100字范文 > 女性青少年 female teenager英语短句 例句大全

女性青少年 female teenager英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-10 21:13:12


女性青少年 female teenager英语短句 例句大全

女性青少年,female teenager

1)female teenager女性青少年

1.Objective To establish mathematical models which are used to assess bone age of living subjects in Chinese Hanfemale teenagers.目的建立推断中国汉族女性青少年活体骨龄的数学模型。


1.Forensic Age Estimation in Chinese Han Female Living Teenagers with Limb Joint Radiographs;中国汉族女性青少年骨关节X线法医学活体年龄推断

2.Investigation of the Primary Dysmenorrhea of the Juvenile Female in the City of Tai Pei;台北市女性青少年原发性痛经发病因素与证候研究

3.Relationships between cervical vertebral bone age and dental calcification stages among female adolescents应用颈椎影像评价女性青少年颈椎骨龄与牙龄的相关关系

4.Mathematical Models of Forensic Bone Age Assessment of Living Subjects in Chinese Han Female Teenagers;中国汉族女性青少年法医学活体骨龄推断数学模型的建立

5.A Study of Teacher Support,Sport Motivation and Sport Achievement among Female Adolescents in Sports教师支持对女性青少年运动动机和运动成就的影响探究

6.Conclusion: Boys are more likely to get addicted to computer games than girls.结论:在青少年中,男性比女性更易电脑游戏成瘾;

7.Living environment of female juveniles in view of gender;从性别角度看当今青少年女性的生活环境

8.Thousands of teenage girls in Beijing have abortions each year, according to teenage sex clinics.据青少年性生理门诊介绍,北京每年有数千名少女堕胎。

9.Dynamic Analysis on Force Distribution of Foot during Walking for Young Female Wearing Different Kind of Shoes;青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时足底压力分布研究

10.Study on Young-adult Female Consumer in Shanghai and Apparel Brand Merchandising;上海青少年女性消费者研究及服装品牌企划

11.Kinematic Research on Young Girls Gaits in Different Kinds of Shoes;青少年女性穿不同鞋行走时步态的动力学研究

12.A cultural analysis of the new deviated sexual behavior for Korean female teens;韩国女青少年新型性偏差行为的文化分析

13.an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl.专门演朴实天真年青少女的女演员。

14.Thromboangiitis obliterans occur in the20-40- year-old young men and women rarely incidence.血栓闭塞性脉管炎好发于20~0岁的青壮年男性,女性很少发病。

15.Qualitative Study on Sex Education Methods Suitable for Unmarried Adolescent Girls适合未婚女青少年性教育方式与途径的定性研究

16.Intervention on HIV/STDs Risk Behavior Via Social Network among Migrant Female Adolescent in Hefei合肥市女性流动青少年性病艾滋病高危行为社会网络干预研究

17.Identity:Youth and Crisis《同一性:青少年与危机》

18.Influence of reducing fat on leptin and cholesterol in adolescent girl students试验减肥对单纯性肥胖青少年女学生血瘦素和胆固醇的影响


adolescent and young adult women青少年女性

1.Impact of HPV infection onadolescent and young adult women;人乳头瘤病毒感染对青少年女性的影响

3)female teens女青少年

1.A cultural analysis of the new deviated sexual behavior for Koreanfemale teens;韩国女青少年新型性偏差行为的文化分析

4)teen-age women volleyball青少年女排

5)teenage girls青少年女子

1.Relations between the knee joint flexor and extensor strength and the age ofteenage girls青少年女子膝关节屈伸肌力与年龄的关系

6)teenage women football青少年女足

1.Through the field study,it analyses and finds out the actualities of theteenage women football teams of our country.采用问卷调查法、访问调查等方法,对1月—2月在广西南宁冬训的16支球队的345名运动员45名教练员做为研究对象,通过实地调查研究,了解和分析我国青少年女子足球队的现状,并探讨我国青少年女足队伍存在的问题。


