100字范文 > 经济性评估 economical evaluation英语短句 例句大全

经济性评估 economical evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-04 02:52:37


经济性评估 economical evaluation英语短句 例句大全

经济性评估,economical evaluation

1)economical evaluation经济性评估


1.Evaluation of the reliability and economy of the main lines of middle voltage power distributing network中压配网主干线可靠性与经济性评估

2.Reliability and Economic Evaluation of the Bus Configuration of the Substation;变电站电气主接线可靠性与经济性评估

3.Research on Some Problems of Security and Economy of Power Grid电网安全性与经济性评估若干问题研究

4.Economic Assessment of Voltage Sag Based on Quality Engineering Theory;基于质量工程理论的电压骤降经济性评估

5.appraisal (technical and economic)(技术和经济)评估

6.Testing cycles for heavy-duty vehicles is important for assessing exhaust gas emissions and fuel consumption.为了评估车辆尾气排放和燃油经济性。

7.Study on Quantitive Assessment of Demonstrative Industrial Project Model for Circular Economy;企业循环经济项目的示范性评估系统

8.Economic vaule assessment of biodiversity in Hunan;湖南省生物多样性经济价值评估分析

9.Importance of Assets Evaluation Accountant in Market Economy;资产评估会计在市场经济中的重要性

10.A Probe into the Significance of the Assessment of the Economic Value of Biodiversity;浅析生物多样性经济价值评估的意义

11.Business valuation经济评价,企业评估

12.Reliability and Economy Comprehensive Evaluation Study on Distribution Network配电网可靠性与经济性综合评估方法的研究

13.Urban-network s Reliability Cost Evaluation under Uncertainty;基于不确定条件下的城市电网可靠性经济评估

14.Research on Evaluation Method of Reliabily and Economic Worth of Urban Power Network Renovation;城网改造可靠性及经济效益评估方法研究

15.The Study of Adaptability of Our Higher Education Assessment in Market Economy;市场经济中的我国高等教育评估适应性研究

16.Assessment of the Sustainability of Economy, Resources and Environment in Hunan Province;湖南省经济、资源与环境的可持续性评估

17.Economical Feasibility Analysis of Projects in Cleaner Production Audit;清洁生产审核中方案的经济可行性评估解析

18.Risk Evaluation System of City Safety Based on Marginal Utility in Economy Development;基于经济性边际效应的城市安全风险评估体系


economic feasibility evaluation经济承受性评估

1.Most importantly,this paper studies these relevant enabling technologies from the perspectives ofeconomic feasibility evaluation and performance evaluation of the reconfigurable man.从系统层、软硬件结构层、监控层、设备层和过程层5个层面对可重组制造系统的使能技术及理论予以阐述,其中重点讨论了可重组制造系统的经济承受性评估和系统性能评价的相关使能技术,给出了基于经济数学和实物期权理论的可重组制造系统经济可承受性评估体系的原理参考模型,以及可重组制造系统性能评价体系的参考模型,同时较为具体地定义了系统性能评价的16项参数。

3)economic feasibility assessment经济可行性评估

4)index system on economic assessment经济性评估体系

5)Economic performance assessment经济性能评估

1.Economic performance assessment of process control has been recognized to be one of the best ways to identify potential benefits resulting from control upgrade projects.控制系统经济性能评估是流程工业过程控制领域新兴的一个研究热点,它为控制工程师提供了一种从经济效益角度来评估当前控制系统控制品质的定量分析方法。

6)unit economy assessment机组经济性评估


