100字范文 > 扩展互作用谐振腔 Extended interaction oscillator英语短句 例句大全

扩展互作用谐振腔 Extended interaction oscillator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-01 06:15:38


扩展互作用谐振腔 Extended interaction oscillator英语短句 例句大全

扩展互作用谐振腔,Extended interaction oscillator

1)Extended interaction oscillator扩展互作用谐振腔

1.Research on 0.1THz Extended Interaction Oscillator0.1THz扩展互作用谐振腔的研究

2.Extended Interaction Oscillator (EIO) is millimeter-wave radiation source which can produce high-power and high efficiency in the millimeter-wave band.扩展互作用谐振腔是一种能够在毫米波段获得高功率、高效率的新型毫米波辐射源,因其在高功率毫米波雷达、电子对抗、定向能武器、材料处理和放大器等领域的重要应用前景,在国际上受到了特别的重视。


1.Research on 0.1THz Extended Interaction Oscillator0.1THz扩展互作用谐振腔的研究

2.High Power and Repetitively Pulsed Operation of a Relativistic Extended Interaction Cavity Oscillator相对论扩展互作用腔振荡器重复频率稳定运行研究

3.Generation of GHZ State with a Single-mode Cavity and Atoms利用单模腔和原子的共振相互作用制备GHZ态

4.The Design and Application of Helix Resonator;螺旋振子谐振腔滤波器的设计与应用

5.The Research on Vibrational Control of Tuned Mass Damper Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects考虑动力相互作用影响的调谐减振控制研究

6.Application Study on Fourier"s Expansion-Differential Method (FEDM) in Waveguide and Resonance Cavity Problems;傅立叶展开—差分法在波导与谐振腔问题中的应用研究

7.sound resonant cavity伴音谐振腔(电视)

8.Design and Facture of X-Band Resonator for Wetness Measurement in Steam;用于蒸汽湿度测量的X波段微波谐振腔设计与制作

9.Preparation of the Pure Fock States via Single-Mode Cavity Field Resonant Interaction with Two-level Atom;利用二能级原子与单模腔场的共振相互作用制备纯Fock态

10.Numerical Simulations for the Operation Process of the Self-Suck Resonate PDE自吸气共振型PDE谐振腔内工作过程数值模拟

11.The Application of MATLAB in Optical Resonators Designing;MATLAB在光学谐振腔设计中的应用

12.Experimental generation of bright green light in amplitude_squeezed state via extracavity frequency doubler用外腔谐振倍频产生明亮绿光振幅压缩态光场

13.Task Force on Expansion of Internet Services互联网服务扩展工作队

14.Extensible Self-existing Distributed Application Interoperation and Integration Model;可扩展的独立分布式应用互操作与集成模型

15.Nonlinear Analysis of Pile-Soil Interaction in Lateral Spreading of Liquefied Ground;土液化横向扩展中的桩土相互作用分析

16.Laser modes calculation with plan wave expansion method激光谐振腔模场分布的平面波展开法计算

17.Hyperharmonic Resonance of a Van Der Pol-Duffing System Under the Harmonic Force;在简谐力作用下vanderPol-Duffing系统的超谐共振

18.Resonance Cavity Perturbation Method for Measuring Dielectric Constant and Application of Matlab;谐振腔微扰法测量介电常数及Matlab在其中的应用


extended interaction cavity扩展互作用腔

3)extended interaction resonator分布互作用谐振腔

4)Three-cell extended interaction cavity三间隙扩展互作用腔

5)extended interaction oscillator (EIO)扩展互作用振荡器

1.One kind of THz radiation source, extended interaction oscillator (EIO), is presented in this dissertation.本论文研究了一种太赫兹波扩展互作用振荡器(EIO)辐射源,进行了详细地理论研究和模拟研究以及实验研究,取得了令人满意的结果。

6)Extended Interaction扩展互作用


