100字范文 > 挥发性能 volatilization performance英语短句 例句大全

挥发性能 volatilization performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-04 04:45:54


挥发性能 volatilization performance英语短句 例句大全

挥发性能,volatilization performance

1)volatilization performance挥发性能

1.Study onvolatilization performance and risks of 1,2-dichloroethane used for solvent adhesive万能胶中1,2-二氯乙烷的挥发性能及风险研究


1.Study on volatilization performance and risks of 1,2-dichloroethane used for solvent adhesive万能胶中1,2-二氯乙烷的挥发性能及风险研究

2.volatility product挥发度积挥发性乘积

3.In practice, we should try our best to bring our subjective initiative into play.实践中, 我们要尽量发挥主观能动性。

4.Following the Aim of Running Journals, Playing the Role of Comprehensive University Journals遵循办刊宗旨 发挥综合性学报的功能

5.The Hazard of Medical Treatment and the Subjective Initiative of a Qualified Doctor;论医疗风险与医生主观能动性的发挥

6.Following the Aim of Running Journals, Playing the Role of Comprehensive University Journals;遵循办刊宗旨 发挥综合性学报的功能

7.On Bring Students Initiative in Teaching English;在英语教学中发挥学生的主观能动性

8.Promoting conscious activity of students for teaching science of prescription发挥学生主观能动性促进方剂学教学

9.It also helped stimulate the initiative of the commanders, or in philosophical terms, helped them display their subjective initiative.还可以锻炼指挥员的主动性,讲句哲学语言叫发挥能动性。

10.LR Accelerator is guaranteed for 100,000 kilometer.A replacement is recommened for every 50,000 kilometer for steady performance.每十万公里更换一次,更能发挥它的功能特性!

11.Potentials of Translator s Dynamism-From Yan Fu s Translation of a History of Politics;从严译名著《社会通诠》看译者能动性发挥的可能

12.Research on the Teaching Management in Colleges in order to Promote Student s Subjectivity Development;发挥高校教学管理职能促进学生主体性发展

13.For instance, bring into play one"s strong points; play a role; play a positive role, etc.比如说,发挥特长,发挥作用,发挥积极性等等。

14.Of or relating to highly volatile high-octane gasoline.高挥发性的,高挥发性汽油的

15.The real challenge is how to sustain that motivation and make more out of it.真正的挑战是怎样保持并发挥这种能动性。

16.A good shoe is one which functions as it is the nature of shoes to function.质量好的鞋发挥鞋子的特性所具有的功能。

17.Discussions over Ways to Give Play to the Construction Function of Internal Audit of Construction Banks;浅议如何充分发挥银行内部审计建设性职能

18."Tutor-guidence on Virtue Education"Brings out Education Potential and Activate the Dynamic of Education;“德育导师制”挖掘教育潜力,发挥教育能动性



3)competent development能力发挥

1.Through the analysis of the definition of psychological disease and competence and the relation between psychological disease and itscompetent development, this incorrect recognition should be taken seriously.针对现实生活中许多由于对心理疾病的不当认识,从而给心理疾病患者带来更大的心理压力,导致心理疾患更加严重的情况,从心理疾病与能力的含义及心理疾病与能力发挥之间的关系加以分析,以正视听。

4)Giving play to physical strength体能发挥

5)function display功能发挥

6)skill performance技能发挥


