100字范文 > 标准固结试验 standard consolidation test英语短句 例句大全

标准固结试验 standard consolidation test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-04 14:37:29


标准固结试验 standard consolidation test英语短句 例句大全

标准固结试验,standard consolidation test

1)standard consolidation test标准固结试验

parative analysis ofstandard consolidation test and quick consolidation test;标准固结试验与快速固结试验方法的对比分析

2)standard test result标准试验结果


1.On results correction of standard tests in gradation crushed stone test of expressways高速公路级配碎石试验段中标准试验结果修正

2.Results from the test cars will help establish future safety standards.汽车的试验结果有助于制订将来的安全标准。

3.The Application of Relating Standards of Petroleum Products Testing Results Treatment and Report石油产品试验结果处理、报出等相关标准的应用

4.As the duration of recumbency prior to tilting and angle of the tilt are not standardized, they vary considerably.因为倾斜前的仰卧时间和倾斜角度的非标准化,试验结果变化较大。

5.Therefore, the method is easy and quick to operate and of high precision and its standard deviation is below 0.084%.本法操作简便、迅速、精密度高,平行试验结果标准偏差为±0.084%.

6.The established lately judgement standard for iodic sensitivity test can decrease false positive rate and false negative rate,which is accurate and reasonable.新的碘过敏试验结果判断标准明显降低假阳性率和假阴性率,其标准科学、合理。

7.Analysis of physical conditions of students in Shiyan Technical Institute;我院《学生体质健康标准》测试结果分析

8.Calibration of axisymmetric hot compression test results and verification for Cr9Mo steelCr9Mo钢热压缩试验结果的标定及验证

9.Standard for test methods of concrete structures混凝土结构试验方法标准

10.A standard of comparison for checking or verifying the results of an experiment.对照标准一种用来核对或检验实验结果的对照标准

11.Methods The bacterium determine that adopts API system and craft law, the quick test of medicine adopts K-B law, the result judge that carries out according to NCCLS standard.方法细菌鉴定采用API系统和手工法,药敏试验采用K-B法,结果判定按NCCLS标准执行。

12.The tested results are shown that: the double-ball anchorage meets the requirement for the repeated loading tests specified in the code;试验结果表明:双压花锚具达到了国家标准规定的周期荷载性能要求;

13.Investigation and Analysis on Standard Testing of Universities in Anhui Province;对安徽省高校《标准》测试结果的调查分析

14.Analysis of the Tested Result of Students in Zunyi Normal College by Standards of College Students Physical Health;遵义师范学院《学生体质健康标准》测试结果分析

15.A brief analysis and research on the test result by The Student Constitutional Health Standards;实施《学生体质健康标准》测试结果的调查报告

16.Analysis on the Test Result of Students’ Physique Health Standard at Hunan University of Arts and Science;湖南文理学院《学生体质健康标准》测试结果报告

17.Analysis of text results to Suzhou Vocational College students health standard;对我校学生体质健康标准测试结果的分析

18.Discussion on the influence of obese on results of "student physique healthy standard" test;浅谈肥胖对《学生体质健康标准》测试结果的影响


standard test result标准试验结果

3)consolidation experiment固结试验

4)consolidation test固结试验

1.Reasonable loading time for each stage of loading inconsolidation tests;室内固结试验每级荷载合理受压时间分析

2.The typical and importantconsolidation test of soil engineering tests was studied.分析了土工试验中比较典型而且重要的固结试验,探讨了取样质量、仪器设备、试验方法以及试验过程等对固结试验质量的影响,提出了相应的改进措施。

5)consolidation tests固结试验

1.According to the practical problems in parameter value,some size modification was made by analyzing the interrelation betweenconsolidation tests method and other methods,regional experience and original load panel size modification practice.武汉市轨道交通二号线一期工程勘察,主要应用固结试验法对各类土层进行基床系数测试。

6)test standard试验标准

1.Therefore,it was necessary to study the shearingtest standards for different size of asphalt mixture.为此,对适应不同公称粒径的沥青混合料抗剪试验标准进行了探讨,并确定了适用于不同公称粒径的试验参数和剪应力系数。

2.The result shows that the initial chargingtest standards of the two types of test stands are not completely equivalent.结果表明,2种试验台初充气试验标准不完全等效,副风缸初充气试验时,705试验台较120阀试验台严格,而加速缓解风缸初充气时,120阀试验台较705试验台严格。


德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of GermanyOeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。
