrified abrasive tools

1)vitrified abrasive tools陶瓷磨具

1.Design of temperature control system of technology testing furnace forvitrified abrasive tools;陶瓷磨具工艺试验炉温度控制系统的设计

2)bonded ceramic abrasive products固结陶瓷磨具

3)vartified abrasive products production line陶瓷磨具生产线

4)vitrified bonded grinding tool陶瓷结合剂磨具


1.Condition of Teaching, Researchand Production of VitrifiedSuperabrasives in China;我国超硬材料陶瓷结合剂磨具教科产状况浅析

2.The Study of Properties about Vitrified Bonder Cubic Boron Nitride Grinding Tool;立方氮化硼磨具陶瓷结合剂性能研究

3.Study on Low Melting Point and High Strength Vitrified Bond Superhard Grinding Tools;低熔高强陶瓷结合剂超硬磨具的研究

4.Development of a new nano-vitrified bond for superhard tools纳米陶瓷结合剂超硬磨具的制造工艺

5.Preparation And Properties of Diamond Grinding Tool With Ceramic Bondtng Agent陶瓷结合剂金刚石磨具制备工艺研究

6.Research on Ceramic/Metal Compound Bond Used in Superhard CBN Abrasive Tools超硬CBN磨具用陶瓷/金属复合结合剂的研究

7.Structure and Performance of Vitreous Bonded Cubic Boron Nitride Grinding Tools;陶瓷结合剂立方氮化硼磨具组织及性能的研究

8.Effect of nano-oxides on properties of vitrified bond for CBN abrasive tools纳米氧化物对CBN磨具陶瓷结合剂性能的影响

9.Influence of Additives on Vitrified Bond Melting Temperature of CBN High-speed Grinding Tool添加剂对CBN高速磨削工具用陶瓷结合剂熔融温度的影响

10.Effects of nano-AlN on structure and performance of low temperature vitrified bond diamond tools纳米AlN对低温陶瓷结合剂金刚石磨具结构与性能的影响

11.Thermal Characteristics of Surface Grinding with a Vitrified CBN Wheel;陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮磨削过程的热特性研究

12.Research on Grinding of Vitrified Bond CBN Grinding Wheel Based on Virtual Reality基于虚拟现实的陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮磨削研究

13.Experiment study on vitrified bond for ultra-high speed CBN wheel超高速磨削陶瓷CBN砂轮结合剂的实验研究

14.Wear characteristics of porous metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels during the grinding of ceramics陶瓷磨削中新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮磨损特征研究

15.Diffuser disc is produced from aluminum oxide and ceramic bonded together with high sintering temperature.性能特点:1.曝气盘采用氧化铝磨料和陶瓷结合剂高温烧结而成。

16.Research on the Preparation and Properties of the Vitrified Bond for Diamond Grinding Wheel to Grind Polycrystalline Diamond Compact;磨削金刚石复合片用陶瓷金刚石砂轮结合剂的制备与性能研究

17.The Antiwear and Repairing Performance of Ceramic Additive to the Surface of Extruding Dies;一种陶瓷添加剂对挤压模具的减磨及修复作用

18.Research on Wear Character of Microwave Sintering ZrO_2/LaNbO_4-MoSi_2 Ceramic Composites微波烧结ZrO_2/LaNbO_4-MoSi_2复合陶瓷耐磨性研究


bonded ceramic abrasive products固结陶瓷磨具

3)vartified abrasive products production line陶瓷磨具生产线

4)vitrified bonded grinding tool陶瓷结合剂磨具

5)ceramic grinding陶瓷磨削

1.The results show that two kinds of organic substance and the compounds which include both of them can enhance efficiency of the engineeringceramic grinding greatly.结果表明,这两种有机物及其多种复配配方可以大幅提高氮化硅陶瓷磨削时的材料去除率。

2.In this peper, the type of grinding wheel and grinding parameters, which have effect onceramic grinding, were studied primarily, and the principles to select grinding wheel and determine grinding parameters inceramic grinding were given.通过磨削实验对影响陶瓷磨削的砂轮种类和磨削参数进行了初步分析研究 ,最终给出了在陶瓷磨削中如何选择砂轮和确定磨削参数的原则。

6)abrasion resistant ceramic耐磨陶瓷

1.Based on analytical study of abrasion resistant base and filler materials, as well as high temperature bonding agents and the abrasion resistant materials production technology, the feasibility of low temperature fusion phase sintering ofabrasion resistant ceramic is theoretically demonstrated.通过对耐磨骨料、耐磨填料、高温粘结剂及耐磨材料制作工艺的分析研究,从理论上解决了低温熔相法烧结耐磨陶瓷的可行性。


电解质陶瓷(见快离子导体陶瓷)电解质陶瓷(见快离子导体陶瓷)electrolyte ceramics电解质陶瓷electrolyte陶瓷。Cera』n1CS即快离子导体
