100字范文 > 环节控制 process control英语短句 例句大全

环节控制 process control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-26 06:48:18


环节控制 process control英语短句 例句大全

环节控制,process control

1)process control环节控制

2)control link控制环节

1.Pass analyze reason of internai auditing quality problem,put forward four methods of promoting internal auditing quality,include that establish internal auditing quality control system,pay attention to connect ofcontrol link,pay attention to extend of control function and strengthen control cost-interest.通过分析内部审计质量问题产生的原因,提出提高内部审计质量的四种方法,包括建立内部审计质量控制系统、注重控制环节的连接、注重控制功能的延伸和加强控制的成本效益考虑。


1.The Research of Rotation Speed Control of Engine Control System (ECS);发动机综合控制系统的转速控制环节设计研究

2.Analysis of the Command and Control of Aerospace Equipment in the Future Operations未来作战航天装备指挥控制环节分析

3.typical links of control systems控制系统的典型环节

4.Sales Link Financial Control for DaYu Company;大愚公司销售环节财务控制制度设计

5.The Research on the Correction Module of Driver Direction Control Model;驾驶员方向控制模型的控制校正环节的研究

6.Links Control in Blood Sample Management环节质量控制在血标本管理中的应用

7.EF) Slow death regulation and control mechanism and the action segment of cell delay.延缓细胞衰老的调控机制和作用环节。

8.Strengthen step quality control to guarantee journals overall quality加强环节质量控制 提高期刊整体质量

9.Preliminary Study on Strengthening Enterprise Internal Control Principles;强化企业内部控制的原则与环节初探

10.Quality Control Links of Natural Gas Construction Projects;天然气工程建设质量控制的几大环节

11.The Critical Point Control for Quality of Fruit and Vegetable in Retail Link;零售环节新鲜果蔬的质量关键点控制

12.The Application of Automation Technology in Environmental Protection and Economize on Energy INBA System自动控制技术在环保节能型INBA的应用

13.Strictly Control the Project Cost by Evaluation把握审核重要环节 严格控制工程造价

14.Environmental Control of Hospital and Energy Conservation医院空气空气环境的控制特点与节能

15.On the key steps for the quality control over the SBS modified asphalt pavementSBS改性沥青路面质量控制的关键环节

16.Control of Light Environment with Fuzzy Algorithm and Study of Energy-saving in Intelligent Building智能建筑光环境模糊控制与节能研究

17.Control and Supervision on Energy Conservation in Main Production Link of Thermal Power Plant;火电厂主要生产环节中的节能控制与监督管理

18.An Automatic Adjustment Control System of Air Circumstance in the Motor Coach;客车车内空气环境自动调节控制系统的研制


control link控制环节

1.Pass analyze reason of internai auditing quality problem,put forward four methods of promoting internal auditing quality,include that establish internal auditing quality control system,pay attention to connect ofcontrol link,pay attention to extend of control function and strengthen control cost-interest.通过分析内部审计质量问题产生的原因,提出提高内部审计质量的四种方法,包括建立内部审计质量控制系统、注重控制环节的连接、注重控制功能的延伸和加强控制的成本效益考虑。

3)invert-loop control逆变环节控制

4)links control环节质量控制

1.Results Compared with end quality control,links control was better in sample concretion,wrong tubes,forgetting to write names on tubes,wrong blood volume and sample hemolysis.方法根据送检标本接收时发现质量不合格及质量有缺陷的标本,计算其不合格率或缺陷率,找出终末质量控制中,血标本管理方面存在的缺陷,进行观察分析,改终末质量控制为环节质量控制。

5)typical control loop典型控制环节

1.This paper discusses the working principle and designing method of virtual experiment system oftypical control loop for automatic control theory.对自动控制理论中典型控制环节虚拟实验系统的工作原理和实现方法进行了研究。

6)key control links控制关键环节


