100字范文 > 二级管理体制 management mechanism on the department level英语短句 例句大全

二级管理体制 management mechanism on the department level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-28 05:27:23


二级管理体制 management mechanism on the department level英语短句 例句大全

二级管理体制,management mechanism on the department level

1)management mechanism on the department level二级管理体制

1.Reflections on how to further perfect themanagement mechanism on the department level for adult education;对完善我校成教二级管理体制的思考


1.Reflections on how to further perfect the management mechanism on the department level for adult education;对完善我校成教二级管理体制的思考

2.An innovative approach to the two grademanagement system and its operationin local universities;地方大学二级管理体制的创新与运作

3.On the Scientific Research Management Innovation in Vocational Colleges under the Supervision of Secondary Management System论二级管理体制下高职院校科研管理创新

4.On Carrying out the Two-Level Management System between College and Department in the Higher Vocational Institutions;高职院校建立院系二级管理体制之管见

5.Discussing Construction of Fundamental Chemistry Experiment Teaching Staff under Two-level Management System;谈二级管理体制下基础化学实验教学队伍建设

6.A Discussion on Teaching Secretory s Work Under Two-stage Management System;二级管理体制下系(部)教学秘书工作的探讨

7.Discuss Lightly How to Structure Second ManagementSystem of the Higher Vocational Colleges;浅谈如何构建高职院校的二级管理体制

8.On the Two-level Management System in Vocational Colleges in the View of Scientific Outlook on Development科学发展观视阈下的高职院校二级管理体制

9.Some reflections on promoting the reform of second-level management system of departments at Hangzhou Radio and TV university;关于杭州电大推行部门二级管理体制改革的几点思考

10.Cognition and Thoughts on the Reformation of College and Department Two-level Administration in Higher Vocational College高职院校推行校系(部)二级管理体制改革的认识与思考

11.Research on Managing System Reform of Colleges at the Departmental Level in China;中国高校二级学院管理体制改革研究

12.On Innovating Secondary College Management System in Modern Universities现代大学二级学院管理体制创新探析

13.On Secondary Educational Management System Construction of Vocational Art Colleges;高等艺术职业院校二级教学管理体制建设刍议

14.Probe into the Accounting Personnel Management System of University s Second-level Units;对高校二级单位会计人员管理体制的探讨

15.Study on Management System of Two-level School of Beijing Institute of Education;北京教育学院二级办学单位管理体制研究

16.Investigation of deepening reform of teaching management of university-academy深化高校校院二级教学管理体制改革的探讨

17.On the Construction of Operation Mechanism in the Faculty Dominated by Academic Power in Colleges and Universities探索建立以学术权力为主导的高校二级学院管理体制

18.Study of financial management system in state-owned subordinate college;国有民办二级学院财务管理机制初探


The second level administration system between university and department校院二级管理体制

3)secondary educational management system二级教学管理体制

1.It is necessary to strengthen and improvesecondary educational management system of departments to promote educational management system reform.推进教学管理体制改革,必须加强和完善院、系二级教学管理体制。

4)binary committee"二级委员会"管理体制

5)college and department two-level administration system校系(部)二级管理体制

6)secondary management system二级管理体系


