100字范文 > 刀具磨损值 the value of cutting-tool wear英语短句 例句大全

刀具磨损值 the value of cutting-tool wear英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-07 18:50:46


刀具磨损值 the value of cutting-tool wear英语短句 例句大全

刀具磨损值,the value of cutting-tool wear

1)the value of cutting-tool wear刀具磨损值

1.We may set up finish machining procedure and modifythe value of cutting-tool wear during the course of finish mahchining in numerical control loop, aiming at central China NC system, FANUC NC system and Siemens NC system.通过在华中数控、FANUC数控和西门子数控循环中设置精加工程序,在精加工中修改刀具磨损值,从而保证首件试切零件或单件重要零件的加工精度。

2)tool wear刀具磨损

1.Experimental Investigation on Tool Wear in Green Cutting Difficult-cut-materials;难加工材料绿色切削刀具磨损试验研究

2.Study on Tool Wear and Cutting Force of Cemented Carbides in Milling Ti6Al4V;硬质合金刀具铣削Ti6Al4V时刀具磨损及切削力研究

3.3D feature extract method fortool wear based on grating projection;基于光栅投影技术的刀具磨损三维特征提取方法


1.Study on the Method and Countermeasure of Redressing after Cutting Tool Wear;刀具磨损后重新刃磨方法和对策研究

2.Monitoring and Analysis of the Tool Wear and Break in Dry Machining Process干切削过程刀具磨损、破损监测与分析

3.Identification of Cutter Wear in Variable Cutting Parameters Milling;变切削参数铣削加工中刀具磨损辨识

4.A study of the methods of controlling tool wear life prediction in FMS;FMS环境下刀具磨损寿命预测研究

5.Study on the Tool Wear Mechanism and Tool Life for High-Speed Milling Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V高速铣削钛合金Ti6Al4V的刀具磨损研究

6.The Analysis and Research of Cutter Wear and Its Layout for Shield Machine盾构机刀具磨损与布局问题分析研究

7.Tool-wear Monitoring Based on LPCC of Cutting Sound基于切削声LPCC的刀具磨损监测

8.General of Data Processing Method for CNC Tool Wear Monitoring数控机床刀具磨损监测数据处理方法

9.Slurry shield cutter wear analysis of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel南京长江隧道泥水盾构刀具磨损分析

10.The Analysis of Abrasion Cutter Head of Large Diameter TBM in Complex Ground复合地层大直径盾构刀盘刀具磨损分析

11.Study of Characteristics of Tool Wear and Adaptability of Tool in Electric Hot Machining;导电加热切削刀具磨损特性及刀具适应性的研究

12.AE measurement technique and the detection analysis for wood cutting tool wear浅谈声发射的小波分析与木工刀具磨损检测

13.Study on the Wear-behavior of Woodworking Tools for to Optimize Machining Wood;木工刀具磨损特性与木材切削加工优化的研究

14.The Investigation of Intelligent Tool Wear Monitoring Techniques for Metal Cutting Process;切削加工过程中刀具磨损的智能监测技术研究

15.Research on Cutter Wear State Recognition Base on Milling Force Signal;基于铣削力信号的刀具磨损状态识别研究

16.A cutting tool is wear-resistant if it resists abrasion at the cutting edge and along the tool face. Wear resistance improves as cutting tool hardness increases.如果切削刀具的刃口和刀面耐磨,刀具就不易磨损。切削刀具的硬度越高,耐磨性就越好。

17.Friction and Wear Behaviors of ZrN Coated Tool Materials;ZrN涂层刀具材料摩擦磨损特性的研究

18.Analysis on Dynamic Abrasion of Earth Pressure Balance Shield Cutters;土压平衡盾构掘进刀具动态磨损研究


tool wear刀具磨损

1.Experimental Investigation on Tool Wear in Green Cutting Difficult-cut-materials;难加工材料绿色切削刀具磨损试验研究

2.Study on Tool Wear and Cutting Force of Cemented Carbides in Milling Ti6Al4V;硬质合金刀具铣削Ti6Al4V时刀具磨损及切削力研究

3.3D feature extract method fortool wear based on grating projection;基于光栅投影技术的刀具磨损三维特征提取方法

3)tools wear刀具磨损

1.Influence of technological parameters ontools wear in turning fluorophlogopite;氟金云母陶瓷车削参数对刀具磨损的影响

2.Research on On-line Monitoring System for Tools Wear;刀具磨损在线监控系统研究

3.A method combined with image manipulation is contrived to detect the project of wear, which aim at the shortage of inspection of conventionaltools wear.针对传统刀具磨损检测的缺点,设计了一套结合图像处理的方法来检测磨损的方案。

4)cutter wear刀具磨损

1.In order to decrease the cutter consume and the time loss of machine standing, to enhance the utilization of TBM, the abnormalcutter wear of TBM needs to be recognized in time.TBM刀具磨损的预测和异常磨损识别方法的确定,对于保障TBM的安全掘进以及提高其利用率和经济性具有重要意义。

2.Based on the characteristic analysis of acoustic emission(AE)signals and the advantages of wavelet packets decomposition theory in the nonsteady signal feature extraction,a method to judge thecutter wear state by means of the energy variable of AE signals is proposed.基于对声发射(AE)信号特点的分析和小波包分解理论对不平稳信号特征提取的优势,提出一种利用AE信号的能量变化来监测刀具磨损状态的方法。

5)cutting tool wear刀具磨损

1.Based on fractal dimension, the relationship between the cutting velocity and the fractal structure ofcutting tool wear has been built.提出了基于分形理论的刀具磨损研究新方法,从理论、实验、计算3个方面讨论了刀具主后刀面磨损的分形特征与分形结构,以分形维数作为特征量,在物理意义层次上初步揭示了切削速度与刀具磨损分形结构之间的映射关系。

2.To predict the error resulting fromcutting tool wear by means of an established error model is a key technique in virtual manufacturing.将刀具磨损引起的误差通过建立的误差模型进行预测,是虚拟制造中的一项关键技术。

3.Theoretical analysis on the methods of how to select the suitable wavelet basis forcutting tool wear acoustic emission(AE) signal processing in wavelet transform through researching on properties of wavelet basis andcutting tool wear AE signal features.通过对小波基性质和刀具磨损声发射(AE)信号特点的研究,从理论上分析了小波变换中刀具磨损AE信号处理中小波基选取的方法。

6)PCBN tool wearPCBN刀具磨损


刀具:锥齿轮加工刀具 专用於切削各种锥齿轮齿形的齿轮加工刀具。锥齿轮加工刀具按被切齿轮的种类可分为直齿锥齿轮刀具﹑弧齿锥齿轮刀具和延长外摆线锥齿轮刀具3类。 直齿锥齿轮刀具 主要有成对刨刀﹑成对铣刀盘﹑拉-铣刀盘和锥齿轮定装滚刀等(图1 直齿锥齿轮刀具 )。 成对刨刀 常用於加工模数为 0.3~20毫米的直齿锥齿轮。刨刀的齿形角等於被切齿轮的公称压力角﹐刀体上有前角﹐但无后角(见刀具)。工作后角是靠刨刀斜装於刀座而获得。加工时﹐两把刨刀分布在相邻齿槽内加工一个轮齿的两侧面。 成对铣刀盘 工作原理与成对刨刀基本相同(见齿轮加工)﹔但刀盘直径大(150~600毫米)﹑齿数多﹐生產率较刨齿高2~4倍。在加工齿轮时﹐齿数相等的两把铣刀盘在同一齿槽内分别切出左右侧面的齿形。但刀齿互相错开﹐一把铣刀盘的刀齿斜插在另一铣刀盘的两齿间。刀盘的直线切削刃分布在一个3°30左右的凹锥面上﹐因此能方便地切出鼓形齿﹐有利於嚙合。 拉-铣刀盘 用於加工模数为6毫米以下的直齿锥齿轮﹐刀盘直径为400~600毫米。刀体上装有15~17个扇形刀块﹐每块上有4~5个刀齿。粗切刀齿的顶刃逐渐昇高﹐齿昇量约为0.1毫米﹐它们逐渐地切入齿轮的齿槽直到全部深度﹐粗切刀齿部分最后7个刀齿的顶刃没有齿昇量﹐只用於修整齿槽的两侧面和槽底。粗切刀齿一般有18~20个﹐顶刃没有齿昇量。在精切刀齿前的缺口内﹐可安装一把成形刀﹐对齿顶进行倒角。拉-铣刀盘的切削是拉削和铣削的复合过程﹐是粗﹑精加工的混合过程。工作时刀盘一面旋转﹐同时作左﹑右往復移动。刀盘转一转可切好一个齿槽﹐生產率很高。拉-铣刀盘的刀齿均製成半径相等﹑但圆心位置不同的圆弧。刀齿是铲背的﹐用钝后刃磨前面。 锥齿轮定装滚刀 用於在具有专门附件的滚齿机上加工小模数等高齿直齿锥齿轮﹐一般有两个刀齿﹐相隔180°。它们在按一定的速比转动时﹐在两个不同的位置上分别切出齿槽的两侧。 弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘 又称格利森 (Gleason)铣刀盘﹐用於加工模数为 0.5~15毫米的弧齿锥齿轮。常用的刀盘公称直径为12.7~457.2毫米(1/2~18英寸)﹐共有10个规格。12.7~50.8毫米(1/2~2英寸)的铣刀盘製成整体式﹐直径较大的製成镶齿式(图2 弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘 )。铣刀盘可分为粗切刀盘和精切刀盘两类。粗切刀盘有双面(装有内切和外切两组刀齿)和三面(装有内切﹑外切和顶切三组刀齿)两种。精切刀盘有单面(仅有内切或外切中的一种刀齿)和双面两种。粗切刀盘要求刀齿多﹑刚性好﹐刀盘背后有支承环承受刀齿的切削力﹔精切刀盘要求精度高﹐有垫片和斜楔﹐可精确调整刀齿的径向位置。各种刀盘上的刀齿切削刃都是直线形﹐有一定的齿形角﹐刀齿须按计算的刀号选用﹐以得到正确的配对齿形﹐并採用铲背式﹐使刀齿重磨后的径向位置和齿形角保持不变。随著高效铣齿机的发展﹐出现了几种新型铣刀盘﹐如粗切用高刚性铣刀盘﹑楔装式铣刀盘﹐此外还有在半滚切法中加工大轮时採用的圆柱刀刀盘和螺旋成形法刀盘等。
