100字范文 > 借鉴创新 Import and Innovation英语短句 例句大全

借鉴创新 Import and Innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 06:12:00


借鉴创新 Import and Innovation英语短句 例句大全

借鉴创新,Import and Innovation

1)Import and Innovation借鉴创新

2)innovation and reference创新借鉴


1.Korea KOSPI200 Index Option: Ten-year Retrospect and Experiences;韩国指数期权发展的回顾与创新借鉴

2.The Study and Innovation in the Business Model of Mobile Value Added Services;移动增值业务商业模式的借鉴与创新

3.A Discussion on the Reference and Innovation of Shengguan Tu to Primer Minister;论《升官图》对《钦差大臣》的借鉴与创新

4.The Experience of Innovation about International Information Industry;国际电子信息产业创新的经验与借鉴

5.The Successful Experience for Reference in Constructing Innovative Country;建设创新型国家的成功经验及其借鉴

6.The Kingdom of Eastern Wu s using system of household tax collectedin kind by nine grades for reference and its innovation shown in thebamboo slips of the Kingdom of Eastern Wu;吴简“户调分为九品收物”的借鉴与创新

7.Technical Innovation:experiences From Japan s Medium-sized Enterprises;技术创新:日本中小企业的经验与借鉴

8.Study on the Rotterdam Rules: Institutional Innovation and Its Lessons《鹿特丹规则》研究:制度创新与借鉴

9.Reference Significance of Western NGO Innovative Framework for Chinese NGO西方NGO创新模式对中国NGO的借鉴意义

10.Learning the Theory of Moral Development to Innovate Ideological and Political Education借鉴道德发展理论 创新思想政治教育

11.Inheritance of Chinese Rhetorical Tradition,Learning and Innovation汉语修辞学传统的继承、借鉴与创新

12.Industry Innovative Modes in Abroad and Its References for Domestic Industry Innovation;国外产业创新模式对我国产业创新的借鉴

13.Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments;古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

14.Our country should use for reference these experiences, initiate a new aspect of consume credit.我国应借鉴这些经验,开创信贷消费的新局面。

15.The Relationship Between Foreign Language and the Native Tongue--Inherit, Borrow and originate外语与母语的辩证关系——继承、借鉴与创新

16.On the Institutional Innovation of China s Rural Public Goods Provision as Compared with International Practices;我国农村公共产品供给的国际借鉴与制度创新

parative Analysis and Experiential Reference on Regional Innovation System Abroad;国外区域创新体系比较分析与经验借鉴

18.An Analysis of Investments in Science and Technology in Major Innovative Countries and Their Experience;主要创新型国家科技投入分析及经验借鉴


innovation and reference创新借鉴

3)reference and creation借鉴与创新

1.Curriculum reform should deal with the relations as follows: the relation of "the three key elements", succession and development,reference and creation, elementary and gradation, unity and variety, legal system?system of organization and mechanism.课程改革要处理好“三大要素”的关系 ;继承与发展、借鉴与创新的关系 ;基础性与层次性的关系 ;统一性与多样化的关系 ;法制、体制与机制的关系。

4)using it for reference and innovation吸取借鉴和创新

5)Influences, References and Innovations影响、借鉴与创新

6)take as reference/create借鉴/创造


