100字范文 > 磨削表面温度 grinding surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

磨削表面温度 grinding surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-01 10:58:29


磨削表面温度 grinding surface temperature英语短句 例句大全

磨削表面温度,grinding surface temperature

1)grinding surface temperature磨削表面温度


1.Study on the Grinding Surface Temperature of Ultrasonic Vibration Aided Face Grinding超声振动辅助端面磨削表面温度场研究

2.Research on Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Temperature Field in Surface Grinding平面磨削温度场三维数值仿真的研究

3.Detection of Ground Surface Roughness Based on Computer Vision;基于机器视觉的磨削表面粗糙度检测

4.Effect of Grinding Induced Damage on Bending Strength of RBSiC磨削表面损伤对RBSiC弯曲强度的影响

5.Experimental Study of Surface Grinding Temperature Field by Cup Wheel Based on Computer Simulation;杯形砂轮平面磨削温度场的实验研究及其仿真

6.Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Temperature Field in Surface Grinding平面磨削温度场三维数值模拟及其试验研究

7.Effect on bonding strength of sanding surface roughness of wood and bamboo磨削木竹材表面粗糙度对胶合强度的影响

8.The shape precision of grinding wheel affects the surface finish of work piece directly.砂轮的形状精度直接影响着工件磨削表面质量。

9.Research of Grinding Surface Roughness Based on Artificial Neural Networks;基于神经网络的成形磨削表面粗糙度研究

10.Research of On-line Measurement of Surface Roughness during Cylindrical Grinding Process;外圆纵向磨削表面粗糙度的在线测量研究

11.Experiment Study on the Surface Roughness of Vita Mark II in Dental Finishing;Vita Mark II齿科陶瓷磨削表面粗糙度的试验研究

12.The Prediction Model and Experiment Research of Ceramics Surface Roughness陶瓷磨削表面粗糙度预测模型与实验研究

13.Research on Surface Roughness for Multi-axis NC Grinding of Spiral Bevel Gear多轴数控磨削螺旋锥齿轮的表面粗糙度研究

14.Effect of several factors on quick-point grinding surface roughness几种因素对快速点磨削表面粗糙度的影响

15.Research on the Model of Surface Damage Depth in Engineering Ceramics Grinding工程陶瓷磨削表面裂纹损伤深度模型研究

16.Micro-analysis of Surface Irregularity of Nano Ceramics under Two Dimensional Ultrasonic Grinding二维超声磨削纳米陶瓷表面微观不平度分析

17.On-line monitor surface roughness of engineering ceramic in high speed deep grinding高速深切磨削陶瓷工件表面粗糙度的在线监测

18.Research on Surface Roughness for Multi-Axis NC Grinding of Bevel Gearr螺旋锥齿轮数控磨削表面粗糙度的建模与分析


surface grinding temperature表面磨削温度

1.Thesurface grinding temperature of the silicon wafer ground by diamond wheels is studied.研究金刚石砂轮磨削单晶硅片时的表面磨削温度 。

3)surface roughness of grinding磨削表面粗糙度

1.Cutting force, grinding force andsurface roughness of grinding are the most important parameters to scale machine progress, thus precision methods for them is needed in engineering.切削力、磨削力和磨削表面粗糙度是表征切削加工和磨削加工的最重要特征量,对它们进行预测分析和过程控制具有十分重要的意义。

4)grinding surface磨削表面

1.Through experiment, analyzed the effect of hard alloygrinding surface granulation degree to mechanics performance of meterials.通过实验分析了硬质合金磨削表面粗糙度对材料力学性能的影响。

5)grinding temperature磨削温度

1.Experimental study ongrinding temperature of porous metal bonded diamond grinding wheels;金属结合剂金刚石多孔砂轮磨削温度的实验研究

2.Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on Grinding Temperature of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites;碳纤维复合材料磨削温度理论分析与试验研究

6)finished surface temperature铣削表面温度


表面温度测量表面温度测量surface temperature measurementbia以1,ian功旧ndu celiang表面温度测t(s urface temperatu二~uI’e-~t)指固体表面温度测量、两固相界面温度测量和液体表面温度测量等。广泛应用于冶金、石油化工、机械加工、生物医疗工程、航空航天等领域。主要特点是受传热面边界条件影响大,误差主要来源于测温元件供散热不平衡和接触热阻。另外,在辐射测温时,非黑体辐射的影响和气体吸收的影响也会给测量带来误差。表面温度测量可分为表面接触测量和非接触测量。表面接触测量中,被测物体表面和温度计相接触,由于破坏了表面温场,引人接触热阻,故误差相对较大。主要分为便携式表面温度计和固定式表面温度计,热敏元件常用热偶式或热阻式。非接触测量由于温度计和被测物体表面不接触,不改变物体表面温场,所以测量精度较高,而且可以测量运动物体的表面温度。主要分为辐射测温法、光纤测温法、电涡流测温法和感应测温法。(王磊)
