100字范文 > 输出耦合段 section of coupling output英语短句 例句大全

输出耦合段 section of coupling output英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 06:04:11


输出耦合段 section of coupling output英语短句 例句大全

输出耦合段,section of coupling output

1)section of coupling output输出耦合段

2)output coupling输出耦合

1.The influences of the disturbance of the parameters,such as L,R 1,R 2 ,on theoutput coupling and on the far field intensity of positive branch unstable confocal resonator are studied.分析了共焦非稳谐振腔几何参数L,R1,R2的微小变化对输出耦合系数和远场强度的影响,并结合本校研制的HDI型激光器的具体结构,得出一些有意义的结论。


1.input/output coupling of optical waveguide光波导输入-输出耦合

2.Method for Extracting Input-output Coupling Coefficient of Cross-coupled Microwave Filter交叉耦合微波滤波器输入/输出耦合系数抽取方法

3.Input and Output Coupling Properties of Two Deimensional Photonic Crystal Waveguides二维光子晶体波导的输入输出耦合特性研究

4.Research on Higher Order Transverse Magnetic Mode of Microwave Cylindrical Coaxial Cavity and Its Out-coupling微波圆柱和同轴腔高阶横磁模式及其输出耦合

5.For low plate resistances, the power supply ripple is coupled to the output.对于低屏阻胆,电源涟波会耦合到输出。

6.In the parafeed circuit, the power supply ripple forms a voltage divider across the choke, and is not coupled to the output.在旁馈耦合中,电源涟波被扼流圈分压,而不再耦合进输出。

7.Research on Couple and Output Characteristics of Couple-Cavity Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser;耦合垂直腔面发射激光器的耦合及输出特性研究

8.Investigation of Influence of Coupling Capacitor on the Impulse Current of Combination Waveform Generator电容耦合对组合波输出波形特性的影响

9.Research on Three-mode Overlapped Two-gap Coupled Cavity Type Output Circuit;三模重叠双间隙耦合腔型输出回路的研究

10.the gain,loss and coupling output coefficient analysis of homogeneous broadening lasers均匀加宽激光器增益、损耗及耦合输出率分析

11.Output Circuit of π-TM_(610) Mode Double-Gap Coaxial Cavity Coupled with Coaxial Lineπ-TM_(610)模同轴双间隙腔耦合同轴线输出电路

12.An energy-output-ratio adjustable coupling power splitter for photonic crystal waveguides一种可调能量输出比光子晶体波导耦合分束器

13.Effect of spherical aberration on coupling efficiency of a fiber-output laser透镜球差对光纤输出激光器耦合效率的影响

14.transmission-reflection hybrid coupler传输-反射混合式耦合器

15.A component consisting of two coupled coils in which the output voltage is less than the input voltage.一种由两个耦合线圈组成的装置,其输出电压低于输入电压。

16.The synthesis of the cross coupled filter is from prescribed transmission zeros and return loss till the attainment of the coupling matrix of each cavity.交叉耦合滤波器的综合从给定的传输零点和回波损耗出发,直到得到各腔体之间的耦合系数。

17.Influence of Coupling Mode on Output Characteristics of Combination Wave Generator of Surge Protective Device耦合方式对浪涌保护器组合波输出波形特性影响的研究

18.The coupling capacitors can couple a control signal to the corresponding internal terminal, i.e., the output terminal of the differential circuit.耦合电容可以耦合控制个至对应的内部端点上,亦即差动电路部份的输出端上。


output coupling输出耦合

1.The influences of the disturbance of the parameters,such as L,R 1,R 2 ,on theoutput coupling and on the far field intensity of positive branch unstable confocal resonator are studied.分析了共焦非稳谐振腔几何参数L,R1,R2的微小变化对输出耦合系数和远场强度的影响,并结合本校研制的HDI型激光器的具体结构,得出一些有意义的结论。


4)Output coupling mirror输出耦合镜

5)hole coupling resonator孔耦合输出

6)output coupler输出耦合器


输出1.从内部送到外部。 2.商品或资本从某一国销售或投放到国外。 3.科学技术上指能量﹑信号等从某种机构或装置发出。
