100字范文 > 学生思想 students ideology英语短句 例句大全

学生思想 students ideology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-13 20:24:18


学生思想 students ideology英语短句 例句大全

学生思想,students ideology

1)students ideology学生思想


1.Improving the Idealogical Work of New Students in Accordance with Idealogical Characteristics of New Students;针对新生思想特点做好学生思想工作

2.Investigation of students thinking is the foundation to do students ideological work well;思想调查是学生思想政治工作的基础

3.Confucianism Education and College Students" Ideological and Political Education大学生思想政治教育与儒家思想教育

4.Thought on the Construction of College Students Ideology & Polities Eduction;大学生思想政治教育学科建设的思考

5.A Ponder over Ideological and Political Education of Universities and Colleges;高等学校大学生思想政治教育的思考

6.Reflection on Ideological Cultivation of Collage Student under Credit System;对学分制下学生思想政治工作的思考

7.The Psychological Reflection on College Student sIdeological and Political Work;对大学生思想政治工作的心理学思考

8.About Students Ideological Work at Different Stages;针对学生不同阶段做好学生思想工作

9.Analysis of Present University Students Thoughts,Life and Study Conditions;目前大学生思想、生活、学习状况的分析

10.Putting Students first to Strengthen the Ideological and Political Work of College Students;以学生为本,加强大学生思想政治工作

11.Reflection on Moral Education among College Students;对新时代大学生思想政治工作的思考

12.Thought on Ideological and Political Education of Higher Vocational Students in New Period of Time;新时期高职学生思想政治教育的思考

13.About the Construction of Ideological and Moral Education System;构建大学生思想道德教育体系的思考

14.Investigation and Thinking about Politics Education Status of Undergraduate Students;高校大学生思想政治状况调查与思考

15.Reflections on Introducing Ideological Education to College Students Apartments;对大学生思想教育进公寓的几点思考

16.Ideological Education of University Students in Dormitory;关于高校学生思想工作进寝室的思考

17.She inspired the revolutionary ideology into her pupils.她用革命思想教育学生。

18.Strengthening the ideological education of biology to improving the ideological level of the students;加强生物思想教育 提高学生的思想水平


biological thoughts生物学思想

1.The paper gives a brief account of the great master of physics, Diels Bohr s contribution to the field of molecular biology and aims at revealing the connotation of hisbiological thoughts and their influence on the development of life science in the 21st century.就物理学大师尼耳斯·玻尔对早期分子生物学研究领域所作出的杰出贡献作出简要地论述,旨在揭示玻尔的生物学思想之丰富的内涵,论述了尼耳斯·玻尔生物学思想在21世纪生命科学发展中的启示意义。

3)college students thought大学生思想

1.As the chief nourishment of the mind for them,with its distinct meaning of entertainment and ideology significance,popular culture affects the presentcollege students thought,objectively brings new challenges to ideological and political education of colleges.我们应该全面分析大众文化消费对于大学生思想观念的不利影响,有针对性地改进高校思想政治工作,促进大学生健康成长。

4)ecology thought生态学思想

1.Talk about architectural createion form fromecology thought从生态学思想谈建筑创作形式

5)philosophical thoughts of biology生物学哲学思想

1.Based on a careful reading of Stent\"s relevant books, this paper has explained and evaluated Stent\"sphilosophical thoughts of biology and the end of the science.本文在认真研读斯坦特的相关著作的基础上,主要从生物学哲学思想和科学终结论思想这两个方面对他的科学思想进行了阐述并给予了相应的评价。

6)ecosystem medicine生态医学思想

1.Yellow Emperor s Canon of Internal Medicine(YECIM) was the classic literature about basic theory of TCM withecosystem medicine permeated.《黄帝内经》是中医药学基本理论重要的奠基经典著作 ,它所构建的中医学框架本质上是一种生态医学体系 ,生态医学思想是贯穿全书的主线 :1。


