100字范文 > 定子槽楔 stator wedge英语短句 例句大全

定子槽楔 stator wedge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-10 16:37:11


定子槽楔 stator wedge英语短句 例句大全

定子槽楔,stator wedge

1)stator wedge定子槽楔

1.The overhaul procedure of thestator wedge in pumped storage power station is introduced in this paper.本文详细介绍抽水蓄能机组定子槽楔的结构,大修中发现的径向压紧力下降、部分槽楔出现向下移位、波纹垫条老化等问题及大修的工艺,为抽水蓄能机组的定子槽楔大修进行了经验总结。

2.An on\|site test was performed through the acoustic detection system to detectstator wedge looseness in a generator.本文将声学技术应用于大电机定子槽楔松动的无损检测中,研制出一套数字化声学检测系统,对发电机定子槽楔的松紧状态进行现场实测。

3.In this paper,a physical model,thin plate resonator model,is proposed and analyzed based on the thin plate theory to investigate the acoustic signal response of the loosestator wedge to an impact.基于薄板理论 ,建立并分析了电动机定子槽楔松动后的物理模型 ,薄板声谐振子模型。


1.Study on acoustic detection of stator slot wedges in large generators大型发电机定子槽楔松动的声检测研究

2.Generator Stator Wedge Replacement and Analysis of Core Corona Corrosion Treatment发电机定子槽楔更换及铁芯电晕腐蚀处理浅析

3.The loosening and dropping out of slot wedges may damage insulation of rotor and stator to cause stator insulation breakthrough.槽楔松动脱落可能划伤转子绝缘和定子绝缘,造成定子线棒主绝缘击穿。

4.He wedged the door open.他用楔子固定使门开着。

5.Elasto-plastic Analysis of the Rotor and Wedges of 1000MW Supercritical Turbogenerator超临界1000MW汽轮发电机转子和槽楔的弹塑性分析

6.A wedge-shaped piece of material, such as wood, that is fastened onto something, such as a spar, to act as a support or prevent slippage.楔子,防滑木楔状物,如木楔子,为了支撑或防滑固定在某物上,如翼梁

7.The surface of inclined wedge pushes the triangle side of the waste and makes the plate move ahead, thus meeting the requirement of position setting and feeding the plate automatically.斜楔插板上的斜楔面推动废边的三角槽一侧,使板料向前运动,达到板料定位和自动送料的目的。

8.a screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw.有可以插入螺丝头的狭槽的楔形尖端的螺丝起子。

9.a wedge or pin inserted through a slot to hold two other pieces together.把两块东西连接起来的通过凹槽插入楔子和大头针。

10.The Simple Method to Deterine the Configuration of Chiral Molecule Showed by Cuneiform;确定楔形式手性分子构型的简易方法

11.A bolt, wedge, key, or pin inserted through a slot in order to hold parts together.制销;锁销用以使各部分连在一起的插在狭槽里的栓、楔子、钥匙或销子

12.To secure or make fast(a rope, for example) by winding on a cleat or pin.系住用(如绳子)系在楔或拴上以固定或弄牢

13.Study on Effect of Symmetry of Wedge-shaped Cutting Hole Angle on Cut Blasting楔形掏槽炮孔角度对称性对掏槽效果影响研究

14.Thin taper keys and their corresponding keywaysGB/T16922-1997薄型楔键及其键槽

15.Taper keys--Cross section dimensions of keys and keywaysGB/T1563-1979楔键键和键槽的剖面尺寸

16.A wedge or other braking device.楔子,垫石楔子或其他刹车装置

17.A wedge or key that fits into a groove to make a joint.加强肋作为连接物填入槽内的楔形物或舌状物

18.Preliminary Study on Forming Laws of Cuspidal Splitter Split-extruding Rectangular Slot尖头劈楔劈挤矩形槽成形规律初步研究


stator slot wedge定子槽楔

1.Study on acoustic detection ofstator slot wedges in large generators;大型发电机定子槽楔松动的声检测研究

2.After a long term running of large generator,thestator slot wedges would become loose under electromagnetism force as a result of the compositive effect of stator winding current and the magnetic field across through stator slot.大型发电机在长期的运行过程中,由于定子线圈的电流与定子槽内横向磁场的作用使得槽部线棒承受相当大的电磁力,定子槽楔长期在机械应力作用下会发生松动现象。

3)rotor wedge转子槽楔

1.Optimization of numerical simulation forrotor wedge of 600MW turbogenerator with gap-pickup ventilation system was investigated with CFD software.针对600MW气隙取气氢内冷汽轮发电机,对其转子槽楔的通风性能进行了CFD数值模拟优化研究,获得了结构参数和结构型式对转子槽楔取风性能的影响规律,为汽轮发电机转子槽楔的优化设计提供了可靠的依据。

4)fasten with a wedge用楔子固定

5)slot wedge槽楔

1.The analysis on heat treatment managementand properties ofslot wedge in the generator rotor;发电机转子上槽楔的热处理组织和性能分析

2.For improveing die design efficiency and quality likeslot wedge in micro motor,reducing the labor input,it needs to develop the CAD of die forslot wedge.为了提高微电机槽楔这类零件模具的设计效率和质量,降低设计人员的劳动强度,需要开发相应的模具CAD系统。

3.Only changing the nonmagneticslot wedge,was the pole arc width of one pole changed in this method,and the interval between two adjacent poles was the same.为了研究实心转子永磁同步电动机的削弱措施,结合永磁电机永磁体极弧系数和永磁体不对称放置的方法,提出了一种仅改变实心转子非磁性槽楔的齿槽转矩削弱方法。

6)stator teeth notching定子开槽


