100字范文 > 处置机制 Treatment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

处置机制 Treatment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-25 19:45:12


处置机制 Treatment mechanism英语短句 例句大全

处置机制,Treatment mechanism

1)Treatment mechanism处置机制


1.Study on the Current Situation of Public Security Handling Emergency Mechanism and Its Policies;我国公安应急处置机制现状及其对策研究

2.On the Precautions against Mass Sudden Disturbances and the Establishment of Its Disposal Mechanism;论群体性突发事件预防和处置机制的构建

3.On the Characteristics of UnexpectedMass Incidents and the Preventive Mechanisms;论群体性突发事件的特点及预防处置机制

4.Analysis on China"s Securities Companies Withdrawing from the Disposal of the Mechanism我国证券公司退出处置机制存在的问题分析

5.microprocessor controlled air-conditioner微处理机控制空调装置

6.Colleges and Universities Public Emergencies Institutional Mechanisms for the Disposal of Research高校公共突发事件处置体制机制研究

7.Declaration on the Establishment of a Mechanism on Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution建立预防、处置和解决冲突机制的宣言

8.An Tentative Study of the Command System in Solving Hostage Crisis in China;我国人质危机处置指挥体制初步研究

9.Exploration for a new mechanism on solving doctor-patient conflict:experience from Jiangsu province探索医患纠纷处置新机制:江苏省经验

10.Operating Mechanisms of Contingency Handling Crisis-issues in Public Security Area;论公共安全危机事件应急处置的运行机制

11.Development of Universal Post-processing System for Five-axis NC Machine Tools;五轴联动数控机床通用后置处理系统研制

12.The Study of Microprocessor-controlled Device of Ballast Water Treatment;采用微机控制的船舶压载水处理装置的研究

13.The Development of Motor Testing Instrument Based on DSP;基于数字信号处理器的电机测试装置的研制

14.Research on Market System of Disposing Bad Assets of Banks in Our Country;我国银行不良资产处置的市场化机制研究

15.Fabrication of Rotating Electrochemical Disc Process Setup and Its Application in Organic Wastewater Treatment;电化学转盘处理有机废水装置的研制及其应用

16.On Establishment of Policing Crisis Negotiation Institution in China;关于建立谈判制度处置警务危机事件的思考

17.The analysis and elimination of typical malfunctions in a DKSZ-1 motor s control system;DKSZ-1型电机控制系统装置故障分析与处理

18.Study of mechanism of dynamic compaction replacement for reinforcing highway soft roadbed强夯置换墩法处理公路软基的机制研究


institutional mechanisms for the disposal处置体制机制

1.Therefore, colleges and universities public emergenciesinstitutional mechanisms for the disposal of research is particularly important and urgent.因此,对高校公共突发事件处置体制机制研究显得尤为重要与迫切。

3)emergency handling mechanism应急处置机制

1.With an introduction of the failureemergency handling mechanism and the principia of urban mass transit,this paper discusses the high-tech information management and broadcast system in UMT emergency handling, which is used for information collection, processing & release, and failure early warning.应急反应机制和应急处理机制是应急处置机制的重要组成部分。

4)bankruptcy treatment mechanism破产处置机制

5)microprocessor controlled air-conditioner微处理机控制空调装置

6)Crisis treatment危机处置


