100字范文 > 最佳淬熄浓度 critical quenching concentration英语短句 例句大全

最佳淬熄浓度 critical quenching concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-26 13:28:49


最佳淬熄浓度 critical quenching concentration英语短句 例句大全

最佳淬熄浓度,critical quenching concentration

1)critical quenching concentration最佳淬熄浓度

2)the best concentration最佳浓度

1.The article discussed influences that common-ion effect and Complex effect act on deposition solubility on gravimetry,and deduced the calculating formula of controllingthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete during the concurrence of the mentioned two effects.对重量分析中既存在同离子效应又存在络合效应时沉淀剂对沉淀溶解度的影响进行了探讨,并推导出两种效应同时存在时要使沉淀反应完全,应控制沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。

2.According to teaching practice of weight analysis of analysis chemistry,the influences that identical ionic effect and coordination effect on deposition solubility were discussed,and the calculating formula forthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete was deduced in the article.根据分析化学理论课重量分析一章的教学实践,讨论同离子效应和配位效应同时存在时对沉淀溶解度的影响,推导出要使沉淀反应完全,沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。


1.An investigation on the optimum concentration of potassium carbonate aqueous solution for removal of carbon dioxideK_2CO_3溶液脱除CO_2最佳浓度的研究

2.Discussion about the Solubility of Precipitate and the Best Concentration of Precipitator on Gravimetry;重量分析中沉淀溶解度及沉淀剂最佳浓度讨论

3.Calculation Method about the Best Concentration of Precipitator on Weight Analysis Test;重量分析实验中沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算方法

4.Study on the Optimum Concentration, Rheological Behaviour and Stability of Coal Sewage-sludge Mixture污泥煤浆的最佳浓度、流变特性与稳定特性研究

5.Methods In selecting incept concentration of taking of sensitivity, to do mix-skin-test basing on tradition commend concentration and choosing the best concentration to begin to take of sensitivity.方法在选择脱敏起始浓度时,在传统推荐浓度的基础上,行混合皮试,择取最佳浓度开始脱敏;

6.Experimental results indicated that changing spring concentration can be acted as a effective method to adjust the absorbing properties of chiral materials.手性螺旋体在基体中的浓度有一最佳浓度匹配点,该浓度点在3.2%4.0%间。

7.Optimum concentration of hydrocamptothecin for inhibiting proliferation of rat hepatic stellate cells羟基喜树碱对大鼠肝星状细胞增殖抑制的最佳浓度

8.Optimal concentration of ropivacain for lumbar discectomy or lumbar spinal canal decompression罗哌卡因用于腰椎间盘摘除、腰椎管减压术最佳浓度探讨

9.The urea concentration to wash and purify protein was confirmed.确定了洗涤和溶解包涵体的最佳尿素浓度;

10.The test result proves that the CNT cathode with optimum array density is fabricated by the CNT paste with a density of2.5%.实验证实浓度为25%碳纳米管浆料制得的阴极有最佳的阵列密度。

11.Objective To find out the best and effective serum concentration of DPH for patients with epilepsy.①目的探讨癫痫病人应用苯妥英钠(PH)疗的最佳有效血药浓度。

12.The Study of Optimal Concentration of Paclitaxel for Chemotherapy in Vitro and Apoptosis Induction on Tca8113;紫杉醇体外作用Tca8113最佳治疗浓度及诱导其凋亡作用的初步研究

13.The Study of Optimal Concentration of Carboplatin for Chemotherapy in Vitro and Apoptosis Induction on Tca8113;卡铂体外抑制Tca8113最佳化疗浓度及其诱导凋亡作用的初步研究

14.Construction of Zebrafish acta1-AcGFP Recombinant and the Optimum Concentration for Micro-injection斑马鱼外源基因acta1-AcGFP重组及其最佳注射浓度初探

15.Optimization of Alcohol Concentration of Guizhi Gancao Decoction Extracted by Semi-bionic Extraction桂枝甘草汤方药半仿生提取醇沉法最佳醇沉浓度的优选

16.In view of the characteristics of the mine tailings slime pulp, tests for seeking the most suitable flocculant and the optimum dosages under different densities of the tailings lime pulp were made.试验中,针对矿山尾泥浆的特性,寻求最适用的絮凝剂和尾泥浆各种浓度下的最佳用量。

17.The selection of moving phase, gradient eluting procedure and line relation of sampling concentration with peak height were discussed.研究了流动相的选择,梯度淋洗程序的最佳化以及进样浓度与峰高的线性关系。

18.Best Corporate License Of The Year年度最佳企业授权奖


the best concentration最佳浓度

1.The article discussed influences that common-ion effect and Complex effect act on deposition solubility on gravimetry,and deduced the calculating formula of controllingthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete during the concurrence of the mentioned two effects.对重量分析中既存在同离子效应又存在络合效应时沉淀剂对沉淀溶解度的影响进行了探讨,并推导出两种效应同时存在时要使沉淀反应完全,应控制沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。

2.According to teaching practice of weight analysis of analysis chemistry,the influences that identical ionic effect and coordination effect on deposition solubility were discussed,and the calculating formula forthe best concentration of precipitator to make precipitation complete was deduced in the article.根据分析化学理论课重量分析一章的教学实践,讨论同离子效应和配位效应同时存在时对沉淀溶解度的影响,推导出要使沉淀反应完全,沉淀剂最佳浓度的计算公式。

3)optimal concentration最佳浓度

1.Optimal concentration of ropivacain for lumbar discectomy or lumbar spinal canal decompression罗哌卡因用于腰椎间盘摘除、腰椎管减压术最佳浓度探讨

2.This paper discusses the function,effect,optimal concentration,its effect on floatation and selection of wetting agent for coal seam infusion.本文对煤层注水添加湿润剂的作用、效果、最佳浓度、对浮选的影响及湿润剂选择等问题进行了探讨,得出了相应的结论。

3.Applied orthogonal design, theoptimal concentration of the five microelements were studied.通过正交试验,研究了极大螺旋藻培养过程中5种微量元素的最佳浓度。

4)Optimum concentration最佳浓度

1.An investigation on the optimum concentration of potassium carbonate aqueous solution for removal of carbon dioxideK_2CO_3溶液脱除CO_2最佳浓度的研究

2.Optimum concentration of hydrocamptothecin for inhibiting proliferation of rat hepatic stellate cells羟基喜树碱对大鼠肝星状细胞增殖抑制的最佳浓度

3.From k,c data,optimum concentration of nutrient drug also been established,it is very informative for the study of sifting nutrient drug.用热活性检测仪测定了枸杞、黄芪、灵芝、鹿茸对金黄色葡萄球菌促进作用的热功率—时间曲线;计算了不同浓度营养药物作用下的生长速率常数;根据生长速率常数和浓度的数据,确定了营养药物的最佳浓度。

5)optimum Al concentration最佳铝浓度

6)Optimum Alkaline Concentration最佳碱浓度


创造最佳年龄期创造最佳年龄期the best age-period of creation创造最佳年龄期(tho besr age一periodof ereation)(z)个体创造力发展的生理和心理准备的最佳期。在这一时期,人们对有关发展创造力的各种刺激都很敏感,为培养创造力做好了各种准备。如果这一时期缺少与创造力有关的刺激,创造行为很难形成并发展。大量研究表明,幼儿期是创造力萌芽时期,小学1一3年级儿童创造力随年龄增长而提高,即7一9岁是儿童创造力连续发展的一个最佳期,9岁之后,儿童的创造力开始下降。初一、初二时创造力发展亦处于下降期,此后一直稳定发展,高中结束时又是创造力发展的一「降期。E.P.托伦斯指出,青少年创造力的发展有两个低落期,即13岁和17岁。(2)个体创造的产品数量和质量进入高峰的年龄阶段。一般来说,一个人30一45岁之间是创造的数量和质量达到高峰的阶段。历史上许多独创性成果均出自这一年龄期间,如1901一1999年间,获得物理、化学、生理、医学等诺贝尔奖的332位科学家中的305位的年龄统计结果表明,62.7%处在这一年龄区间。中青年之所以是创造的最佳年龄期,这与他们的身体状况、知识积累及思想成熟密切相关。在这一年龄阶段,他们年富力强、精力充沛、思维敏捷、思想开放、辩证思维能力处于最佳状态,易于接受新思想、新事物,情绪比较稳定,意志比较坚强,又积累了大量的知识经验,这些均为创造活动达到最佳状态提供了坚实的基础。因学科性质不同,创造所需要积累的知识经验时间长短不同,故一般人文社-会科学一些学科往柱比自然科学许多学科成才和创造最佳年龄期要晚些。(隋洁撰王小英审)
