100字范文 > 司法院校发展 development of judicial college英语短句 例句大全

司法院校发展 development of judicial college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-07 10:04:39


司法院校发展 development of judicial college英语短句 例句大全

司法院校发展,development of judicial college

1)development of judicial college司法院校发展

2)institutional development院校发展


1.Setting up the View on Scientific Development Promoting the Development of the Higher Professional Technical Institute;树立科学发展观,促进高职院校发展

2.An Study on the Development Relation of Regional Economy and Local Colleges;区域经济发展与地方本科院校发展关系的研究

3.The development tactics of the college of education in non-teachers universities;非师范院校新建教育院系的发展策略

4.Foreign Military Institutes of PK and the Future Development of PLA Institute of PE;外军体育院校与解放军体院未来发展

5.Considerations on Individual Development of Polytechnic Culture;高职院校学校文化个性化发展的思考

6.Location and Development of Higher Education Institutions under the Idea of Institution-locality Cooperation;校地合作理念下的院校定位及其发展

7.Research on the Construction and Development of PE Culture on Campuses of Colleges and Universities;高等院校校园体育文化的构建与发展

8.Teaching Feature" Is the Foundation of Operation and Development for Higher Vocational Institute;“特色强校”是高职院校生存和发展之本

9.A Brief Discussion on Reform and Development of Agricultural Institute owned Enterprises;浅谈农业院校校办产业的改革与发展

10.The Implication of the Development of American Institutional Research on Institutional Research in China;美国院校研究的发展对我国院校研究的启示

11.Modern university and institutional research--A review of the development of institutional research in the United States;现代大学与院校研究(下)——美国院校研究发展述评

12.Modern university and institutional research --A review of the development of institutional research in the United States;现代大学与院校研究(上)——美国院校研究发展述评

13.Developing an institutional intelligence system:a new trend of institutional research构建院校智能体系:院校研究发展的新趋势

14.The Elementary Discussion about the Scientific Development of Higher Vocational Colleges in Economy-underdeveloped Areas浅议欠发达地区高职院校的科学发展

15.On the Management Strategies to Stimulate the Teachers" Professional Development Motivation of the Higher Vocational Education高职院校教师专业发展动机激发策略

16.Make active institutional research to promote the sound development of private higher education institutes;积极开展院校研究,促进民办高校健康发展

17.The Study on the Problems and Solutions of the Independent Colleges of University;高等院校独立学院发展中的问题与对策研究

18.The Developmental Revelation Of MIT To Our Technology University;麻省理工学院对我国理工科院校的发展启示


institutional development院校发展

3)judicial development司法发展

4)development of minority universities民族院校发展

5)development of higher educational institutions大学院校发展

6)position-determined strategy in university development院校发展策略


司法1.官名。两汉有决曹﹑贼曹掾,主刑法。历代皆有。唐制在府曰法曹参军,在州曰司法参军。宋沿唐制,诸州置司法参军。元废。参阅《文献通考.职官十七》。 2.星官名。 3.现指检察机关或法院依照法律对民事﹑刑事案件进行侦察﹑审判。
