100字范文 > 旋转车轮 rotating wheel英语短句 例句大全

旋转车轮 rotating wheel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-24 12:04:40


旋转车轮 rotating wheel英语短句 例句大全

旋转车轮,rotating wheel

1)rotating wheel旋转车轮

1.The wheels have an important effect on the whole flow field,the flow field around a car become complex because the exist ofrotating wheel.车轮影响着整个汽车的外流场特性,车体周围的流场由于旋转车轮的存在而复杂化。


1.Study on Dynamics of Vehicle with Independently Rotating Wheel of Non-Common Axle;无公用轴独立旋转车轮车辆动力学研究

2.Dynamic analysis of linear motor vehicle with independent rotating wheels独立旋转车轮直线电机地铁车辆动力学分析

3.Research on Gauge-Changeable Bogie Based on Independently Rotating Wheel;基于独立旋转车轮的变轨距转向架研究

4.a pivoting wheel attached to the bottom of furniture or trucks or portable machines to make them movable.安装在家具或卡车或轻便机器的底部的旋转车轮使得它们能移动。

5.The wheels of the car were spinning.小汽车的轮子飞速旋转。

6.Research on Influence of Rotating Wheels on Flow Field around Vehicle车轮旋转对汽车流场影响的模拟研究

7.an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train.围绕本轮列车的中心齿轮旋转的外部齿轮。

8.When you want to go backward, the gears work like the powerful low gears, but in the opposite direction.当要倒车时,就用低速齿轮,但齿轮是反方向旋转。

9.CFD Research of the External Flow Field Around a Sedan with Rotating Wheels车轮旋转条件下轿车外流场的数值计算研究

10.a bevel gear that permits rotation of two shafts at different speeds; used on the rear axle of automobiles to allow wheels to rotate at different speeds on curves.允许不同速度的杆状物旋转的锥齿轮;汽车后部的轮轴允许车轮以不同速度旋转。

11.Vehicle"s front wheels by use of the steering-wheel(机动车方向盘旋转时)前轮转向(的最大程度)

12.two-lobed epitrochoid rotary mechanism双弧外旋轮线旋转机械

13.a dead axle on a carriage or wagon that has terminal spindles on which the wheel revolve.马车上或货车上有车轮围着旋转的末端心轴的从动轴。

14.winds whipped the piled leaves into churning masses; a car stuck in the churned-up mud.秋风吹动成堆的树叶打着旋;陷在泥泞里旋转着轮子的汽车。

15.If the car is turning a corner, the outside wheel has to turn faster than the inside one, which acts as a sort of pivot.汽车转弯时,外轮就比内轮转得快,这时内轮的作用就像一个旋转轴心。

16.As the side gears rotate, they transfer torque to the drive axles, which in turn transfer it to the wheels.当侧方齿轮组旋转时,会将扭矩传递给驱动轴及相应的车轮上。

17.By placing the clutch on the driven pulley, the pulley can remain spinning even when the car is stopped.将离合器安装在从动轮上,即使停车时滑轮也能够连续旋转。

18.Numerical Simulation of Aluminum Alloy Wheel Rotating Bending Test Based on ABAQUS基于ABAQUS的汽车铝合金车轮旋转弯曲试验的数值模拟


Rotating Wheels车轮旋转

1.CFD Research of the External Flow Field Around a Sedan withRotating Wheels;车轮旋转条件下轿车外流场的数值计算研究

3)swivel wheel trailer旋转轮拖车

4)independent rotating wheel独立旋转车轮

1.The dynamics model of the vehicle withindependent rotating wheels is set up,and the program is compiled for simulation analysis.建立了独立旋转车轮车辆的动力学模型,并编制程序进行仿真分析。

5)independently rotating wheel独立旋转车轮

1.Gauge-changeable bogie withindependently rotating wheel;独立旋转车轮变轨距转向架

2.Guiding principles of three different modes of wheel-rail systems, traditional wheelset,independently rotating wheel and coupling wheelset, are analyzed in details.详细分析了传统轮对、独立旋转车轮及耦合轮对等3种不同模式轮轨系统的导向机理,认为传统轮对虽然存在蛇行运动,但其自身却具有直线上的自动对中能力和曲线上的自动导向能力,应用也较广;独立旋转车轮虽然不存在蛇行运动,但在直线上的自动复原能力不如传统轮对,近年来在城市轨道车辆上被广泛采用;耦合轮对兼具前二者的优点,但其工程化尚有难度,相信不久的将来会成功地应用于铁道车辆中。


1.Research on the Creepages of Independently Rotating Wheels(IRW);独立旋转车轮轮轨蠕滑率研究

2.The difference of lateral dynamics due to different coupling degree of left-and-right independently rotoating wheels (IRW) was studied.研究了独立旋转车轮转向架因其左右独立车轮的耦合程度不同, 而造成的横向动力学性能差异的原因。

3.Without longitudinal creep,the critical velocity of hunting is higher to railway vehicle with independently rotating wheel(IRW),this may be potential application to high-speed locomotive and vehicle ;In the meantime, By virtue of crank axle and even no axle ,it can solve partial or complete low floor in right rails.独立旋转车轮转向架车辆由于不存在轮轨纵向蠕滑,故具有较高的蛇行运动临界速度,对高速机车车辆具有很大的潜在应用价值;同时,由于车轴可做成曲轴或采用无公用轴,其可实现城市轨道轻轨交通车辆的部分低地板或全低地板,国内外机车车辆研究人员在这方面进行了大量的理论研究和试验研究。


