100字范文 > 集中划价 centralized pricing英语短句 例句大全

集中划价 centralized pricing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-03 04:43:25


集中划价 centralized pricing英语短句 例句大全

集中划价,centralized pricing

1)centralized pricing集中划价

2)pricing information papers划价信息集

3)Concentiative negotiation集中议价

4)centralized price competition集中竞价


1.Centralized competitive bidding in securities trading should follow the principle of price preference and time preference.证券交易的集中竞价应当实行价格优先、时间优先的原则。

2.Article 33. The method of open and centralized price bidding shall be adopted for trading of stocks in stock exchanges.第三十三条证券在证券交易所挂牌交易,应当采用公开的集中竞价交易方式。

3.Article 95. The stock exchange is a non?profit legal entity which provides a venue in which securities are collectively traded by bidding.第九十五条证券交易所是提供证券集中竞价交易场所的不以营利为目的的法人。

4.An Theoretical Analysis on the Information Disclosure in the Process of Call Auction;集合竞价过程中信息揭示的理论分析

parative Study on the Trading Mechanisms of Open and Close Call Auction, and Continuous Auction in Chinese Stock Market;中国股市开收盘集合竞价与连续竞价交易机制的比较研究

6.The Research of Chinese Entertainment Industry Cluster Development and Competitiveness Evaluation;中国娱乐产业集群发展及竞争力评价研究

7.AHP and Fuzzy Evaluation of the Competitiveness of China s Auto Industrial Clusters;中国区域汽车产业集群竞争力的AHP模糊评价

8.On the other hand, concentration of stores leads to fiercer price competition(i.e. price cutting effect).另一方面 ,商店的集中也会带来激烈的价格竞争 ,这就是降价效应。

9.Study of China Aluminum Group Int"l Competitiveness Evaluation and Improvement Strategy;中国铝业集团公司国际竞争力评价及提升策略研究

10.Application of Dynamic SPA Similarity to Competitiveness Appraisal of Service Enterprise;动态集对贴近度分析在服务企业竞争力评价中的应用

11.The Effect of Open Call Auction on Chinese Stock Market Volatility;中国股票市场开放式集合竞价对波动性影响的实证研究

12.Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan "Negative Freight" Price Competition;我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线“负运费”价格竞争分析

13.Demonstrating and Creating the Integrated Competitive Power Evaluation Model to China Automobile Marketing Channel;中国汽车营销渠道竞争力集成评价模型与实证研究

14.China 24 tourist strong city tourism industry gathering competiveness evaluation and analysis中国24个旅游强市旅游产业集群竞争力评价与分析

15.Analysis of the Stock Price Behavior Under the Mechanisms of Periodic Call and Continuous Auction;集合竞价与连续竞价机制下的股票价格行为分析

16.The Study on Evaluation of Container Port Corporation s Quality Competitiveness;港口集装箱企业质量竞争力评价研究

17.Study on the Theory and Evaluating Methods of Industrial Clusters Competitiveness;产业集群竞争力理论与评价方法研究

18.Study on Formation and Competitiveness Assessment of Tourism Industry Cluster;旅游产业集群形成与竞争力评价研究


pricing information papers划价信息集

3)Concentiative negotiation集中议价

4)centralized price competition集中竞价

5)Centralized Planning集中式计划

6)the centralized planning集中式规划法


