100字范文 > 教育教学评估 education and instruction assessment英语短句 例句大全

教育教学评估 education and instruction assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-29 15:22:34


教育教学评估 education and instruction assessment英语短句 例句大全

教育教学评估,education and instruction assessment

1)education and instruction assessment教育教学评估

1.The development and implementation of the idea of scientific development is of exceptional significance to the development of our nation s tertiary education and the establishment of theeducation and instruction assessment system.树立和落实科学发展观,对于我国高等教育的发展和教育教学评估机制的确立,具有非同寻常的意义;教育部“以评促建,以评促改,以评促管,评建结合,重在建设”原则的提出,使高等学校教育教学评估机制和质量监控保障体系更加完善。

2)Medical education assessment医学教育评估


1.Characteristic and Reference of Evaluation for HigherMedical Education in Foreign Countries;国外高等医学教育评估的特点与借鉴

2.Optimizing Chinese medical education evaluation system through comparing experiences from overseas;比较中外高等教育以完善我国医学教育评估体系

3.Set-up of the Evaluation System for Continuing Medical Education in Departments of Military General Hospitals;军区总医院科室继续医学教育评估指标体系的建立

4.The Enlightenment of Australian “Strategy Management” Model to the Evaluation of Higher Medical Education of China澳大利亚“战略管理”模式对我国医学教育评估的启示

5.Receiving Educational Evaluation and Improving Medical Educational Quality;以迎接评估为契机 提高医学教育质量

6.Understanding and practice in pilot accreditation of medical education referenced to global standards医学教育全球认证试点性评估的认识与实践

7.A Study on Statistical Methods Applied in Evaluation of the "Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education";“全球医学教育最基本要求”评估的统计方法探讨

8.Study of Training Project Evaluation Practice in Military Continuing Medical Education;军队继续医学教育培训项目评估的实践研究

9.Evaluation on Education Models of AIDS/STD Prevention Among Medical College Students医学生性病艾滋病健康教育模式效果评估

10.Research and Practice in the Establishment of Class Education Quality Evaluation System for Adult Higher Medical Education;成人高等医学教育课堂教学质量评估体系建立的研究与实践

11.The second round ensemble report of assessment on the teaching affairs of seven-year program medical education in China;我国七年制医学教育教学工作第二轮评估总体报告

12.Effectiveness of Health Education on AIDS for Medical Students Based on Students" Corporation Acquisition以学生社团为基础在医学生中开展艾滋病健康教育效果评估

13.Study on the Establishment and Implementation of the Index System for Evaluation the Training Items in the Army s Continuing Medical Education;军队继续医学教育培训项目评估指标体系与实施方法的研究

14.Study of Bilingual Teaching in Medicine for Clinical Students;对临床医学生“双语教学”的问卷调查与教学评估

15.Present status and exploration of evaluating teaching quality in colleges and universities;高等医学院校教师教学质量评估的现状与探索

16.Evaluation on classroom teaching quality for adult medical education;成人高等医学教育课堂教学质量评价

17.To Bring the Education Assessment into Full Play and Strive to Improve Teaching Quality;发挥教育评估功能 努力提高教学质量

18.A Study of Development Strategies for Undergraduate Education from the Perspective of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation in Universities and Colleges;从教学评估视角看本科教育发展策略


Medical education assessment医学教育评估

3)educational evaluation教育评估

1.The design and application of Office WEB Components In Educational Evaluation MIS;Office Web Components在教育评估MIS系统中的设计与应用

2.It s very important to establisheducational evaluation system and operating mode which will achieve international standards for improving the quality and international competition of higher medical education of our country.建立与国际接轨的高等医学教育评估体系及运作方式 ,对提高我国高等医学教育的质量和国际竞争力具有重要作用。

3.This paper analyzes on the developing chance and negative influence brought about by theeducational evaluation to the library,and advances some new tactics on how the university library to correctly recognize and treat theeducational evaluation.分析了教育评估给图书馆带来的发展契机和负面影响,对高校图书馆如何正确认识和对待教育评估提出了新的观点。

4)education evaluation教育评估

1.Construct the harmonious highereducation evaluation system;论和谐高等教育评估体系的构建

2.The specialty evaluation mechanism of architecture differs from the undergraduateeducation evaluation in terms of emphasis,content,method,means,scale and term of evaluation as well as governing body.建筑学专业教育评估机制在评价侧重点、内容、方法、手段、评价等级与周期、管理主体上与普通本科教育评估都存在差异,可与本科教育评估机制相借鉴,建立完善的建筑学专业评估机制,增强专业教育评估与专业认证的协调性、评估周期与专业培养周期的适应性,调动院校参与建筑学专业教育水平评价的积极性,并结合以量化指标为特点的数理逻辑方法,增强评价结论的客观性,以提高评估体系的创新性。

3.The nature and aim ofeducation evaluation is to judge the value of education.教育评估的本质和目的是对教育工作做出价值判断,是改进教育工作的过程,这个过程充满着矛盾。

5)education assessment教育评估

1.The Enlightenment of Foreign Educational Assessment Systemon Higher Education Assessment in China;国外高等教育评估制度对我国高教评估的启迪

2.Through theeducation assessment comparison of the definition,goal,history,organization and types between America and China,this paper proposes some reasonable advice to advance a perfect,scientific and fair,suitableeducation assessment system in China.通过中美高等教育评估制度的比较,分析其不同的内涵、目的、历史、机构及类型,从而对我国的高等教育评估制度提出合理化建议,促进一个完善的、科学而公正的、适合中国国情的评估制度的建立。

3.The author reviews the history of highereducation assessment in our country, analyzes the essence, purpose, forms and methods ofeducation assessment, and introduces the higher engineering undergraduateeducation assessment in pilot colleges and universities.回顾我国高等学校教育评估的创业史,剖霄教育评估的本质、目的、形式和方法,介绍我国高等工程本科教育评估试点工作,以及优秀教学成果评估和奖励活动,最后提出建设高等学校教学质量保障体系须注意的问题。

6)educational assessment教育评估

1.It also points out that only by enhancing the curricular program construction of the specialized courses can we reach and pass collegeeducational assessment organized by Construction Ministry, Education Ministry and other related departments.同时指出 ,只有强化完善专业课教学体系建设 ,才能达到并通过建设部、教育部及相关部门组织的全国高校执业注册师教育评估。


