100字范文 > 爆米花效应 popcorn cracking英语短句 例句大全

爆米花效应 popcorn cracking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 02:36:44


爆米花效应 popcorn cracking英语短句 例句大全

爆米花效应,"popcorn" cracking

1)"popcorn" cracking爆米花效应

2)puffed rice爆米花


1.he ate a large bag of popcorn.他吃了一满口袋爆米花。

2.the popcorn is popping,旁边是爆米花爆裂的声音,

3.I"d like a medium popcorn and large Coke.我要一个中号爆米花和一个大杯可乐。

4.They said the Iroquois used popcorn to make a liquid food, or soup.他们说易活魁人用爆米花做流食或汤。

5.I but a cup of coke and some popcorn.我买一杯可口可乐和一爆米花。

6.We ate popcorn and drank soda and talked a lot.我们吃爆米花,喝汽水,还谈了许多。

7.Don" t be a pig -- let us have some of the popcorn.别像猪那样贪吃――让我们吃点爆米花吧。

8.I like to eat popcorn when I am watching TV play at home.当我在家观看电视剧时, 喜欢吃爆米花。

9.Today, the United States produces almost all of the world"s popcorn.今天,美国几乎生产了世界上全部的爆米花玉米。

10.Biscuits, crackers and popcorn are the biggest carriers.其中,饼干、克力架和爆米花转化油的含量最高。

11."I had the popcorn and was getting ready to watch Mike Tyson.当时我正捧着爆米花,准备看泰森的比赛。

12.Large and small businesses sold popcorn wherever crowds gathered.大大小小的商家在人群聚集的地方卖爆米花。

13.popcorn combined with a thick sugar or molasses or caramel syrup and formed into balls.爆米花和稠糖或糖蜜、焦糖糖浆混合,抟成球。

14.In the United States, popcorn became very popular during the first part of the twentieth century.在美国爆米花在20世纪上半叶广泛流行。

15.He said that he loved popcorn so much, every time the popcorn was done he would open the bags and inhale the fragrance.他说他是如此的喜欢爆米花,每次暴米花炸完他都会打开袋子吸入香气。

16.Early explorers to the Americans were the first Europeans to see popcorn.早期来美洲的探险者是第一批见到爆米花的欧洲人。

17.Happiness is having enough money for the movie, popcorn and a chocolate bar.快乐是身上的钱够买电影票,爆米花和一块巧克力糖。

18.The edible, popped kernels of this variety of corn.爆玉米花上述玉米种子爆制而成的可食物


puffed rice爆米花

3)corn popper爆米花机

4)pop corn爆玉米花


6)Popcorn Polymerization爆米花聚合

1.Synthesis of EVP and Its Application inPopcorn Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone;EVP的合成及其在乙烯基吡咯烷酮爆米花聚合中的应用

2.PVPP, the popcorn polymer of N-vmylpyrrolidone (NVP), was synthesized via two approaches: one is the popcorn polymerization with the in-situ-formed 1 -vinyl-3-ethylidene pyrrolidone (EVP) as a cross-linker; the other is with the external-added EVP, which was synthesized separately.本文用两种方法合成得到了N—乙烯基吡咯烷酮(NVP)的爆米花聚合物PVPP:一种是原位生成交联剂的爆米花聚合;另一种方法先合成交联剂1—乙烯基—3—亚乙基吡咯烷酮(EVP),然后将其添加到反应体系中,进行爆米花聚合。


